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The Position Of Jews And Christians In The Ottoman Empire

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  • The Position Of Jews And Christians In The Ottoman Empire

    Yevgeniya Baraz

    Student Pulse ition-of-jews-and-christians-in-the-ottoman-empire
    May 4 2010

    The position of Jewish and Christian peoples under the Ottoman Empire
    is an issue that continues to be disputed today, almost a century after
    the official end of the Empire itself. Religious association typically
    determined status in the predominantly Muslim Ottoman Empire. According
    to Moshe Ma'oz, Christians and Jews were seen as "inferior subjects
    or as illegitimate denominations."1 As a result, they were often
    discriminated against by the state entity. In contrast, other scholars
    may argue that the position of minorities under the Ottomans was
    lenient compared to minority treatment elsewhere in the world, such
    as in certain parts of Europe. According to Edward Said, abuses of
    "Orientalism," which he described as a Western way of "dominating" or
    "restructuring" the history of the Middle East because of prejudice
    against Arab-Islamic peoples, has caused a misconstruction of the
    historical narrative.2 According to Bruce Masters, Westerners were
    typically biased against Muslims, and often distorted realities in the
    relationships between Christians, Muslims and Jews under the Ottoman
    Empire.3 As such, it must be noted that historical interpretations,
    or misinterpretations, must be intensely scrutinized when discussing
    the position of Jews and Arabs under the Ottoman Empire.

    In order to understand the position of Jews and Christians during
    the era, their official statuses must be described. They were
    considered Ahl al-Kitab, or "people of the book" (i.e. those who held
    monotheistic beliefs).4 As such, their treatment may have differed
    from that of polytheistic believers under Ottoman rule, since Muslims
    accepted the "prophets" of Christianity and Judaism. As a result,
    they were given state protection, or Ahl al-Dhimma. This tradition
    of protection for minorities can still be seen today in modern
    day Tehran. Many Christian communities still remain in Iran. Since
    officially recognized religions still enjoy dhimma, the Christian
    communities are guaranteed protection from the state. An example of
    this protection is the symbolic painting of a stern looking Ayatollah
    Khomeini on the outside of an Armenian church in Tehran.5 The painting
    symbolizes the Ayatollah's protection over the church--that he sees
    to their security "personally." They enjoyed autonomy in religious
    affairs and also area such as education.6 In this sense, Jews and
    Christians enjoyed certain privileges under Ottoman Rule that was not
    granted to minorities in Europe, where Jews and Muslims were often
    persecuted or held back due to religious prejudice.

    That is not to say, however, that Jews and Christians enjoyed
    complete freedom under Islamic rule. They were seen as inferior by
    both the government and by many people. Put in simplistic terms,
    the superiority complex held by Muslims in the Ottoman Empire can
    likely be attributed to their acceptance of the Prophet Muhammad as
    the final prophet, a belief that Christians and Jews did not aspire
    to. Their failure to do so may have caused Muslim rulers to view
    them in a substandard capacity. As such, they were required to pay a
    special poll tax, a jiyzya.7 While they were allowed to hold certain
    senior-level positions, such as financial advisers or physicians,
    they were always required to hold only those positions subordinate
    to their Muslim counterparts. They were even sometimes subjected to
    restrictions in dress, or were harassed by certain officials and
    neighbors. This shows that despite the granting of dhimma to the
    Christians and Jews, unofficial acts of prejudice were sometimes
    condoned.8 There was a certain sense of social segregation between
    Muslims and non-Muslims. Stereotypes categorizing Christians and Jews
    were often utilized in proliferating the gap between them. Even in
    areas of close proximity between the groups, where they lived and
    worked as neighbors, they were rarely included in the communal "we"
    of the neighborhoods.9

    Jews and Christians were very rarely dealt with on an individual basis;
    instead they were clumped into a millet system, which dealt with them
    as a community. For example, the Rabbi, in a millet-bashi, acted as
    the administrative officer responsible for acting as representative
    for his community to the state. Rather than collecting the jiyzya
    individually, they paid the state collectively, with a Chief Rabbi
    administrating. This was the case for all recognized Christian
    and Jewish communities.10 The millet system allowed the respective
    communities to enjoy a certain level of administrative autonomy under
    their representative. The millet leader may have held certain powers
    to enforce and legislate laws. He also served to plead the causes of
    his community to the Ottoman government.11

