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Europe's Finance Ministers Approved Crisis Aid Package

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  • Europe's Finance Ministers Approved Crisis Aid Package


    May 10, 2010 - 10:23 AMT 05:23 GMT

    Europe's Finance Ministers approved in an emergency meeting late
    Sunday a "stabilization mechanism" that could provide at least 440
    billion euros (US $560 billion) for a crisis aid package aimed at
    ensuring financial stability across Europe, CNN reported.

    The deal comes after a week of heavy stock market losses for some of
    the European Union's member states in the wake of a massive bailout
    for Greece's battered economy.

    The Ministers, meeting in Brussels, Belgium, sought to ease markets
    shaken by the Greek economic crisis before they re-opened Monday.

    Under the deal announced early Monday, the International Monetary
    Fund could provide up to 220 billion euros (US $280 billion) to the
    crisis fund in addition to the EU's contribution of 440 billion euros,
    Spain's Finance Minister Elena Salgado said.

    Another 60 billion euros (US $76 billion) would be available should
    member states experience "exceptional occurrences" beyond their
    control, Salgado said.

    European Central Bank officials have tried to play down fears that
    the economic turmoil in Greece could spread to other heavily indebted
    European countries such as Spain, Portugal and Italy.

    Spain saw three straight days of losses in its stock market last week
    after the country's credit rating was downgraded by the influential
    rating agency Standard & Poor's.

    Olli Rehn, the European commissioner for economic and monetary
    policy, praised the deal early Monday, saying "the fiscal efforts
    of European Union member states, the financial assistance by the
    (European Commission) and member states, and the actions taken today
    by the (European Central Bank) proves that we shall defend the euro
    whatever it takes."