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Nubarashen Pesticide Dump Soon To Be Completely Closed

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  • Nubarashen Pesticide Dump Soon To Be Completely Closed


    MAY 7,2010

    YEREVAN, MAY 7, ARMENPRESS: Nubarashen pesticide dump will be
    completely closed soon, Emergency Situations Minister Armen Yeritsyan
    said today at the discussion organized in the ministry, noting that
    relevant establishments are too involved in the works. Representatives
    of Healthcare, Urban Development, Nature Protection, Agriculture
    Ministries, Police, NGOs, international organizations participated
    in the discussion.

    A. Yeritsyan noted that notable works have been carried out in the
    territory of the dump and informative work have been carried out with
    the residents of the nearby villages.

    "Here the situation is rather serious, we all understand that it is an
    emergency case. We must realize that the work of our ministry is not
    enough, it is necessary to coordinate all the forces, establish clear
    timeframe and implement the works of the first round effectively,"
    Armen Yeritsyan said. He noted that the government has already
    released 31 million AMD for the works, but it will be enough only for
    the first round of the works. In the second round it is necessary to
    undertake steps toward the elimination of pesticides. International
    experts suggested either acquire special stoves and eliminate the
    pesticides or transfer them to other countries where they will
    be eliminated. A. Yeritsyan noted that they will apply to the
    international organizations to assist them in further works.

    Chairwoman of the "Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment"
    NGO Yelena Manvelyan noted that they met with the residents of the
    nearby villages and the latter said they have headaches and feel sick.

    "By now the works of relevant establishments were not done properly.

    Was it difficult to stretch barbed wire, place information posts
    and inform the people?. It is a quite serious case and all the
    establishments must response," she said.

    First deputy healthcare minister Hayk Darbinyan noted that days before
    studies of the dump, nearby water, air and land have been made. It was
    found out that there are no poisonous substances in the drinking water
    and air, there is a certain additions in the irrigation water and land.

    Head of the OSCE Yerevan Office Sergey Kapinos noted that their
    organization is ready to assist the Armenian authorities. "This is the
    case when all must understand the seriousness of the moment. Because
    of wrong steps of a few unconscious people the whole public of Yerevan
    is endangered. At the same time it is necessary to work out a program
    with clear schedule to isolate the danger," Kapinos said. A. Yeritsyan
    noted that all the ministries are given relevant tasks and the works
    are being intensively carried out.