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HH Karekin II Visits Baku, for "World Summit Of Religious Leaders"

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  • HH Karekin II Visits Baku, for "World Summit Of Religious Leaders"

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Karine Abalyan
    Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
    E-mail: [email protected]

    May 7, 2010


    Diocesan Legate Abp. Aykazian Takes Part as NCC Representative

    On April 26, His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos
    of All Armenians, traveled to Baku, Azerbaijan, to participate in a "World
    Summit of Religious Leaders."

    Leaders and representatives of Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu
    communities from 32 countries took part in the meeting. His Holiness
    attended the summit at the invitation of its co-chairs His Holiness Kirill
    I, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, and Sheikh ul-Islam Haji Allahshukur
    Hummat Pashazade, Grand Mufti of the Caucasus.

    Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, Legate of the Eastern Diocese, also took part in
    the visit in his capacity as past president and current officer of the
    National Council of Churches in the U.S.A.

    At the summit, the Catholicos of All Armenians participated in a private
    meeting with Patriarch Kirill and Sheikh ul-Islam, and met with Azerbaijan's
    President, Ilham Aliyev.

    "As religious leaders, it is our holy duty to make every effort to end wars,
    terrorism, poverty, and social ills for the good of humanity," Catholicos
    Karekin II said. He also extolled the value of inter-religious dialogue and
    reminded religious leaders that "God is a God not of disorder but of peace"
    (1 Cor 14:33).

    During his private meeting with the religious leaders of Russia and
    Azerbaijan, Catholicos Karekin II had the opportunity to discuss the
    situation in Nagorno-Karabagh. The three leaders signed a joint declaration
    expressing hope "that in the future.we can assist the progress of the
    principles of peaceful coexistence for our peoples and the cultivation of
    mutually acceptable decisions, exclusively through the path of dialogue."

    "It is pleasing to witness that meetings of similar formats have
    significantly contributed to the cessation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani armed
    conflict founded on the issue of Karabagh. Undoubtedly, these meetings have
    helped to prevent the conflict from taking on an inter-religious nature,"
    the statement read.

    It went on: "The power of religion, which is a calling to goodness, peace,
    sympathy and patience, shall become a factor of reconciliation. We believe
    that our common efforts will benefit the defeat of inter-ethnic enmity."

    Catholicos Karekin II also participated in a working session focusing on
    strengthening dialogue with UNESCO.

    Present with Catholicos Karekin II during his meeting with Mr. Aliyev were
    Archbishop Yeznik Petrosian, General Secretary of Inter-Church Relations at
    Holy Etchmiadzin, Bishop Hovakim Manukian, director of the Inter- Church
    Relations Department, and the Rev. Fr. Vahram Melikian, director of the
    Information Services Department at Holy Etchmiadzin.

    Armenian clergy, Azerbaijan's president, and Sheikh ul-Islam discussed the
    importance of religious and cultural dialogues and the value of conferences
    such as the "World Summit of Religious Leaders." His Holiness Karekin II and
    Mr. Aliyev also discussed Nagorno-Karabagh and stressed the need for a
    peaceful approach to the situation.

    His Holiness Karekin II and Archbishop Aykazian also visited the Armenian
    Church of St. Gregory the Illuminator in Baku, which is currently used as a
    library. They prayed and sang Armenian hymns, and His Holiness expressed his
    hope that the church would reopen its doors to the faithful.

    Before departing from Baku, His Holiness Karekin II invited religious
    leaders to hold the "World Summit" in Armenia next year, and invited Sheikh
    ul-Islam to visit Holy Etchmiadzin.

    At the conclusion of the summit, participants released a statement on the
    influence of globalization on religion and traditional values.

    "In the contemporary world many attempt to push religion to the periphery of
    public life," the statement said. "In present conditions, the cooperation of
    traditional religious communities becomes more and more vital..We are
    convinced that an effective mechanism for dialogue with the international
    community will help in the search for ways to overcome the negative
    consequences of globalization, and for positive changes towards a better
    world context in the political, economic, and juridical dimensions."

    Reflecting on the meetings, Archbishop Aykazian said: "As a religious
    leader-one who serves in the New World but who has deep roots throughout the
    Old World-I welcome the proposal for a dialogue among civilizations. Such a
    dialogue can indeed be initiated on a religious level, and certain
    principles based on the commonly shared values of all religions, can be
    drawn to set moral guidelines that could help and even restrain secular
    leaders from immorality and violence."

    * * *



    His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All
    Armenians (center), met with Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill I (left) and
    Sheikh ul-Islam Pashazade (right) during a summit of religious leaders in


    While in Baku, Catholicos Karekin II visited the Armenian Church of St.
    Gregory the Illuminator, which is currently used as a library, where he
    prayed and sang Armenian hymns. Accompanying him was Archbishop Vicken
    Aykazian (left), Legate of the Eastern Diocese, who took part in the
    gathering in his capacity as past president of the National Council of
    Churches in the U.S.A. His Holiness expressed his hope that the church
    would reopen its doors to the faithful.

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