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Haigazian University Inaugurates New Heritage Building

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  • Haigazian University Inaugurates New Heritage Building

    Haigazian University
    Mira Yardemian
    Public Relations Director
    Mexique Street, Kantari, Beirut
    Email: [email protected]


    Beirut, May 3, 2010 - On April 29, 2010, Haigazian University held the
    inaugural ceremony of the Heritage Building as a proud culmination of
    five years of fundraising, planning, construction and hard work.

    This building, whose construction notably took three years of dedicated
    effort that preserved the Lebanese architectural heritage of the
    exterior, will serve a dual administrative and academic purpose with its
    6 floors, including offices as well as classrooms.

    The Heritage Building originally built around 1930 does not only serve
    as a valuable addition to an educational institution, but also stands as
    an effort by Haigazian University to preserve the Lebanese cultural
    heritage in general and of the traditional and prestigious neighborhood
    of Kantari in particular. With this addition, Haigazian University now
    possesses two buildings of Lebanese architectural heritage as classified
    by the Ministry of Culture.

    This grand event was conducted under the High Patronage of the President
    of the Council of Ministers, H.E. Mr. Saad Hariri, represented by the
    Minister of Culture, Mr. Salim Wardé. Also in attendance at this
    impressive occasion were Minister of State Jean Oghasabian, members of
    Parliament Walid Joumblat, Hagop Pakradounian, Tamam Salam, Arthur
    Nazarian, Serge Toursarkissian, and Shant Chinchinian. Representatives
    of the Commanders of the Army, General Security and Internal Security
    were also present, in addition to the Armenian Ambassador to Lebanon,
    Mr. Ashod Kotcharian, President of the Supreme Council of the
    Evangelical Community in Syria and Lebanon, Rev. Salim Sahyouni,
    President of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near
    East, Rev. Megrdich Kargeozian, Bishops Kegham Khatcherian and Vartan
    Ashkarian, previous ministers and members of parliament, community
    leaders and dignitaries, in addition to Haigazian faculty, staff and

    The HU Board of Trustees, twelve of whom came with their spouses from
    the USA, were among the distinguished guests at the inauguration, which
    coincided with the annual HU Board of Trustees meeting in Beirut that
    took place from April 30 to May 1.

    Following a musical prelude of classical pieces skillfully performed by
    four Haigazian University students, the official ceremony kicked off
    with a live performance of the national anthem presented by Nare
    Havatian, Karoun Bardakjian, Talar Mandoyan and Sarine Karajian.

    The introduction and welcoming address was given by Dr. Ani Darakjian,
    the Chair of the HU Board of Trustees, who extended a warm welcome to
    all. "With its traditional Lebanese architecture, the Heritage Building
    will be a valuable addition to Haigazian University" said Darakjian. She
    concluded by accentuating the great role this university plays in
    shaping future leaders of society.

    Rev. Meguerdich Karageozian offered the Prayer of Dedication, asking God
    to bless all those who will enter this building. "This building is
    dedicated to be the home of Truth, Freedom and Service," Karageozian
    concluded, emphasizing the university motto.

    After a riveting performance of "The Prayer," beautifully sung as a duet
    by Haigazian graduate Joyce Saddi and Ricardo Daou, President of the
    Armenian Missionary Association of America, Dr. Hrair S. Aharonian
    brought his greetings from the AMAA, as one of the two main sponsors of
    the project. Aharonian shared experiences about his childhood in this
    neighborhood, adding that the Heritage Building has "never looked as
    beautiful as it does today."

    Aharonian reminded the audience of the purpose that this building would
    serve as a means to ensure growth of the university and expansion of its
    graduate school. He ended with a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt: "The future
    belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

    A congratulatory note was then given by Mr. Walid Joumblat, Member of
    Parliament, who was introduced as a neighbor of HU. Joumblat praised the
    university, declaring that "where various municipalities have failed to
    preserve the heritage of Beirut, Haigazian has succeeded," leading the
    audience to roar with applause.

    In the festive spirit of the occasion, the Haigazian University Dance
    Club performed the traditional Lebanese Heritage Dance, more commonly
    known as Dabke, to the tune of "Lebanon will Return" by Joseph Attiyeh.

    In his President's Address, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian opened with a quote
    from the Bible (Psalm 118: 24) and introduced the Heritage Building as
    "our gift for the 55th anniversary of Haigazian University." Haidostian
    then proceeded to speak of the close association between Mexique Street
    and HU for the past 55 years and how we would now be also linked to May
    Ziadeh Street. He referred to the connection that the university has
    with the area and placed the street names in historical context.
    Haidostian added that the Heritage Building would be fully operational
    in September and thanked all those who worked hard to make this building
    possible, highlighting the fact that with three years of work and
    hundreds of laborers there was only one minor injury. Before inviting
    the Minister of Culture to give his message, Haidostian concluded
    saying, "Haigazian University stands in awe and praise before the Lord,
    and thanks all the donors, Board members, friends, volunteers,
    technicians and staff who have transformed stones and dust into a
    magnificent home-like university building."

    Minister of Culture Salim Wardé addressed the audience on behalf of
    H.E. Mr. Saad Hariri to express his gratitude and congratulations. He
    then praised the role Haigazian University played in preserving this
    Heritage Building, informing the audience of the upcoming strategy of
    the Ministry of Culture in setting strict rules to preserve the heritage
    aspect of the city of Beirut.

    Dr. Ani Darakjian then invited Mr. Salim Wardé, Rev. Dr. Paul
    Haidostian, Rev. Meguerdich Karageozian and Dr. Hrair Aharonian to cut
    the ribbon, thus officially inaugurating the building.

    The audience was then invited to enter the building to attend the
    unveiling of the plaque that revealed Sirpuhe Philibosian Conte Hall as
    the name of the multipurpose hall. Mrs. Joyce Stein, daughter of
    Sirpuhe, emotionally expressed the vision of her parents and their
    sustained love and support of Haigazian University.

    After touring the building from the inside and the beautiful floor tiles
    that were preserved from the original structure, everyone had the chance
    to view an outdoor exhibition featuring pictures and descriptions of old
    Lebanese heritage buildings and the defining characteristics of their
    architecture, taken from a book by Mr. Robert Saliba.

    The program concluded with a reception accompanied by live music by
    another Haigazian graduate, the talented Shahan Kilaghbian on the

    In addition, for this special occasion a booklet was published featuring
    a brief history of Haigazian University and its most recent acquisition,
    the Heritage Building, as well as pictures of the construction work in
    progress and a list of all those who generously donated to this project.

    In addition, Haigazian University received many congratulatory notes
    from many friends from around the world, including from the Armenian
    Minister of the Diaspora, Mrs. Hranoush Hagopian which said "Glory and
    honor to all donors, to authorities and staff of the University for
    their contributions to the enlargement, development and strengthening of
    this Armenian institution notwithstanding these difficult times of
    economy and globalization... Haigazian University has a high reputation
    in the Republic of Lebanon and its distinguished place in the country's
    educational system."

    The refurbishment of the Haigazian University Heritage Building was
    conducted by:

    * IDEA Consultants S.A.R.L. as Architects and lead consultant
    * DG Jones & Partners (M.E) LTD as Project Manager
    * Building Construction & Contracting Co. as Contractor