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The Platform Gives Us A Chance To Overcome The Catastrophes

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  • The Platform Gives Us A Chance To Overcome The Catastrophes

    "The platform gives us a chance to overcome the catastrophes"

    May 4 2010

    "Greatest danger that exists for us is the danger of seismic
    instability, then come floods and heavy rains, landslides, hail, strong
    winds and storms and drought," Nikolay Grigoryan, consultant to the
    director of the Rescue Service of the Armenian Emergency Situations
    Ministry mentioned and added that our country treats the wounds of
    Spitak earthquake.

    "The National platform of reducing the risks of the catastrophes
    will give us an opportunity to concentrate the potential of the
    country on the worked out strategy, our possibilities and abilities,
    to involve the international organizations and their possibilities,"
    N. Grigoryan noticed.

    The speaker also informed that in the Hyogo city of Japan in 2005
    was held the international conference referring to the reducing of
    the catastrophes on which were present 145 countries who signed the
    Hyogo activities' plan. Armenian has also joined that program.

    According to him Hyogo activities' plan supposes creation of a system
    reducing the catastrophes.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress