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BAKU: Karabakh Conflict Restricts Azerbaijan's Geostrategic Role

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  • BAKU: Karabakh Conflict Restricts Azerbaijan's Geostrategic Role

    May 7 2010

    Inessa Baban Academic Inessa Baban considers whether Azerbaijan can
    move from geostrategic importance to become a geostrategic actor.

    Recently Elin Suleymanov, Azerbaijan's consul general Consul in Los
    Angeles, quoted in a lecture at Montana State University's Energy
    Institute a story that when Hitler was given a birthday cake during
    World War II with a map drawn on it and he was asked what part of
    the cake he wanted, he pointed to Azerbaijan.

    Located in the South Caucasus, the region that connects Eastern Europe
    to Central Asia, Azerbaijan is accordingly to Zbigniew Brzeziznski,
    former US national security adviser in Jimmy Carter's administration,
    one of the most significant 'geopolitical pivots' of Eurasia. Due to
    its geography, Azerbaijan has a 'sensitive location' that presents
    itself as a 'defensive shield' for the Caspian Sea: it opens or
    blocks the access to many significant extra-regional actors, oil and
    gas thirsty. Baku has a pair of keys to the energy-rich Caspian Sea
    region whose place in the global geopolitics of energy is increasing
    in proportion to the degree of instability in the Middle East.

    Lately the ambitions of Azerbaijan go beyond its limits as a
    'geopolitical pivot', especially after the construction of the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline in 2005, considered strategic to
    the improvement of Euro-Atlantic energy security. Even if this
    controversial project has been interpreted by neighbours, such
    as Russia and Iran, as the result of American strategy, it helped
    Azerbaijan straighten its position and encouraged it to assume the
    role of an actor.

    Consequently, Baku started to promote its foreign policy's interests
    talking more openly to political actors using the language of energy.

    The time is past when Baku had a low geopolitical voice and high
    geoeconomic one and sought to use the oil companies to influence the
    policies of their mother-countries. Baku has become more conscious
    of its role in Euro-Atlantic energy security and learned from some of
    its Caspian sea neighbours how to use the energy potential as a tool
    of foreign policy, speaking directly to the governments whose actions
    or initiatives could damage its national interests. And this tactic is
    working as can be seen from a recent episode in which US-Azerbaijani
    relations cooled this April.

    American attempts to reconcile Turkey and Armenia, whose bilateral
    relations have been broken since the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,
    displeased Azerbaijan because it was contrary to its strategy and
    objectives. Baku connects the normalization of Turkish-Armenian
    relations to the solution of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue and
    refuses to split Yerevan's problems with its neighbours into the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani and Armenian-Turkish issues. Or Washington pressed
    Ankara to ratify the protocol to normalize Armenian-Turkish relations
    without any reference to the unresolved Nagorno-Karabakh problem.

    This initiative was considered 'erroneous' by Azerbaijani officials
    who considered 're-examining their policy in relations with the US
    which could damage some important US-Azerbaijani transnational energy
    projects' (Ali Hasanov, head of the public and political department
    of the Presidential Administration, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 4 April 2010).

    It was a soft but suggestive remark whose message has been understood
    in Washington, as has Azerbaijani's refusal to take part in joint
    military training with the US, scheduled for May, which was postponed
    by the Azerbaijani Defence Ministry.

    In these circumstances, on 29 April a group of US Congress members
    prepared a letter to the US chair of the State and Foreign Operations
    Subcommittee requesting the repeal of the Section 907 to the Freedom
    Support Act. This act, adopted by the US Congress in 1992, bans any US
    aid to the Republic of Azerbaijan in response to Azerbaijan's blockade
    of Armenia after the Nagorno-Karabakh military conflict. [Section 907,
    prohibiting direct US aid to the Azerbaijani government and preventing
    the development of strategic relations between the countries, has
    been waived by the US president since October 2001 but remains on
    the statute book.]

    The need to re-examine this act nowadays was justified by American
    congressmen in terms of the role that Azerbaijan could assume as
    a 'reliable US partner' in achieving the priorities of the Obama
    administration on relations with the Muslim world, energy security and
    the struggle against international terrorism (, 29 April, 2010).

    Actually the US Congress initiative is not new because there are
    regularly talks on the subject but significant is the context of
    these discussions: the risk of deterioration in Azerbaijani-American
    bilateral relations. Even big powers like the US understand the role
    that Azerbaijan has already been playing in the regional context and
    the possibility of increasing it at the Eurasian level, because it
    has a set of natural attributes, including its geography and energy
    resources, that recommend it as a 'geostrategic player'.

    Coincidentally or not, the same day, on 29 April, the US charge
    d'affaires in Azerbaijan, Donald Lu affirmed in Baku that, 'We hope
    that these exercises will be held in future' referring to the postponed
    US-Azerbaijan military exercises.

    Yet, Azerbaijan is not a 'geostrategic player', because all its
    initiatives in the energy and strategic spheres have been targeted at
    internal geopolitical issues concerning Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan
    is not seeking to 'exercise power or influence beyond its borders
    in order to alter the existing geopolitical state of affairs'
    and it's not seeking 'for whatever reason - the quest for national
    grandeur, ideological fulfilment, religious messianism, or economic
    aggrandisement to attain regional domination or global standing'
    (see Zbigniew Brzezinski's definition of the 'geostrategic player'
    in 'The Grand Chessboard. American Primacy and Its Geostrategic
    Imperatives', 1997).

    Baku uses petroleum politics and pipeline diplomacy in a pragmatic
    manner and creates a strategic axis, not in the way that an Offender
    as an active 'geopolitical player' should be, but as a Defender of
    its territorial integrity, hoping to regain the Nagorno-Karabakh
    territories, considered 'occupied' by Armenia.

    The unresolved Nagorno-Karabakh question is the 'Achilles heel' of
    Azerbaijan that prevents it becoming an active 'geostrategic player'.

    Anatomically the 'Achilles heel' refers to the strongest and largest
    tendon that connects muscles in the lower leg with the heel bone. No
    sportsman could play any sport with a ruptured tendon.

    Until Azerbaijan fixes this tendon, it will remain in a volatile
    situation between 'geopolitical pivot' and 'geostrategic actor'. This
    situation favoyrs its neighbouring 'geostrategic players', such as
    Iran and Russia, but it may affect the long term interests of some
    extra-regional actors, such as the EU which is seeking to have a zone
    of stability at its borders and to consolidate its energy security.

    Inessa Baban a is PhD fellow at the Sorbonne University in Paris and
    visiting scholar at the Azerbaijani Presidential Centre for Strategic.