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Prime Minister Of Armenia Tigran Sargsyan Attends Reception On Occas

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  • Prime Minister Of Armenia Tigran Sargsyan Attends Reception On Occas


    2010-05-10 16:31:00

    ArmInfo. Prime Minister of Armenia Tigran Sargsyan attended the
    official reception organized by the initiative of the Russian Embassy
    in Armenia on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of Victory in
    the Great Patriotic War. The event took place on May 9 2010 at Karen
    Demirchyan Sport and Concert Complex.

    The government members and parliamentarians, diplomats accredited
    in Armenia, veterans of the GPW, and servicemen participated in the
    event. Prime Minister of Armenia welcomed those present and said: I'd
    like to pay deep respect to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War
    and congratulate you and all those present on the 65th anniversary of
    the Great Victory. The annual celebrities of this significant event in
    the CIS are of nation-wide importance, of course. However, our dear
    veterans have always been the key heroes of the Victory Day. We are
    deeply in their dept. They are the heroes of those heroic pages of
    our common history that is already far in the past and their unity
    brought this Glorious Victory. I am proud to recall that our small
    republic made quite significant contribution to the Victory over
    Fascism. Over 600,000 Armenians were called to army in the period from
    June 1941 to May 1945, though the total population of Armenia than
    did not exceed 1.5 million people. Nearly 300,000 Armenian fought
    on the front line and over 200,000 of Armenian fell in battle. The
    names of three Armenians marshals, 1 admiral, 60 generals, 106 heroes
    of the USSR, 27 full Cavaliers of the Order of Glory were included
    in the glorious history of the Soviet Army. Six national divisions
    from Armenia had a great role in the fight on the front line, and
    three of these divisions - NN 89, 408 and 409, actively fought in the
    Caucasus foothills. We pay homage to the memory of the multinational
    army of the Great Patriotic War. Thank God, we have the opportunity
    to see and communicate with some of those heroes. It is high time to
    praise our heroes not only in word but also truly in deed. Memory,
    attention and care are all our dear veterans need. Such are the
    key components of our common strategy with regard to our respectful
    veterans. The Government of Armenia as part of the action plan for
    organization and celebration of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the
    GPW adopted by the CIS leaders has already conducted and continues
    organizing meetings with veterans, music festivals, exhibitions,
    evening meetings, military and sport games, scientific conferences,
    publication of thematic print materials. A special attention is
    paid to education of the growing generation. In particular, lessons
    dedicated to the memory of the participants in the GPW were organized
    at schools. Pupils wrote compositions on the topic "We are successors
    of winners". The Government is focusing on the social protection
    of the participants in the Great Patriotic War. The Government has
    approved the parliament- adopted decision to recompense the deposits
    with the USSR Savingsbank of all the veterans residing in Armenia. The
    Government has approved funds from the Reserve Fund for treatment and
    rehabilitation of 300 veterans. The government is studying extension
    of the list of benefits for veterans regarding the medical, transport
    and communal services. Indeed, it is a little bit of what our dear
    veterans deserve and the country's leadership is exerting maximum
    efforts to develop Armenia into a strong, rich and prospering country.

    We will be able to fully render to them the care and attention they
    deserve only having such strong country. I'd like to congratulate
    our veterans and all of us on the 65th anniversary of the Great
    Victory once again. Let's the uneclisped fame of the winners lives
    forever serving a bright example of bravery and endurance for the
    future generations."

    A festive concert followed the prime minister's speech.