Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Karine Abalyan
Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: [email protected]
May 7, 2010
"It was a great experience for our parish to host the 108th Annual Diocesan
Assembly," said Dr. Larry Farsakian, who chaired the host parish committee
organizing the 108th Diocesan Assembly. "I am most proud of the fact that
our small parish united together, worked hard, and acted as one to host a
very successful assembly."
The St. James Church of Evanston, Ill., hosted the gathering for 147 clergy
and delegates representing the Eastern Diocese's organized and mission
parishes. Most of the meetings and events convened at the Chicago Marriott
O'Hare Hotel, but St. James parishioners also organized activities for the
visiting delegates and their families, including a bus tour of Chicago and a
luncheon at the church.
"Everyone on the committee contributed in their own way to help make the
Clergy Conference and the Diocesan Assembly memorable," said Dr. Farsakian.
After the assembly adjourned on Saturday, May 1, delegates had the
opportunity to take a tour of the Windy City, including stops at the
Millennium Park and the Sears Tower and a ride along Chicago's famous
Magnificent Mile shopping district.
In the evening, Diocesan Council chair Oscar Tatosian hosted a reception at
his historic home. Guests had the opportunity to tour the Classical Revival
style house which was completed in 1894.
On Sunday, May 2, delegates attended the Divine Liturgy at St. James Church,
where the celebrant-Diocesan Legate Archbishop Vicken Aykazian-spoke on the
importance of maintaining the Armenian Christian faith in a secular world.
While most clergymen had departed to be at their home parishes on Sunday, a
number remained and took part in the service, with the St. James altar
servers and choir also participating.
Archbishop Khajag Barsamian took the occasion to thank the host parish for a
wonderful Diocesan Assembly.
A luncheon organized by the St. James Women's Guild took place after church
services. Deacon Levon Kirakosyan, the parish's deacon-in-charge, expressed
his gratitude to the local community for their commitment to the success of
the Diocesan Assembly.
The executive committee for the parish included Rev. Dn. Levon Kirakosyan,
Dr. Larry Farsakian, Vartan Paylan, Sevan Krikorian, Anna Marie Norehad,
Oscar Tatosian and Sam Mikaelian. A number of people also served on the
planning committee. The parish council, chaired by Deborah Der Asadourian,
also played an important role in the assembly.
* * *
Chairing the Evanston host parish's Assembly organizing committee was Dr.
Larry Farsakian (at right), pictured here serving on the altar during the
Divine Liturgy which concluded the annual Diocesan gathering.
Dn. Levon Kirakosyan, the deacon-in-charge of Evanston's St. James Church,
addresses the crowd of visiting delegates during the annual awards banquet.
As part of the host parish's hospitality, Diocesan delegates were taken on a
tour of Chicago. Pictured is a group of delegates in the Windy City's
Millennium Park.
# # #
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Karine Abalyan
Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: [email protected]
May 7, 2010
"It was a great experience for our parish to host the 108th Annual Diocesan
Assembly," said Dr. Larry Farsakian, who chaired the host parish committee
organizing the 108th Diocesan Assembly. "I am most proud of the fact that
our small parish united together, worked hard, and acted as one to host a
very successful assembly."
The St. James Church of Evanston, Ill., hosted the gathering for 147 clergy
and delegates representing the Eastern Diocese's organized and mission
parishes. Most of the meetings and events convened at the Chicago Marriott
O'Hare Hotel, but St. James parishioners also organized activities for the
visiting delegates and their families, including a bus tour of Chicago and a
luncheon at the church.
"Everyone on the committee contributed in their own way to help make the
Clergy Conference and the Diocesan Assembly memorable," said Dr. Farsakian.
After the assembly adjourned on Saturday, May 1, delegates had the
opportunity to take a tour of the Windy City, including stops at the
Millennium Park and the Sears Tower and a ride along Chicago's famous
Magnificent Mile shopping district.
In the evening, Diocesan Council chair Oscar Tatosian hosted a reception at
his historic home. Guests had the opportunity to tour the Classical Revival
style house which was completed in 1894.
On Sunday, May 2, delegates attended the Divine Liturgy at St. James Church,
where the celebrant-Diocesan Legate Archbishop Vicken Aykazian-spoke on the
importance of maintaining the Armenian Christian faith in a secular world.
While most clergymen had departed to be at their home parishes on Sunday, a
number remained and took part in the service, with the St. James altar
servers and choir also participating.
Archbishop Khajag Barsamian took the occasion to thank the host parish for a
wonderful Diocesan Assembly.
A luncheon organized by the St. James Women's Guild took place after church
services. Deacon Levon Kirakosyan, the parish's deacon-in-charge, expressed
his gratitude to the local community for their commitment to the success of
the Diocesan Assembly.
The executive committee for the parish included Rev. Dn. Levon Kirakosyan,
Dr. Larry Farsakian, Vartan Paylan, Sevan Krikorian, Anna Marie Norehad,
Oscar Tatosian and Sam Mikaelian. A number of people also served on the
planning committee. The parish council, chaired by Deborah Der Asadourian,
also played an important role in the assembly.
* * *
Chairing the Evanston host parish's Assembly organizing committee was Dr.
Larry Farsakian (at right), pictured here serving on the altar during the
Divine Liturgy which concluded the annual Diocesan gathering.
Dn. Levon Kirakosyan, the deacon-in-charge of Evanston's St. James Church,
addresses the crowd of visiting delegates during the annual awards banquet.
As part of the host parish's hospitality, Diocesan delegates were taken on a
tour of Chicago. Pictured is a group of delegates in the Windy City's
Millennium Park.
# # #