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Fernanda Guerrieri: "The Cooperation Of FAO With Armenia Is Excellen

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  • Fernanda Guerrieri: "The Cooperation Of FAO With Armenia Is Excellen


    MAY 10, 2010

    YEREVAN, MAY 10, ARMENPRESS: Ms. Fernanda Guerrieri, Assistant Director
    General and Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia Food
    and Agriculture Organization of the UN gave interview to "Armenpress"
    news agency.

    Ms. Guerrieri, the organization is led by the slogan "Helping to
    build a world without hunger". How do you assess the efforts of the
    organization to reduce the poverty in the world?

    More than one billion people are undernourished worldwide. FAO
    estimates show a significant deterioration of an already disappointing
    trend witnessed over the past ten years. The large increase in the
    number of undernourished people in 2009 underline the urgency of
    tackling the root causes of hunger swiftly and effectively. To the
    date efforts to coherently address the multiple and interrelated risks
    to food security at the international, regional and national levels
    emanating from the food and financial crises have been insufficient.

    FAO, in collaboration with diverse partners, has challenged regional
    bodies, governments, communities and households to urgently meet basic
    food and social needs while working to ensure sustainable access
    to food in the medium term. Beyond its dramatic immediate impact,
    the current food crisis has revealed a structure imbalance, which
    has to be addressed urgently by an effective combination of short
    and medium term actions within a broad socio-economic framework
    However, emphasis on supporting short-term responses has limited
    attention and the resources required to invest in agriculture and
    other social areas in order to tackle the underlying causes of food
    insecurity are not available. Nevertheless the Organization continues
    to advocate for and to give attention to agriculture. Agriculture
    can make substantial contribution to economic development and poverty
    alleviation in the least developed countries. Even though this role
    is reduced substantially in the middle income countries, agriculture
    continues to play a crucial role in alleviating poverty which remains
    disproportionately rural in spite of the falling relative importance of
    agriculture in national economies. To fulfill its role as an engine of
    growth, however, agriculture itself needs to grow. FAO supports this
    growth, advocating for investment and providing the tools adapted to
    the challenges agriculture faces at present.

    How do the programs fulfilled by the organization promote the reduction
    of the poverty and the increase of the agricultural productivity?

    We must always be careful of advocating a one size fits all approach
    to addressing rural poverty and food insecurity in the world.

    Technical assistance that works well in Southeast Asia may not be
    appropriate for Armenia, and what works in Armenia may be quite
    irrelevant for a country with different resource endowments.

    Nevertheless, in poorer countries with large rural populations,
    small farms and where poverty is largely rural, agriculture can be an
    important driver of poverty reduction and an important means of raising
    food security. This reasoning applies to large areas of the developing
    world as well as the countries of Central Asia, the south Caucasus,
    Moldova and Southeastern Europe, because in these countries agriculture
    is the main livelihood of the poor and an important part of GDP.

    Yet agriculture requires investment both in physical and human capital
    in order to fulfill its role as an engine of growth for understandable
    reasons. Where land is scarce agricultural growth can be achieved only
    through increased use of labour and technology. In such countries good
    agricultural practices, soil and land management, green revolution
    technologies and adequate chemical inputs are the keys to agricultural
    growth. Growing agriculture also requires access to markets, which
    means good roads, a market price information system, grades, standards
    and food safety systems that satisfy the demands of export markets.

    Most of the investment for agricultural growth is made by farmers,
    processors and traders themselves. However, there are a limited number
    of public goods that in whole or part fall under the responsibility of
    governments, such as soil and land management, agricultural advisory
    services, transportation infrastructure, provision of grades,
    standards and food safety. A vital public good in countries where
    farms are small is to support growth in farm sizes through land lease,
    land sales and formation of marketing and service cooperatives.

    As I said before, we need only look to recent history to show us that
    investing in agriculture in this way can be an efficient engine to
    eradicate food insecurity and poverty in this region. Moreover, this
    region could even help to resolve hunger problems in other parts of
    the world. It is estimated that with sufficient investment nearly 10
    million hectares in Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine could be brought
    back into cultivation of grains and oilseeds.

    In this context FAO and FAO partners can be an important part of the
    solution of the malnutrition and hunger problem by:

    ~U increasing collaboration with the international community to
    create an enabling environment to promote peace, eradicate poverty,
    hunger and undernourishment and empower women, indigenous people and
    other vulnerable groups;

    ~U advocating for increased investments in sustainable food production
    systems and rural development in developing countries with people as
    the focus, farmers not farms, fishers rather than fish, etc.;

    ~U advocating for increased support to local food systems to reduce
    over reliance on global food supply systems, which are highly dependent
    on energy prices and add to food security vulnerability;

    ~U providing financial assistance to developing countries to implement
    policies to improve physical and economic access by all to sufficient,
    nutritionally adequate, wholesome and safe food and its effective
    utilization, including actions to improve food quality and safety,
    prevent, control and manage micronutrient deficiencies, promote
    appropriate diets, and introduce productive safety nets;

    ~U continuing to support improved access to markets, private-public
    partnerships for innovation development, development of agribusiness
    and entrepreneurial capacity and

    ~U improvement of post-harvest infrastructure to reduce food losses,

    ~U while ensuring a balance in private sector development between
    increasing local food supplies and production of high value
    non-traditional products for export to OECD countries;

    ~U and promoting dialogue to build anti-hunger alliances.

