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BAKU: Czech PM Reaffirms Support For Territorial Integrity Of Azerba

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  • BAKU: Czech PM Reaffirms Support For Territorial Integrity Of Azerba

    May 7 2010

    Jan Kohout APA interviews Jan Kohout, Minister of Foreign Affairs of
    Czech Republic.

    How do you estimate the level of bilateral relationships between
    Azerbaijan and the Czech Republic?

    It is always a pleasure to have an opportunity to confirm that the
    relations between two countries are at very good level. This is
    exactly the case of bilateral relations between the Czech Republic
    and Azerbaijan. Contacts between representatives of our countries
    are quite intensive. Let me mention just two most visits last year:
    the visit of our Prime Minister in Baku in February and visit of
    President Aliyev in Prague in May on the occasion of two important
    meetings organized during Czech EU Presidency - the Eastern Partnership
    Summit and the Southern Corridor Summit.

    We are strongly committed to further deepen our relations. New
    Embassy of the Czech Republic has started its work in Baku and
    I will have the privilege to officially open it during my visit
    to Azerbaijan. It was not easy to realize this "step" because the
    financial crisis considerably affected ministry's budget. But the
    relations with Azerbaijan are important for us and the existence of
    the Czech Embassy in Baku proves it clearly.

    In developing of what spheres with Azerbaijan Czech is interested
    the most?

    I would like to emphasize that the Czech Republic is interested
    in further development of co-operation in various areas. We have
    already established very strong link in the field of energy and we
    would like to deepen our economic co-operation in general. However,
    we are also strongly interested in development of other spheres
    such as tourism and cultural co-operation. Azerbaijan is a very old
    country with impressive history and I am sure that our nations can
    enrich each other. In this regard I really appreciate the signing
    of the agreement between our governments on economic, scientific and
    technical and cultural co-operation.

    I appreciate a fruitful co-operation between the Masaryk University
    in Brno that opened the Azerbaijan and Caspian Studies Centre and the
    Slavic University in Baku. It is pleasant that many other universities
    from both countries express their interest in mutual cooperation.

    Last but not least, I would like to mention that we are on the path
    of deepening our mutual parliamentary co-operation. The Committee for
    International Affairs of the lower chamber of the Czech Parliament
    has established working group for Czech-Azerbaijanis friendship and

    In the framework of Czech presidency in EU a new initiative
    "Eastern Partnership" was launched in Prague in 2009. Azerbaijan
    is a member-country of this program. Is the Czech Republic going to
    further promote this initiative?

    The Czech Republic is, of course, strongly committed to further
    promote this initiative. We were, together with Poland and Sweden,
    at the birth of eastern dimension of the European Foreign Policy. And
    I am happy to point out that the Eastern Partnership was finalized
    during Czech EU Presidency and officially launched at the summit
    organized in our capital.

    We have always strongly supported the idea of integration of your
    country to the European structures. Therefore, I am really glad that
    we have established the instrument that could help Azerbaijan to get
    closer to the EU in all spheres of co-operation.

    Sometimes we can hear complains about slow pace of the initiative. I
    cannot agree with that. We must understand that Eastern Partnership is
    a complex initiative and as such it has been growing in gradual rate.

    We can see that the implementation of the initiative after its launch
    has been really positive. We have approved the working programmes of
    all four thematic platforms as well as their core objectives. We
    have also started preparations of negotiating mandates on the
    Association Agreement with Southern Caucasus countries. I hope that
    the negotiations will start during the summer.

    Is the Czech Republic planning to strengthen co-operation with
    Azerbaijan in energy sphere?

    First of all let me point out that supplies of Azerbaijanis oil cover
    almost 25% percent of the Czech demand. It makes your country one
    of the principle energy suppliers to the Czech Republic with broad
    perspective of further development of our co-operation in the field
    of energy. Thanks to supplies of oil transited through the pipeline
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, our energy security has substantively improved.

