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BAKU: Armenian Laws Vs. Confucius

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  • BAKU: Armenian Laws Vs. Confucius


    Today s/67175.html
    May 4 2010

    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan took a serious risk. Upon the
    invitation of Chinese President Hu Jintao, he traveled to the homeland
    of the great Confucius. Why was this a risk? Because he is not
    qualified to understand the doctrines China's most revered philosopher.

    "I just convey and do not invent," Confucius used to say.

    "I betray and invent everything." This is the Sargsyan's credo.

    I think Kocharian's supporters understand what the word "betray"
    means in this context. If Sargsyan had not betrayed the former
    president, then the two would still be friends, he would not have
    changed the composition of Kocharian's team, and he would not have
    started pressuring pro-Kocharian oligarchs.

    But this word is not new for Kocharian. He also betrayed Sargsyan
    and decided to fight him for the presidency. And the word "betrayal"
    is nothing new for Armenian politicians. They betray everyone -
    even those who brought them to power.

    The word "invent" is also nothing new for Sargsyan. It's a folk
    tradition. The Armenians on the whole invented a myth 95 years ago
    and they are still receiving dividends. No other myths in history
    have brought such profits.

    They have invented quite a "great" history.

    "Armenian stones are the oldest ones in the world," I heard a
    television reporter say in Armenia. This was probably mentioned in
    response to Chavchavadze's article "Armenian scientists and flagrant
    stones." But the imagination of Armenian historians has no boundaries.

    According to their "studies," Armenians christened Russia and taught
    the world agriculture.

    Confucius's disciples united his teachings in the book "Analects,"
    which consists of transcripts of Confucius' interviews with his
    followers and also concise aphorisms and descriptions of important
    episodes in his life.

    Sargsyan's followers have not yet written their "Analects," simply
    because he has no followers. But he has taken part in interviews, which
    were recorded down by the author Thomas de Waal. It is embarrassing
    for Armenia to admit Sargsyan's statement that the Khojaly massacre
    was arranged to intimidate Azerbaijanis. Armenians now say de Waal
    is lying.

    Confucius taught the quest for perfect social order achieved through
    ethics and human development. The Chinese scholar could not imagine
    how such "public order" has been achieved in Armenia. Confucius could
    not even imagine the revolution that brought the Kocharyan-Sargsyan
    tandem to power. He had no idea of firearms, which took the lives of
    demonstrators in downtown Yerevan in March 2008.

    Confucius said that during the learning process a person should ask
    questions. However, these questions have led to the death of many
    Armenians during the interrogation process, including 24-year-old Vahan
    Halafyan, who was killed recently in a Charentsavan police station. The
    deceased's mother said a cross had been carved on her son's chest with
    a knife, and his whole body, face and legs were covered with bruises.

    The Chinese philosopher said you must go deep down inside yourself,
    asking questions, in order to to know Heaven and Laws and create a
    society reflecting spiritual values.

    What is the law in Armenia? It is the law of the Karabakh junta,
    which usurped power through murder. It is a government of blood,
    not peace and spirituality.

    Armenians have to accept Confucius' dictum: "It is terrible not that
    you are cheated or robbed, but rather that you always remember this."