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Diocesan Assembly Banquet Honors Three Who have advance Mission

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  • Diocesan Assembly Banquet Honors Three Who have advance Mission

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Karine Abalyan
    Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
    E-mail: [email protected]

    May 7, 2010



    The feeling of an extended family gathering permeated the atmosphere of the
    awards banquet of the 108th Diocesan Assembly. It was a "wonderful,
    emotional, and uplifting evening," in the words of Archbishop Khajag
    Barsamian, the Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
    (Eastern), delivered to the more than 300 attendees from the Chicago area
    and from parishes throughout the Diocese.

    The St. James Armenian Church of Evanston, Ill., hosted the event on Friday
    evening, April 30, at the Chicago Marriott O'Hare.

    The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the 2010 Diocesan
    awards. The "Armenian Church Member of the Year" was bestowed on Mr. Harry
    Toufayan, of the St. Mary parish of Livingston, N.J., for his lifelong
    dedication and benefaction to the Armenian Church.

    A beautifully produced video presentation told the story of Mr. Toufayan's
    journey from Egypt to America, his creation of the family business, the
    Toufayan Bakeries, and his family's abiding legacy of service and
    contribution to the Armenian Church. In his remarks to the crowd, Mr.
    Toufayan called the evening a night that he and his wife Suzanne would
    treasure forever.

    "We promise to continue helping the church in any way we can," he said.

    The Diocese's "St. Vartan Award" went to Chicago physician Dr. John Wilhelm,
    for his efforts to improve the wellbeing of the disabled in Armenia-a
    mission that began in the aftermath of the 1988 earthquake, and has
    continued for two decades.

    At the banquet last Friday, Dr. Wilhelm said, "I gratefully accept this
    acknowledgement of my work with the Armenian community which has benefited
    disabled children in Armenia." He thanked Dr. Koloyan, an Armenia-based
    doctor who has collaborated with Dr. Wilhelm, for his persistence and vision
    and for helping build a center in Armenia that provides free orthopedic care
    to children in Armenia. Dr. Koloyan also spoke of the great humanitarian
    impulse that drives Dr. Wilhelm.

    Drawing closer to the Armenian Church

    A surprise farewell tribute was arranged for the Very Rev. Fr. Haigazoun
    Najarian the Diocesan Vicar General, who in June will be leaving the Diocese
    at the request of His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and
    Catholicos of All Armenians, to take up the role of Pontifical Legate of
    Central Europe and Sweden.

    Diocesan Legate Archbishop Vicken Aykazian spoke about Fr. Najarian's
    talents and contributions to the Armenian Church over the past decades.
    Letters addressed to Fr. Najarian congratulating him were read on behalf of
    Mr. Yervant Babayan, principal of the Vahan Tekeyan School in Beirut,
    Lebanon, where Fr. Najarian was a student; Archbishop Navasart Kjoyan,
    Primate of the Araratian Pontifical Diocese in Yerevan, and a former student
    of Fr. Najarian's; and the Diocesan Staff.

    The honoree thought back to when he had first entered the priesthood. "We
    had dreams and a vision for the Armenian Church and the Armenian people, and
    we dedicated our lives to it," he said. He said he was a man of God and has
    served the Armenian people in whatever capacity he could. "I have served the
    Diocese as wholeheartedly as I could."

    In his benediction, Archbishop Barsamian touched upon each of the three
    people honored during the banquet and said "each has had a different life
    calling, but each of their callings has drawn them closer to the Armenian
    Church and the Armenian people."

    The Armenian Dance Company of Chicago provided the cultural portion of the
    evening. Welcoming remarks were made by Dr. Larry Farsakian, chairman of the
    2010 Diocesan Assembly host committee, and remarks were made by Deacon Levon
    Kirakosyan, deacon-in-charge of the Evanston parish, as well as Deborah
    DerAsadourian, its parish council chair. A celebratory toast was made by
    Antranig Garibian, who chaired the 2010 Diocesan Assembly business sessions.

    * * *



    Abp. Barsamian presents Hratch Toufayan with the Diocese's "Armenian Church
    Member of the Year" award for 2010, during the Diocesan Assembly Banquet in

    Asmbly General2

    Dr. John Wilhelm received the Diocese's "St. Vartan Award" for his
    distinguished service to improve life for the disabled in Armenia.

    Asmbly General3

    Fr. Haigazoun Najarian, the Diocesan Vicar General (center), was given a
    special tribute for his years of service to the Eastern Diocese. Abp.
    Khajag Barsamian (left) and Abp. Vicken Aykazian (right) recalled their long
    friendships with Fr. Najarian, who will be departing the Diocese in early
    summer to serve as the Pontifical Legate of Central Europe and Sweden.

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