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Lebanese General Security Pulls Eileen Khatchadourian's Zartir Vorty

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  • Lebanese General Security Pulls Eileen Khatchadourian's Zartir Vorty


    Friday, April 30th, 2010

    Genocide Commemoration Music Video Banned in Beirut

    Popular music and controversy are part of the same fabric that fashions
    the world of entertainment; they seem to go hand-in-hand.

    Witness the origins of Punk and Madonna's track record with controversy
    and uber-consumerism. As the Grunge Rockers did in the 90s and rappers
    continued over the past ten years, the most recent sensationalism
    comes courtesy of Lady Gaga. However, one wouldn't imagine that an
    Armenian music video of the popular folk song "Zartir Vortyag" would
    be banned in Lebanon - a country built by and home to the descendants
    of Armenian Genocide survivors.

    Lebanese-Armenian performer Eileen Khatchadourian and her team
    produced the music video in time for the 95th Anniversary of the
    Armenian Genocide. However, the Lebanese government raised concerns
    that the music video calling for a Genocide Era uprising would be
    offensive to Turkishness and Turkish diplomats in Lebanon.

    Asbarez's Paul Chaderjian interviewed Eileen, who was featured in this
    newspaper and on Horizon TV during her visit to the US last December.

    Eileen was in Southern California to attend the 10th annual Armenian
    Music Awards, where her new album Midan - which features the
    now-controversial folk song - won the "Best Rock Album" award.

    Paul Chaderjian: Why is your music video of Zartir Vortyag being

    Eileen Khatchadourian: The video was banned, because Lebanese officials
    are afraid of offending the Turkish Ambassador to Lebanon.

    They are afraid that Turkish-Lebanese relations will be affected with
    this video.

    P.C.: A majority of our readers know the song Zartir Vortyag, which
    is a call for people to rise up and fight oppression. Describe the
    visual content of the video. What does it show, and what does it say?

    E.K.: The content of the video is very simple. It's me, sometimes
    wearing a suite and sometimes wearing a dress. The background is a
    white wall, and there are graphics that quote William Saroyan.

    P.C.: How did this ban come about?

    E.K.: In Lebanon, you have to get permission from the Lebanese General
    Security to air your music video or anything visual. It's only after
    their approval that you can air your recording.

    P.C.: What did the General Security say about your video?

    E.K.: They asked me what does the song say. I explained that a mother
    is calling upon her son to go and fight the enemy. They asked me,
    who is the enemy? I said the whole world knows what happened to the
    Armenians under Ottoman rule, especially the Lebanese, because Lebanon
    has recognized the Armenian Genocide. I said that the enemy in the
    song is Turkey, but I clearly specified that in this song, the name
    "Turkey" or "Ottoman Empire" is not mentioned. So the enemy could be
    anyone. It could be the Persian Empire or whatever you think.

    When they said that the video would offend Turkey and that "Turkey
    might think you are attacking them," I was shocked. I said that as a
    country, Lebanon has recognized the Armenian Genocide for a long time.

    I said, How can you tell me something like this? I am Lebanese. I
    am a Lebanese citizen. You think Turkey might be offended by a
    historic Armenian song, while you allow other singers to appear on
    TV half-naked. This does not concern you? You are not concerned with
    how it affect the kids, but you are concerned that Turkey will think
    Armenians are planning an uprising? Anyway, they had no reaction, of
    course. They said that the video was not allowed to air on television
    stations that are broadcast by antenna (terrestrial stations). They
    said the video could only air on satellite stations like OTV, MTV,
    and the terrestrial station of Future TV, but only on April 24.

    P.C.: Is the video available on the Internet for our readers to see?

    What is the website address?

    E.K.: The video is on YouTube
    ( c). It's also on my Facebook
    page and will be on my site ( in a couple
    of days.

    P.C.: Is your music video airing elsewhere, perhaps in Armenia,
    Europe or the US?

    E.K.: I contacted the people I know in Armenia and a few television
    stations. I mentioned precisely that this music video was banned
    for Lebanese television stations, and that TV stations in Armenia,
    an Armenian country, should air it. It's been five days, and to
    be honest, there was no reaction. They are remaining silent, and
    it's a shame! None of the people I have asked to air the video on
    Armenian TV have even shared the post on their Facebook wall. A lot
    of Lebanese people are sharing the video via Facebook, but only one
    person in Armenia might help me. I am sending him the tape of the
    music video. I am also working on getting the video to Europe.

    P.C.: What recourse is there? Are you planning to appeal to anyone
    to reverse the ban in Lebanon?

    E.K.: I appealed to all the Armenian political parties, because
    this should not remain silent. There is a huge protest on Facebook,
    and the ban has been written about in L'Orient-Le Jour, the French
    daily newspaper in Lebanon. It was written about in Aztag (Asbarez'
    sister publication in Beirut) and the Ararad newspapers. Lebanese
    Parliament member Hagop Pakradounian, who represents the ARF party,
    asked me for the General Security directive that says the video can
    only be aired on Future TV on the 24th of April. Mr. Pakradounian
    wants to show the paperwork to the Lebanese President.

    P.C.: What has the ban done to your heart and mind? Is it empowering
    you to fight harder for Genocide recognition?

    E.K.: Oh, yes. It is empowering me to fight and to never stop
    fighting. But I can't fight against this alone. Armenians have to
    support me. They should not accept what happened with a music video
    that does not even mention the Genocide. If our government that has
    recognized the Genocide can ban a music video, what else will they
    ban? Censorship can start with my music video, but then what? What
    else will they ban not to offend the Turkish Embassy? We can't remain
    silent about this, and the support of the people is also giving me
    more power to fight. Zartir Vortyag.

    P.C.: Thank You.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress