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Holding back darkness: A new campaign aims at preventing Alzheimer's

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  • Holding back darkness: A new campaign aims at preventing Alzheimer's

    Jerusalem Post
    May 9 2010

    Holding back the darkness
    08/05/2010 18:51

    A new campaign aims at preventing Alzheimer's.

    There isn't a single, effective long-term treatment for Alzheimer's
    disease, so it seems unrealistic to plan on preventing this widespread
    form of dementia by 2020. But an American father-and-son team with
    much experience in brain disease and epidemiology ` Dr. Zaven and Dr.
    Ara Khachaturian ` think it can be achieved, with a lot of brain power
    and billions of dollars. And they want Israel to be part of it.

    There were other massive projects that took a decade or less to
    accomplish, such as the US Transcontinental Railroad in the 1860s
    (seven years); the Panama Canal in the early 1900s (10 years); the
    Manhattan Project for the atomic bomb to end World War II (six years);
    the Apollo Program to get America on the moon before 1970 (eight
    years); and the Human Genome Project (by 2000) in a decade.

    Thus, said the Khachaturians in a recent interview with The Jerusalem
    Post at Jerusalem's Inbal Hotel, `it isn't so outlandish to take only
    10 years to prevent elderly people from getting Alzheimer's ` or at
    least to delay its onset long enough so that it's like prevention
    because people will die of something else.'

    THEY WERE at the hotel for a few days to convene a think tank for
    establishing an international research consortium called the Campaign
    to Prevent Alzheimer's Disease by 2020 ( Attended by
    delegates from Israel, the US, Europe and Russia, the meetings were
    intended to form a partnership with leading Israeli physicians and
    scientists in the field.

    Additional meetings are planned over the next six months to explore
    the feasibility of designing a prototype for a comprehensive
    international database on healthy aging. This will greatly enhance
    efforts by scientists and biotechnology companies to develop valid
    diagnostic tests as well as therapies that delay or ultimately prevent
    the onset of many chronic diseases that affect memory, movement and
    mood. `If we can delay the onset of mental disability by only five
    years, we can cut the costs by half,' said Zaven.

    Around the world, there are 34 million victims of Alzheimer's and
    other types of dementia; five or six million live in the US, and about
    100,000 in Israel. But many post-World War II Baby Boomers now
    entering retirement are likely to live into their 90s, so Alzheimer's
    will become an even more severe problem unless something is done to
    stop it.

    THE US National Institute on Ageing describes Alzheimer's as an
    irreversible, progressive brain disease that slowly destroys memory
    and thinking skills and eventually even the ability to carry out the
    simplest tasks. In most people with Alzheimer's, symptoms first appear
    after age 60. Dementia, which can be caused by other factors such as
    insufficient oxygen to the brain, is the loss of cognitive functioning
    ` thinking, remembering and reasoning.

    Alzheimer's, the most common type of dementia, was named in 1906 after
    Dr. Alois Alzheimer, who conducted a pathology examination of the
    brain tissue of a woman who had died of an unusual mental illness. Her
    symptoms had included memory loss, language problems and unpredictable
    behavior. The physician found many abnormal clumps (now called amyloid
    plaques) and tangled bundles of fibers (called neurofibrillary
    tangles) in her brain. Plaques and tangles are two of the main
    features of Alzheimer's. The third is the loss of connections between
    nerve cells.

    Although we still don't know what triggers Alzheimer's, it is known
    that brain damage can begin as many as 20 years before problems
    appear. As more and more plaques and tangles form in particular brain
    areas, healthy neurons begin to work less efficiently. They eventually
    lose their ability to communicate with each other and they die. This
    process spreads to a nearby structure, called the hippocampus, which
    is essential in forming memories. As more and more neurons die,
    affected brain regions begin to shrivel. By the final stage of
    Alzheimer's, damage is widespread and brain tissue has shrunk
    significantly. Memory problems are one of the first signs of
    Alzheimer's, but people have problems with memory as they age even
    without Alzheimer's, so diagnosis can be certain only at autopsy.

    As Alzheimer's progresses, memory loss continues, and changes in other
    cognitive abilities appear. Problems can include getting lost, having
    trouble handling money and paying bills, repeating questions, taking
    longer to complete normal daily tasks, poor judgment, and small mood
    and personality changes. People are often diagnosed in this stage.

    In moderate Alzheimer's, damage occurs in sections of the brain that
    control language, reasoning, sensory processing and conscious thought.
    Memory loss and confusion increase, and people begin to have problems
    recognizing family and friends. They may be unable to learn new
    things, carry out tasks that involve multiple steps (such as getting
    dressed), or cope with new situations, and may have hallucinations,
    delusions or paranoia.

    At the severe final stages, plaques and tangles have spread throughout
    the brain, and brain tissue has shrunk significantly. Victims cannot
    communicate and are completely dependent on others. Near the end, the
    person may be in bed most of the time as the body shuts down.

    SCIENTISTS ARE investigating associations between cognitive decline
    and vascular and metabolic conditions such as heart disease, stroke,
    high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. Understanding these
    relationships and testing them in clinical trials will help us
    understand whether reducing risk factors for these diseases may help
    with Alzheimer's as well.

    Even though there is no cure, early diagnosis is beneficial for
    several reasons, since there are medications that slow the decline,
    and families can make plans for living arrangements, financial and
    legal matters and developing support networks.

