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Nkr: A Fact-Finding Visit With Socio-Economic Bias

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  • Nkr: A Fact-Finding Visit With Socio-Economic Bias


    Azat Artsakh Newspaper [NKR]
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic
    03 May, 2010

    So in the stuff of co-chairmanship of OSCE MG an expected rotation
    took place - Igor Popov took the place of Jury Merzlyakov on the
    post of the co-chairman of MG from Russia. As it was expected, it was
    followed by a so-called legal trip of the new Russian intermediary,
    who after Armenia with fact-finding visit on April 29th arrived
    in the Nagorno-Karabakh and this very day was accepted by the NKR
    president Bako Sahakyan. Under avaricious lines of the official
    press release it is impossible to consider details of negotiations
    of the new Russian co-chairman of the Minsk group of OSCE with the
    NKR president which, according to diplomatic practice, have passed
    in confidential conditions. After the meeting in conversation with
    journalists Igor Popov was not verbose and, that also is explainable.

    In negotiating process on the Nagorno-Karabakh he is a new person,
    and has arrived, as has already been told, "to show himself" and
    to listen to others - that it was easier "to enter into a theme".
    However, the Russian diplomat also did not begin to hide, that his
    first meeting with the NKR President had legal character. He did not
    begin to hide that during conversation with the President besides
    political subjects, not in a smaller measure there was a question of
    social and economic development of Nagorno-Karabakh. Here again he
    had much to listen. It is clear, that the President Bako Sahakyan has
    presented to the new co-chairman a political situation in region and a
    position of authorities of the NKR on the Karabakh problem. A position,
    which has been already formulated accurately enough for a long time
    and does not suppose return to the Soviet past. But nevertheless, as
    Igor Popov admitted, generally interlocutors spoke about questions
    of social and economic character. That is about development of
    economy of the NKR as a whole, and about prospects of functioning
    of Stepanakert's airport, in particular. At first sight it may seem
    strange, that at the meeting with the co-chairman of the Minsk group
    it was more spoken about social and economic questions. But only at
    first sight. If to ponder, there is a certain law in it, and, probably,
    Bako Sahakyan with Igor Popov did not so casually make a list towards
    social and economic life of the Nagorno-Karabakh. As negotiations
    by negotiations, but the NKR in its development cannot stand on a
    place and wait, as they say, at the weather sea. Especially, when the
    partner in these negotiations is Azerbaijan, which the aggressive
    actions far from common sense contradicting norms of international
    law and principles of settlement of the Karabakh conflict, does these
    negotiations simply senseless and unpromising. Here recently the
    president Aliev has burst a series of the statements which essence
    consists that definitive and even intermediate, temporary status of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh is possible "only and only within the limits
    of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan". And it thus, that the right
    of people of the Nagorno-Karabkh to self-determination is recognized
    by one of major principles of the resolution of the conflict. After
    all even in the NKR ambiguously perceived Madrid principles provide
    legally obliging will of people of the Nagorno-Karabakh at definition
    of the political status. But, as it is known, the Azerbaijan president,
    not having some serious arguments, always rather originally treats
    international law which serves for him only as propaganda cover for
    nothing of the proved claims on the Nagorno-Karabakh, creating thereby
    artificial problem called till now by the Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Meanwhile, this problem only Azerbaijan has, but not the
    Nagorno-Karabakh and consequently Baku should be interested in
    constructive negotiations that, however, now it is not observed. For
    this reason we will return to visit to Stepanakert of a new Russian
    co-chairman of the Minsk group of OSCE, who in Stepanakert has noticed,
    that owing to the clear reasons he cannot speak about nuances of
    the process of settlement, and now while he is busy by problem
    studying. Well, objectively it is so, therefore it is necessary to
    hope, that in the course of full and all-round studying of the set
    theme he will manage to find a right answer on a question "who is
    who?" and what are true interests of the parties of the conflict, in
    compliance with what intermediary activity will be constructed. For
    now... While the Russian diplomat has shared opinion of the NKR
    president on necessity of participation of Artsakh in negotiating
    process and, true to traditions of more skilled colleagues on
    co-chairmanship in the Minsk group, also has declared, that at certain
    stage the Nagorno-Karabakh should join negotiations. We have already
    had a chance to write, that similar statements have become original
    ritual procedure for intermediaries, however it would be desirable
    to think, that this tradition will be really broken, and co-chairmen
    will take practical measures for returning of the Karabakh party
    to a negotiating table. If, of course, wish the real and long-term
    decision of a problem. At least, Igor Popov has expressed readiness to
    use the best efforts to settle the conflict as soon as possible. The
    God helper...