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In The Agricultural Sector In Armenia Fallen On Hard Times.

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  • In The Agricultural Sector In Armenia Fallen On Hard Times.

    By YerevanReporter
    http://www.allvoice -sector-in-armenia-fallen-on-hard-times
    May 5 2010

    This year, Armenia should expect a sharp increase in prices for
    agricultural products, which will be the consequence of decline in
    the agricultural sector of the country.

    The statement was made chairman of the Armenian Agrarian Farmers'
    Association (AAFA) Hrachya Berberian.

    According to him, today, farmers are deprived of access to financial
    resources for the efficient organization of agricultural production.

    "In fact, bank advertisements promising cheap loans to farmers under
    various grants and programs of international financial organizations
    that do not correspond to reality and do not reach the village due
    to their misuse," said Berberian. He also cited the example of one
    of the banks, whose activities had envisaged credit support of the
    agricultural sector, rather than funding for a taxi service that is
    happening now.

    Chapter AAKO urged the government to monitor the proper use of
    funds coming into Armenia from abroad. "At the time, as in European
    countries loans directed to the development of the agricultural sector
    are interest rate up to 11%, Armenian farmers accrue credits at the
    rate of 25-30% on predatory terms that may not have a positive impact
    on improving agricultural production in the country "said Berberian.

    According to him, as a result much of the land 1 category of the
    Ararat Valley today are not cultivated.

    "In many areas, farmers prefer to sow this spring oats are cheaper,
    rather than the traditional wheat and potatoes, and this despite
    the fact that seed reserves in the country is more than enough. Such
    processes are fraught with sharp increases in prices of agricultural
    commodities of the country and threatens national security "said
    Hrachia Berberian.

    Creation of agricultural cooperatives allow farmers themselves together
    effectively to solve the outstanding problems in the village, including
    the targeting of financial resources coming from international
    financial organizations, the head AAFA. According to him, "These
    associations will make up no Soviet-style organization, and unions
    of agricultural producers, who are more productive will develop and
    implement programs of development of agrarian sector is not imposed as
    an example of Yerevan over 50 actually failed government programs, the
    creation of which cost the state treasury in millions of dollars. "
    In the coming years on the basis of cooperation on the principle
    of democracy is planned to establish a National Chamber of farmers,
    which will work with the authorities for the benefit of the country.

    Chapter AAFA stressed the urgent need to acquire new agricultural
    technology, thus avoiding the huge crop losses, now reaching 30%
    of that in the case of wheat is 50-60 thousand tons. In particular,
    we are talking about 200 new harvesters. Berberian said that the
    reconstruction of the former MTS in rural areas is impractical and
    the allocation should be tailored to individual villages, preventing
    looting of farmers owners of the motor-tractor stations, or resell
    equipment to neighboring countries, which last took place.

    Hrachya Berberian expressed regret that during the development of sheep
    breeding in the country occurred and export of the parent. "This has
    led to a sharp rise in prices for sheep meat and contrary to assurances
    given to officials from the agricultural price of meat has not returned
    to previous performance in 1700, AMD today reached 4 thousand drams on
    the market", he said. According to him, farmers suffer from illiteracy
    officials' attitude to the problems of agricultural production and
    dispersal of funds.