    We would also like to increase our energy security in the field of
    natural gas import in the future. Therefore, we fully support the
    Nabucco project as well as the whole concept of the Southern Corridor.

    As you know, the Czech Republic spent a lot of effort during Czech EU
    Presidency on bringing the Southern Corridor closer to reality. We have
    organized the Southern Corridor Summit, where the European Union and
    partner countries signed the Declaration expressing full political
    support to the concept of the energy co-operation in the framework
    of the Southern Corridor.

    I am strongly convinced that the successful co-operation in the energy
    field will serve as the economic and political catalyst and will have
    "spillover effect" accelerating the process of overall strengthening
    relations between the Azerbaijan and the EU.

    Here, I would like to recall that the foundations of today's EU were
    laid in the form of co-operation in the field of strategic resources
    coal and steel. Results of this successful co-operation process are
    obvious - political union with its own currency.

    Will a consular section function in newly opened Czech Embassy in
    Azerbaijan, what will simplify the process of obtaining visas for
    Azerbaijan citizens, who is going to visit the Czech Republic?

    Indeed, the consular agenda is an important part of activity of our
    new embassy in Baku. I am happy I can confirm that the consular
    section has already started its regular operation. It means that
    Azerbaijani citizens willing to visit the Czech Republic do not have
    to travel abroad anymore, they can ask for visas directly in Baku. I
    know that people from your country like visiting the Czech Republic,
    especially Karlovy Vary and Prague, and I hope that number of tourists
    from Azerbaijan will increase.

    What are the trade relations between the Czech Republic and
    Azerbaijan? How much is commodity turnover between our countries?

    I am glad that trade relations between our countries are developing.

    The volume of our trade exchange had been continually increasing to
    the amount 1.6 billion USD in 2008. Unfortunately, due to the global
    financial crisis, it decreased to 764 million USD in 2009.

    Nevertheless, I am deeply convinced that after we get over the crisis,
    the volume of our trade exchange will return to the increasing path
    again. At the time being, the majority of the turnover has been made
    by our import of Azerbaijanis oil. However, I am sure that the Czech
    companies have a much to offer. Cars produced in the Czech Republic
    could serve as a good example. Therefore, I have no doubt that the
    volume of Czech export to your country will increase.

    How do you estimate the activity of Azerbaijani Embassy in the Czech

    The Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Czech Republic,
    his Excellency Tahir Taghizadeh, is one of the most active ambassadors
    accredited in Prague. I think I may say that Ambassador Taghizadeh
    knows the Czech Republic very well because he has got extended
    experience related to our country since 1990's. He knows very well the
    Czech nature and - what is extremely important - he speaks fluently
    Czech. That is something we really appreciate. Azerbaijani Embassy
    in Prague really contributes to further development of our bilateral
    relations. I am sure that Ambassador Radek Matula and our new Embassy
    in Baku will play the same role in your country.

    What is position of the Czech Republic on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict?

    We are acquainted with broad historical context of the conflict. We
    closely follow the development of the peace process mediated by
    the Co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk group that was established as
    the international platform striving for peaceful settlement of the
    conflict. As you know, the former Czechoslovakia was original member
    of the Minsk Group and we are confident that the group should retain
    the lead in settling the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. In this respect
    the Czech Republic supports a peaceful resolution of the conflict
    on the basis of all the principles established within the Minsk
    Group, including respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity
    and inviolability of the internationally recognized borders of the
    Republic of Azerbaijan. The Czech Republic stands ready to support
    all measures that contribute to peaceful resolution of the conflict.

    We are strongly convinced that the only way to peaceful solution of
    the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is through direct negotiations.

    Therefore, we welcome the last year's intensification of the meetings
    of your president with his Armenian counterpart. I hope that the
    updated Madrid document presented by the Co-chairs of the Minsk Group
    during the meeting in Sochi at the end of January will serve as the
    basis for the final compromise settlement.