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Congress Created The Fantasy

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  • Congress Created The Fantasy


    Why does everybody exclude the possibility of a Kirgiz scenario in
    Armenia? Why isn't it possible here?

    To tell the truth, the Kirgiz topic does not interest me much because
    we have no bases of information about those people, and processes,
    so discussions are somehow in vain. It is particular to us to dwell
    on thing about which we have zero information. This is the reason
    why the discussion does not bring to anything. Because, intellectuals
    are supposed to know everything, but they do not think they need to
    be competitive. I know that in Kirgizia the problem consists in the
    division between North and South, in the fights of clans.

    In your opinion, does a nation have the right to rebel?

    I will indiscreetly remind you that the theme of rebellion, I picked
    up one of the firsts, back in 2006. From a theoretical point of view,
    people cannot have the right to revolt, if the philosophy of democracy
    and the Constitution is adopted.

    Even if you refuse democratic values which is the right of everyone, so
    you cannot but to accept the Constitution of the country. The logic of
    democracy without the right to revolt is incomplete. Our Constitution
    runs that the power in the country belongs to the people and is formed
    through elections. It is also mentioned that the usurpation of the
    power by a group of people is a crime, but there is no mechanism,
    which can be applicable, if usurpation anyway happens like it happened
    on March 1.

    Initially, in the Declaration on Human Rights, adopted after the
    French Revolution, the right to revolt was confirmed officially. Then,
    in 1793, this provision was removed. The right to revolt was discussed
    before too, and some scholars said 'yes'.

    I am personally in favor of it, we have also consolidated this position
    in the Constitution, but practical questions occur: what does it mean,
    people have the right to revolt, how to define the concept of "people",
    "rebellion" and "right"?

    If you have a need for violence, then even if you are among the
    majority, there is always the temptation to impose your views on the
    rest. I do not propose to eliminate violence, but perfect victory is
    a victory without violence.

    Does the idea on a revolt not mature in an insolvable situation?

    The tangible part of our people is has revolt moods now too. After
    2008, values which will bring to a revolution in our minds are formed
    and this will be the biggest revolt.

    I would like the power to have been changed in 2008, but I was sure
    then that very soon, victory would turn into despair. We are still
    pagans and we want a revolt in any case. In practice, we are not
    democratic, so we want a dad with bludgeon to come to power. Congress
    may be accused of everything possible, say, I do not understand their
    position in connection with the Karabakh issue, but Congress created
    the fantasy- it formed the concept of a bloodless revolution.

    And how about despair and creation of a new force?

    I do not think the creation of a new movement in the current moment
    can be real. Besides, those who lived 2008 cannot get despaired. It
    is possible to search, to make mistakes but despair is a passed phase.

    Currently discussions take place exclusively in the oppositional
    space. Since the authorities have nothing. And not only adequate
    intellectual response. This means that the time will come and they
    will go.

    I myself have criticized Congress, but now I realized that it turns
    into a kind of gathering of hurrying people, encrusted, and even
    uninteresting structures. And I am afraid that it could result in a
    stagnant swamp.

    The fact that people during these two years are in a Movement which
    from time to time turns into a routine cannot but change men, and I
    will not be afraid of this word, give them clearance.

    Ombudsman affirms that processes are taking place within the
    government too.

    This is a difficult question. I do not believe much in the fight
    against monopolists, because, more likely, the point is about the
    centralization, so if there are several oligarchs, so tomorrow,
    we can have only one in the figure of all-loved Sergio Libertovich.

    Which civilization space would you rate Armenia?

    We, of course, are a post-Soviet country, so all the events in Armenia
    should be viewed as a manifestation of a broader field. But in this
    case this is a "minus" for us and it would be better as soon as
    possible to "break away" from this space.

    In theory, CIS may turn into something else too, currently, I do
    not see such tendencies. Russia heads the system, which can propose
    to the world interesting ideas besides inarticulate sounds. But in
    the CIS space, you may receive a new system of values. I believe
    that Russia cannot sleep forever, and someday it will again start
    interesting and informative dialogue with Russia. Maybe then you will
    be surprised how your venerable servant, critic of Russian influence,
    will be the most pro-Russian man in Armenia, remembering his Russian
    education and Russian language.