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BAKU: Turkey Key To Nakhchivan's Development

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  • BAKU: Turkey Key To Nakhchivan's Development

    May 4 2010

    Nizami Jafarov News.Az interviews Nizami Jafarov, chairman of the
    parliamentary culture committee and head of the Azerbaijani-Turkish
    inter-parliamentary group.

    What was behind the excellent reception given to Vasif Talibov,
    chairman of the Supreme Majlis of Azerbaijan's Nakhchivan Autonomous
    Republic, in Turkey?

    The assistance provided by Turkey to Nakhchivan is a symbol of the
    relations between the fraternal states of Turkey and Azerbaijan.

    Therefore, I am sure that the future of Nakhchivan was of the utmost
    importance at these meetings. Nakhchivan is, of course, an inseparable
    part of Azerbaijan, but it is geographically separated from it and,
    in this regard, Turkey's special assistance to Nakhchivan is an
    important part of Azerbaijani-Turkish relations. This aspect could
    be seen in all Vasif Talibov's negotiations in Turkey.

    In addition, since Armenia makes claims on Nakhchivan, this autonomous
    republic of Azerbaijan demands definite guarantees. Therefore, one
    of the important aspects of the visit Nakhchivan's leader to Turkey
    was the provision of the support and guarantees that the Turkish side
    has shown to the world.

    What effect will Turkey's promises to contribute to Nakhchivan's
    economy have on life in Nakhchivan?

    Nakhchivan is developing today as an inseparable part of Azerbaijan.

    The current development of Nakhchivan is incomparable with the
    level of development of Eastern Anatolia. That is, Nakhchivan is
    implementing major projects. Nevertheless, Nakhchivan always needs
    Turkey's help. In other words, Turkey must contribute to the economic
    life of Nakhchivan. The border between Turkey and Azerbaijan is 11
    kilometres long. The efficient use of these 11 kilometres of border for
    development should be a symbol of fraternal relations between Turkey
    and Azerbaijan. Therefore, naturally, Turkey should demonstrate the
    level of Turkish-Armenian relations to Armenia. At the same time, it
    should be noted that Turkey's participation in the economic development
    of Nakhchivan, in ensuring its security, will be a message to Armenia
    and will entail a degree of political and psychological pressure.

    Why does Turkey remain committed to the 1921 Treaty of Kars, which
    determines Turkey's borders with the South Caucasus states ?

    Turkey, which has traditions of statehood, has commitments to ensure
    Nakhchivan's security. Though it is difficult to define today whether
    the present-day Turkey is heir to the Ottoman Empire. This shows
    Turkey's intention to meet its obligations undertaken during the
    Ottoman Empire in the early part of last century; i.e., if today
    Armenia and the powers backing it claim Nakhchivan, Turkey must also
    speak out against it along with Azerbaijan. In addition, in the
    process of normalizing ties with Armenia, Turkey should primarily
    take into account the security of Nakhchivan.

    How will the situation of the Turkish-Armenian protocols affect the
    Karabakh settlement?

    Undoubtedly, the established situation is directly bound to Karabakh
    since the Turkish-Armenian borders are closed due to the occupation
    of Karabakh, not due to Armenian claims of 'genocide' in Eastern
    Anatolia or compensation.

    Everyone knows that Armenia was created on the historical land of
    Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan once made great territorial concessions to
    Armenia, presenting to it the lands of the Iravan khanate. Despite
    this, we do not make any territorial claims.

    Is it possible to say that the opening of the Armenian-Turkish border
    is bound to the resolution of the Karabakh conflict?

    It has become clear to all parties that the proposals presented for
    signing to the Turkish and Armenian sides are, in fact, a tool in
    the hands of international forces to put pressure on Turkey. Pressure
    was put on Turkey not only to ignore Azerbaijani interests but also to
    disavow its own interests. Indeed, if the Turkish leadership decided to
    open borders with an insufficient display of will, then it would face
    strong public resentment. Nevertheless, considering public opinion,
    Azerbaijan's tough position that borders cannot be opened without the
    resolution of the Karabakh conflict, Turkey managed to resist this
    international pressure. We expect Turkey to display a tough position
    on the protocols. But if Turkey had lost in this diplomatic game,
    Azerbaijan would have also been in a losing situation.

    But Turkey could defend both its own interests and the interests
    of Azerbaijan. We do hope that Turkey will continue observing its
    interests and the interests of Azerbaijan. It will all contribute to
    pressure on Armenia because there is a need to put pressure on it.

    Pressure should be put on Armenians by means of the hundreds of
    thousands of Armenians who live in Turkey illegally. This category
    of Armenians should in turn put pressure on Armenia for the latter
    to withdraw its troops from the occupied Azerbaijani lands. This
    situation cannot last longer, as the pressure on Turkey and Azerbaijan
    by international powers does not seem possible or logical anymore
    since peace in the region cannot be achieved through pressure on
    Turkey and Azerbaijan.

    Nizami Jafarov is chairman of parliament's culture committee, head
    of the Azerbaijani-Turkish inter-parliamentary working group, head of
    the Ataturk Centre and a corresponding member of the National Academy
    of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress