May 3, 2010 - 17:05 AMT 12:05 GMT
ArmRobotics open championship will be held in Yerevan on May 28.
As ArmRobotics manager Mariam Nahapetyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net
reporter, Minesweeper Robot contest will host 15 youth teams with
Armenian and Iran's Armenian Diaspora representatives as participants.
As she noted, competition theme was offered by HALO Trust,
non-political, non-religious registered British charity and American
non-profit organization whose purpose is to remove the debris left
behind by war, in particular, landmines and unexploded ordnance.
The goal of Minesweeper Robot is to send minefield map to the server
though WiFi, radio transmitters or flash carriers, upon discovering
mines in the assigned area.
1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will be awarded AMD 250, 150, 100
thousand respectively.
UITE's Arm Robotics championship was first held in Armenia in 2008.
May 3, 2010 - 17:05 AMT 12:05 GMT
ArmRobotics open championship will be held in Yerevan on May 28.
As ArmRobotics manager Mariam Nahapetyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net
reporter, Minesweeper Robot contest will host 15 youth teams with
Armenian and Iran's Armenian Diaspora representatives as participants.
As she noted, competition theme was offered by HALO Trust,
non-political, non-religious registered British charity and American
non-profit organization whose purpose is to remove the debris left
behind by war, in particular, landmines and unexploded ordnance.
The goal of Minesweeper Robot is to send minefield map to the server
though WiFi, radio transmitters or flash carriers, upon discovering
mines in the assigned area.
1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will be awarded AMD 250, 150, 100
thousand respectively.
UITE's Arm Robotics championship was first held in Armenia in 2008.