    Four Alzheimer's medications have been approved so far by the US Food
    and Drug Administration: donepezil (Aricept), rivastigmine (Exelon)
    and galantamine (Razadyne) for mild to moderate Alzheimer's and
    memantine (Namenda) for the moderate-to-severe stage. These drugs work
    by regulating neurotransmitters, and may help maintain thinking,
    memory and speaking skills ` but they don't change the underlying
    disease process and may help only for a few months or years.

    The worldwide cost of caring for dementia patients is estimated at
    over $400 billion a year, $3 billion in Israel alone. With the ageing
    of the population, dementia is a looming catastrophe. PAD2020, a
    non-profit organization based in Rockvillle, Maryland, gets financial
    support from the Helen Bader Foundation (which was previously involved
    in funding early childhood development) and the US Alzheimer's
    Association, plus at least one `educational grant' from a
    pharmaceutical company. But the elder Khachaturian asserted that the
    drug firm is allowed absolutely no influence on policies. `It's
    clearly a hands-off policy. We're applying to most major drug
    companies and foundations for financial support, as we insist that the
    project not become the monopoly of any single company or institution,'
    Zaven insisted. The US government, aware of the urgency, is expected
    to eventually donate much of the funding.

    Zaven Khatchaturian (the surname is Armenian), a neuroscientist who
    specialized in brain ageing, worked at the University of Pittsburg and
    became director of Alzheimer's research at the US National Institutes
    of Health. Ara, an expert in epidemiology and biostatistics at Johns
    Hopkins, joined his father to serve as a founding trustee and
    executive vice president of PAD2020 because he believes in the cause.

    `STATISTICS ALONE don't present a full picture of the destructive
    effects of these illnesses,' said Zaven, a leader of neuroscience
    research programs for more than 30 years who is now president of
    PAD2020. `Brain mechanisms were my scientific interest, and when I was
    sent to the NIH Institute on Ageing, I was asked to develop strategic
    planning on brain ageing. Alzheimer's was not well known then, and few
    scientists were interested in it. I created most of the programs.'

    Current therapies, he continued, `provide symptomatic relief [only] in
    the short run. We know that high cholesterol and high blood pressure
    are early warning signals of heart disease, but we have no proven
    markers for early-stage dementia. New approaches that identify
    incipient disease, and novel therapies that will prevent or modify the
    progression of brain cell death and the onset of the most disabling
    symptoms are urgently needed.'

    Zaven had been to Israel only once before, for a short visit, and
    Ara's arrival was his first. So why did they think Israel was a
    natural partner? `Because it's an important place for Alzheimer's
    research. The population is small enough and manageable, and Israelis
    have a relatively long life expectancy. The country,' added Zaven,
    `has a solid scientific infrastructure and much successful involvement
    in medical research. There is a great deal of fantastic medical talent
    here. Israel could be a prototype for a partnership linking the US and
    Europe.' The Israel Alzheimer's Association has voiced its support, he

    Specifically, the Khatchaturians want healthy Israelis in their 30s or
    40s whose parents were diagnosed with Alzheimer's to volunteer to be
    observed over years so information on their mental function can be
    gathered. `They would be called in for an examination, imaging, blood
    tests and neurological and cognitive assessments every year so changes
    could be determined. We also intend to look for biological markers
    that can predict who is likely to get the disease,' added Ara.

    In the US, said Zaven, there are people with a family history of
    dementia who are actually keen on being examined because they fear
    they have inherited it. Dr. Alan Roses, a neurologist at Duke
    University in North Carolina, has discovered a susceptibility gene for
    Alzheimer's, said Zaven, `but one gene alone is not enough to cause
    the disease. It occurs in combination with environmental factors and
    additional genes.'

    Despite the large number of victims, it is amazing that there is no
    national Alzheimer's database. `This is needed to record cognitive
    changes,' said the father. `Doctors take their blood pressure, but
    don't examine brain function.'

    PAD2020 is at too early a stage to determine where the money needed
    will come from, but Zaven believes one billion dollars a year over 10
    years would be enough. That's only a drop in the bucket compared to
    the costs of treating and minding Alzheimer's patients.

    The Khatchaturians are unwilling to be involved in a repeat of the
    Decade of the Brain established by the first Bush Administration in
    1980 that `produced absolutely nothing. There was a lot of hoopla and
    many meetings, but it lacked a strategic plan. The dementia situation
    has gotten a lot more severe since then.'

    The project poses various ethical problems, such as the fact that
    people participating in research have to know that in the future,
    their personal data could lead to the development of medications. `The
    data will be preserved anonymously, but we need to develop solid
    safeguards to ensure privacy,' Ara said.

    It will not be a simple struggle. US medical investigators said last
    week that there is `no firm evidence' that any preventive measures are
    effective. The independent panel convened by the NIH said many
    measures including mental stimulation, exercise and a variety of
    dietary supplements have been studied, but the value of such
    strategies in delaying the onset or reducing the severity of decline
    has never been demonstrated by rigorous studies.

    `We wish we could tell people that taking a pill or doing a puzzle
    every day would prevent this terrible disease, but current evidence
    doesn't support this,' said Prof. Martha Daviglus, the panel's
    chairman and a preventive medicine expert at Northwestern University. h/Health/Article.aspx?id=175031