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LETTER To Cumberland Times-News , MD

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  • LETTER To Cumberland Times-News , MD


    Cumberland Times-News
    May 3 2010

    America near to breaking record for genocides Cumberland Times-News

    The purpose of this email is to encourage. Never give up the fight.

    The fight for the right to life. We have another chance to plead the
    case to the court of public opinion.

    President Obama is soon to nominate a new Supreme Court Justice. The
    confirmation process is an opportunity to bring a magnifying glass
    to the problem at hand ... murder, mass murder.

    It is estimated that there have been over 50 million abortions in
    American since Roe vs. Wade. That number is increasing by about 1.5
    million abortions each year.

    It seems by nature that we are competitive in the United States. Well
    we are about to break a record if we have not already done so. That
    is, a record for atrocities.

    Let's look at the data. Adolph Hitler is history's whipping boy. The
    horrible genocide of Hitler is always used as an example of evil. I
    do not know if the reported 6 million lives taken are accurate or not.

    I know that it was not only Jews, but some Christians were included
    in Hitler's "Final Solution."

    It does not matter whether it was 6 million or 4 million or even 2
    million people killed, it was an evil, malignant program.

    But Adolph Hitler was not the only genocidal maniac. It is reported
    that when Hitler was discussing this genocide, some of his officers
    pointed out the obvious negative image it would give to Germany.

    Hitler is said to have replied, "Who remembers the Armenians?" Indeed,
    beginning in 1915 the Ottoman Turks systematically killed well over
    1 million Armenians. To this day, the Turkish government denies the
    events of that period of time.

    Of course, Stalin makes Hitler look like an amateur. Stalin was
    responsible for the deaths of 40 million Ukrainians in the 1930s.

    Mao, the over-achiever, surpassed Stalin by causing the deaths of an
    estimated 50 million Chinese citizens.

    The 20th Century was a time of great evil. The lives of millions upon
    millions of people were taken, frequently by their own government. But
    we in America can be proud, because the United States is seeking to
    break the record, via abortions.

    If the United States has not surpassed Chairman Mao, we will do
    so shortly. When Cain killed Abel, the Lord said to Cain, "Your
    brother's blood cries out to me from the ground." (Genesis 4:10) If
    the blood of one man cries out to the Lord, how much more the blood
    of 50 million innocents?

    The Lord cannot continue to bless America. His righteousness will not
    allow Him to do so. Pray for America. There will be a Christian Day
    of Prayer in Washington, D.C., on May 6.

    If you cannot be there in person, be there in the Spirit. Pray for
    America. God is gracious. May America repent of the atrocity of
    abortion. May God forgive us.