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BAKU: Politicians Should Not Speculate With Historical Issues

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  • BAKU: Politicians Should Not Speculate With Historical Issues

    Akper Hasanov
    May 4 2010

    Sergey Taran News.Az interviews Ukrainian political scientist Sergey

    The Kiev city Rada asks the Supreme Rada of Ukraine "to consider
    possible recognition of mass murder of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire
    in 1915-1992 as genocide". Do you consider that the Supreme Rada of
    Ukraine can recognize fictional "Armenian genocide"?

    It's a little bit difficult to give an exact forecast on this issue.

    It is only possible to indicate the factors that can influence
    the adoption of a final decision. This is a destiny of the issue
    of Ukrainians genocide in 1933. Here, there are no analogies with
    the 1915 events in the Ottoman empire but there is Russia's position
    which considers that there was no genocide of Ukrainians but there was
    holodomor that touched upon a number of other nations of former USSR.

    On the whole, I think the deputies of the Kiev city Rada that ask the
    Supreme Rada of Ukraine to consider the 1915 events in the Ottoman
    empire mostly even do not know what happened in the Ottoman empire
    95 years ago. I say this because there are grounds to suppose that
    the decision in Supreme Rada will be taken considering political
    conjuncture, rather than the historical reality.

    On the whole, is Armenia right to ignore numerous proposals of the
    Turkish side to open all existing archives and empower the assessment
    of events of 1915 in the Ottoman Empire to historians, rather than

    The new world history has already witnessed the fact of recognition
    of the genocide of the Jewish people that promoted the creation of
    Israel as a state. This precedent has become an example for a number
    of people including Armenians. On the whole, it is incorrect to say
    that the issue of any event must be clarified only by politicians. It
    is also wrong to attribute this issue only to historians. There must be
    a serious discussion to start with the opinion of historians regarding
    it. In addition, it is terrible and undesirable when politicians start
    to speculate with historical issues. The agenda of the political day
    must be filled with other issues, mostly economic ones.

    You have earlier mentioned the importance of the current political
    conjuncture in Ukraine. What can you say about it?

    The position of incumbent President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich is
    irrational. As the president of Ukraine, he must take into account
    the opinions, wishes and sentiments of the whole country, not just
    its part which voted for him during the recent elections. This policy
    will not influence Yanukovich's presidency on the first stages but
    in the future it will affect it by all means. Let's recall that
    previous Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko lost the recent
    elections because his policy was supported only by the western part
    of the country's population. Therefore, it is possible to say that
    Yanukovich repeats Yushchenko's mistake staking only on the eastern
    part of Ukraine. At the same time, it is also necessary to admit that
    following Russia's direction in foreign policy, Ukraine does not lose
    ties with Europe. In particular, Yanukovich has rejected Ukraine's
    membership in the customs union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan,
    continuing to orient on Russia's position regarding the unsettled
    territorial conflicts in the former USSR.

    Considering the aforementioned, which will be Ukraine's policy on
    Azerbaijan under Yanukovich?

    I think Viktor Yanukovich will continue the line of cordial, friendly,
    mutually profitable relations that was supported by the previous
    presidents of our country. Azerbaijan has always been a loyal,
    reliable and sincere ally of Ukraine. Probably, for some period of
    time Ukraine's foreign policy will be pro-Russian, but it possible
    to state that in the nearest future our country will hold the same
    policy on the Caucasus that it has conducted in the past 20 years.