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UN Secretary General: 77 Journalists Killed For Attempting To Expose

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  • UN Secretary General: 77 Journalists Killed For Attempting To Expose


    UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has issued a message on World Press
    Freedom Day:

    "Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right, enshrined in
    Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But around
    the world, there are governments and those wielding power who find
    many ways to obstruct it.

    They impose high taxes on newsprint, making newspapers so expensive
    that people can't afford to buy them. Independent radio and TV stations
    are forced off the air if they criticize Government policy.

    The censors are also active in cyberspace, restricting the use of
    the Internet and new media.

    Some journalists risk intimidation, detention and even their lives,
    simply for exercising their right to seek, receive and impart
    information and ideas, through any media, and regardless of frontiers.

    Last year, UNESCO condemned the killing of 77 journalists. These were
    not high-profile war correspondents, killed in the heat of battle.

    Most of them worked for small, local publications in peacetime. They
    were killed for attempting to expose wrongdoing or corruption.

    I condemn these murders and insist that the perpetrators are brought
    to justice. All Governments have a duty to protect those who work in
    the media. This protection must include investigating and prosecuting
    those who commit crimes against journalists.

    Impunity gives the green light to criminals and murderers, and
    empowers those who have something to hide. Over the long term, it
    has a corrosive and corrupting effect on society as a whole.

    This year's theme is Freedom of Information: the right to know. I
    welcome the global trend towards new laws which recognize the universal
    right to publicly held information.

    Unfortunately, these new laws do not always translate into action.

    Requests for official information are often refused, or delayed,
    sometimes for years. At times, poor information management is to
    blame. But all too often, this happens because of a culture of secrecy
    and a lack of accountability.

    We must work to change attitudes and to raise awareness. People have
    a right to information that affects their lives, and states have a
    duty to provide this information. Such transparency is essential to
    good government.

    The United Nations stands with persecuted journalists and media
    professionals everywhere. Today, as every day, I call on Governments,
    civil society and people around the world to recognize the important
    work of the media, and to stand up for freedom of information,"
    the message reads, according to UN Yerevan office.