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Astarjian: The Peddlers Of Ankara

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  • Astarjian: The Peddlers Of Ankara

    Dr. Henry Astarjian 0/astarjian-the-peddlers-of-ankara/
    Mon, May 10 2010

    In his very recent press conference-which he held after a round of
    meetings with the Washington establishment, the Armenian president and
    foreign minister, and other participants in the Nuclear Proliferation
    Conference-he behaved like Hoja Nessretin who, pretending to be a
    businessman, bought a goat for a certain price at one end of the
    bazaar and sold it for the same price at the other end.

    When asked the rationale behind it, he said, "El beni alis veriste
    gorsun" (Let people see me doing business).

    This is precisely what Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and
    his boss Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the two peddlers of fake merchandise,
    did in the bazaars of Washington. They bought and sold political
    ribbons by the mile-ribbons extending from Armenia to Azerbaijan,
    to Iran to Pakistan to Iraq, to Palestine and Israel, and to the
    Silk Trail, leading them in the company of the West to their origins:
    resource-rich Central Asia. And America in its naivete is buying what
    they are selling.

    Erdogan and Davutoglu, desperate to find a solution to the "Armenian
    Problem," have now decided to bring the fight to us, "the Ottoman
    Diasporans" (a Turkish characterization). They are hoping to find
    some Armenians or Armenian organizations that are receptive to their
    way of thinking and to their plans for Armenia. They may be lucky
    and find some who makes gestures and compromises on some issues,
    but never on the issue of the genocide.

    They are launching this new strategy knowing full well that their
    maneuvers in shaping up the debate is dead on arrival. They know the
    position of the "Bad Armenians." They know our role in blocking the
    outcome of the deceitful Turkish-Armenian protocols. They know our
    work in exposing past and present Turkish atrocities. They know that
    we will pursue genocide recognition until they confess to the crime
    committed by their fathers, and grandfathers. And they know that we
    will not give up an inch of our confiscated land of Western Armenia,
    which was proscribed by President Woodrow Wilson.

    The peddlers' recent political offensive against the Bad Armenians has
    boomeranged. It has crystallized Armenian thinking, and united us. The
    divide and conquer tactic has not worked, and is doomed to fail.

    The diaspora's cry echoed in Armenia and they responded favorably. Now
    Davutoglu and Erdogan, acting like Davut Pasha and Recep Pasha of
    the Ottoman era, had better realize that there are no Good, Bad,
    or So-So Armenians. There are only Bad Armenians.

    Davutoglu must find another way to peddle his ribbons. Perhaps he
    should color them red, blue, and orange.

    Whether the United States accepts the genocide as genocide does not
    change reality-that what the Ottoman Turks committed was genocide,
    and what the Erdogan-Davutoglu government claims as the "continuation
    of the Ottoman Empire" is guilty of covering up the first-degree
    murder of an entire nation, a crime indeed. Turkey cannot claim
    selective inheritance of its Ottoman past; they must accept the bad
    with the good.

    A few hours ago, I watched a TV interview with Erdogan conducted by
    Christiane Amanpour on CNN. The man sat there telling lie after lie,
    distorting facts about every topic, including their obvious decision
    to U-turn their state ship towards home, the Islamic berth.

    Erdogan said, and I am paraphrasing, that previous Turkish governments
    had ignored their neighbors, but we are now paying attention to our
    neighborhood. We are on good terms with our neighbors to the south,
    the east, the west, and the north.

    Oh what a lie! How has he had good relationship with Armenia? By
    blocking passage of goods to the landlocked people of Armenia? By
    forcing a protocol down Armenia's throat? By supporting the aggressions
    of Azerbaijan in Karabagh and with pogroms in Sumgait?

    He said that Turkey has lived in peace and harmony with all its
    neighbors. To prove his good intentions towards Armenians, he said he
    has tolerated the presence of tens of thousand of illegal Armenians
    working and living in Turkey. He said he showed his benevolence
    toward Turkish Armenians ("Of course these are our citizens, with
    whom we have no problems") by ordering the renovation of the Akhtamar
    Church in Van. (That may be partly true. Ramzy Kartal, a Kurdish
    parliamentarian, who represented Van in the Turkish Parliament, told
    me that Akhtamar was in his district, and that he had done everything
    to preserve it). Erdogan did not mention that the renovations were
    to attract tourists and to appear tolerant of Christian symbols.

    Anticipating the next question, he displayed a masked face when
    Amanpour asked him about the Armenian Genocide. He said his country
    never committed atrocities in its history. Oh what a lie! They are
    doing it right now to our friends and partners in destiny-the Kurds,
    in Anatolia. They have killed and maimed, and raped, and displaced
    some three million men, women, and children from their villages-three
    million who have found refuge in strange places like Western Turkish
    cities and Istanbul, not the deserts of Der Zor. They have done it
    not only to us, but to the Muslim Arabs, the Christian Assyrians,
    and other minorities as well. If they hadn't committed atrocities
    "in history," then why did Sherif Hussein of Hejaz revolt against them?

    Didn't Baghdad revolt? Didn't Damascus revolt? Didn't Cairo revolt?

    He knows he is lying. He knows he is blowing dust in the eyes of his
    audience. And yet he continues to peddle his fake merchandise in the
    souks (markets) of the world.

    While emphatically denying the genocide, he contradicted himself
    when he said: "We are of the opinion that this matter belongs to the
    historians. We have opened our archives and everyone is invited to
    look and see for himself. Whatever these investigative committees say
    we will accept." He did not mention how incriminating documents have
    already vanished from the archives.

    So, it is with this mental frame and political credibility that the
    duo Turkish peddlers are trying to convert us, the Bad Armenians,
    into Good Armenians-in an attempt to continue the denial of the
    genocide and blocking America's acceptance of the genocide as genocide.

    Davutoglu, in case it hasn't sunk in yet, I want you to know that the
    10 million of us in the Armenian Diaspora, and Armenia, and Karabagh
    are "bad."

    As the Turkish saying goes, "Anliana sivrisineg saz, anlamiana davul
    zurna az."