    According to Roderic H. Davison, millets served to some extent as
    "agents of change," who helped bring about certain modernization and
    reformation in the Ottoman Empire. He attributes this to the contact
    individuals within the non-Muslim millets had with Europe.12 Armenians,
    Greeks and Jews helped to import the printing press into the Ottoman
    Empire.13 The government also enforced changes in order to revive the
    Ottoman Empire, such as improving the army and opening embassies in
    Europe. A 1956 decree from the Sultan Abdulmecid established communal
    autonomy on the basis of equality, but left administrative aspects of
    personal status, such as marriage and education, to the millets. This
    also enforced a system of tax collection from all citizens, not
    just Christians and Jews, as well as a mandatory army service for
    all. However, what happened in practice was a bit different; most
    Christians and Jews response to army reforms was to pay a special tax
    exempting them from army duty, rather than fulfilling the mandatory
    service.14As such, in some cases, the millets were agents of change
    in modernizing the Ottoman Empire; they acted as the "channels" or
    "filters" of change.15 In others, they acted as opponents to reform
    to protect their own interests, such as in the case of military
    service. According to Davison, acceptance of certain modernization by
    non-Muslim millets also caused non-acceptance by Muslims on religious
    and anti-Western grounds. Although, it is important to remember Said's
    orientalist reconstructing of history on the basis of anti-Muslim
    prejudice when considering Davison's claim.

    The position of Christians and Jews under Ottoman rule can be debated
    in historical constructs. While religious association often determined
    the social status of citizens, religious minorities were usually
    treated with a level of tolerance that was not often enjoyed by
    minorities under Christian rule. However, it is important to remember
    that we may never truly understand the position of minorities under
    Ottoman rule because historical interpretations often lead scholars

    -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

    Braude, Benjamin. "Foundation Myths of the Millet System." In
    Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire: The Functioning of a Plural
    Society, edited by Benjamin Braude and Bernard Lewis, 69-88. Teaneck:
    Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1982.

    Davison, Roderic H. "The Millets as Agents of Change in the
    Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Empire," In Christians and Jews in the
    Ottoman Empire: The Functioning of a Plural Society, edited by
    Benjamin Braude and Bernard Lewis, 319-337. Teaneck: Holmes & Meier
    Publishers, 1982.

    Ma'oz, Moshe. "Middle Eastern Minorities: Between Integration and
    Conflict." Policy Papers 50 (1999): 5-9.

    Masters, Bruce. Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Arab World: The
    Roots of Sectarianism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

    Said, Edward. Orientalism. New York: Vintage Books, 1979.

    The Armenians in Tehran. Video.

    ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------

    1.) Moshe Ma'oz, "Middle Eastern Minorities: Between Integration and
    Conflict," Policy Papers 50 (1999): 5.

    2.) Edward Said, Orientalism (New York: Vintage Books, 1979), 3.

    3.) Bruce Masters, Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Arab World:
    The Roots of Sectarianism. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,
    2001), 2.

    4.) Ma'oz, "Middle Eastern Minorities," 6.

    5.) The Armenians in Tehran, Video.

    6.) Ma'oz, "Middle Eastern Minorities," 6.

    7.) Ibid.

    8.) Ibid.

    9.) Masters, Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Arab World: The Roots
    of Sectarianism, 16.

    10.) Benjamin Braude, "Foundation Myths of the Millet System,"
    in Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire: The Functioning of
    a Plural Society, ed. Benjamin Braude and Bernard Lewis (Teaneck:
    Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1982), 69.

    11.) Ibid., 81.

    12.) Roderic H. Davison, "The Millets as Agents of Change in the
    Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Empire," in Christians and Jews in the
    Ottoman Empire: The Functioning of a Plural Society, ed. Benjamin
    Braude and Bernard Lewis (Teaneck: Holmes & Meier Publishers,
    1982), 319.

    13.) Daphne Tsimhoni, "The Tanzimat: Ottoman Reforms and the Millets,"
    February 11, 2010.

    14.) Ibid.

    15.) Davison, "The Millets," 331.

    Article written February 22nd, 2010 and published May 4th, 2010.