    Armenia is a member of the organization since 1993. How do you assess
    the bilateral collaboration?

    The cooperation with Armenia is excellent. The Government has
    been always very responsible and committed. Since the start of the
    cooperation, FAO has supported the country in animal health, mainly
    to control transboundary diseases such as Brucellosis, Foot and Mouth
    Disease, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza and African Swine Fever.

    Some of these diseases have zero tolerance in international trade in
    addition to be a threat for people health and animal production. FAO
    continues to support the national seed breeding sector to equip the
    country with high quality seeds for higher productivity and increased
    resistance to extreme weather conditions. As one of the major obstacles
    to a sustainable production and access of farm product to the market
    is the excessive fragmentation of land, FAO has provided assistance
    to the Government to formulate land consolidation schemes.

    Since food safety is a serious concern in the country, FAO has
    responded to a Government request for assistance in improving the
    country control capacity on the quality of the food through pesticide
    quality control and residues monitoring. In this context, capacities
    of national laboratories have been strengthened within the framework
    of various FAO assistance programmes. Recently the Organization has
    supported the Government to mitigate the impact caused by the financial
    crisis through programmes dedicated to the most vulnerable farmers.

    What kind of programmes is the organization going to fulfill in Armenia
    in the near future for the reduction of poverty and the increase of
    agricultural productivity in the country?

    To make FAO and Armenia cooperation more effective, FAO and the
    Government are closely working in the preparation of a strategic
    document aimed at identifying strategic areas for FAO assistance to
    achieving Armenia' s development objectives. This strategic document,
    called National Medium Term Priority Framework (NMTPF). is also
    an operational and results based management programming tool fully
    integrated with the results hierarchy, monitoring and accountability of
    the corporate FAO Strategic Framework endorsed by the FAO Governing
    bodies. Currently the Organization is providing support to the
    Government to improve the meat production chain. In particular FAO
    assistance focuses on the quality and safety of the meat production
    chain. FAO is supporting the Government to establish slaughterhouses
    that would meet international standards. Training is provided to
    Government officials, farmers involved in livestock activities and
    small investors. One of the objectives of the initiative is to promote
    Public Private Partnership in the meat production sector and in the
    future in the food product value chain. As the country has no enough
    high quality vegetative material, FAO continues to support Armenia in
    improving its seed production sector. Particular emphasis is given
    to wheat seed production. Activities range from the support to seed
    selection stations to the supply of high quality wheat seeds. Natural
    resources management is a major concern in Armenia. FAO provides
    assistance to strengthen forest management capacity. In the near
    future the Organization will support the Government in the management
    of obsolete pesticides stocks. A particular critical situation in
    Nubarashen, an area close to Yerevan where there are large quantities
    of obsolete pesticides, is currently receiving attention from the
    Government and FAO for its possible high environmental risks. All
    FAO activities include capacity and awareness building at all levels.

    Particular attention will continue to be given to strengthening the
    collection of updated and reliable food security information for
    decision making.

    How do you assess the steps and efforts taken by the Government of
    Armenia for the increase of the agricultural productivity of the
    country, the development of the sphere and for the support of the
    development of the rural industries?

    Armenia is a mountainous landlocked country with a population of 3.2
    million people, 36 percent of whom live in rural areas. The size of
    the agricultural area showed a stable level during the last decade,
    although the share of the arable land decreased significantly. Even if
    between 1992 and 2007 the agricultural employment was halved (517 000
    in 1992 and 315 000 in 2007), still a large part of the population
    is employed in the agricultural sector. Despite many difficulties,
    Armenia has successfully switched to a market economy over the past
    decade, with double-digit growth rates between 2000 and 2007. From
    1992 to 2007 the agricultural production has increased by 159 %. Wheat
    is the main staple, supplying 48 percent of calories intake. Wheat
    productivity has increased from 1,8 tons per hectare to 2.24 tons
    in 2007. This limited increase is mainly related to poor planting
    material, lack of proper fertilization, water scarcity and inadequate
    pest management. The Government is conscious of the constraints that
    hamper the development of the agricultural sector. To overcome these
    constraints, the Government has recently reviewed its Sustainable
    Agriculture Development Strategy which identifies the sub-sectoral
    priorities. Although this is a useful guidance for the identification
    of the needs of the sector and the most urgent actions, the Plan
    appears not to be backed by sufficient resources. This implies that
    the Government would still need substantial international assistance
    and investments to effectively support the modernization of agriculture
    and promote its sustainability.

    The 27th regional conference of the organization is held in Armenia.

    Which is the aim of organizing it here and what expectations do
    you have?

    This is the first Regional Conference for Europe to be held in a
    country that is an important recipient of FAO technical assistance.

    The holding of the conference in Yerevan illustrates the major progress
    that has been made since 1993 to integrate the relatively new Member
    countries of this region into the technical work and governance of
    the Organization.

    I want to draw your attention to an important issue that distinguishes
    this regional conference from previous ones. The Independent External
    Evaluation called for an enhanced role for the Regional Conference
    in programming matters. In order to fulfill this role the Regional
    Conference will become a Committee of the FAO Conference and be
    tasked with developing issues for regional policy coherence and
    developing a regional perspective on global issues. This will allow
    the Regional Conference to advise on the FAO programme for the Region
    and on the overall programme as it affects the Region. Item 9 of the
    Agenda should be considered in view of this new enhanced role for
    the Regional Conference.

    What perspectives do you see in the further collaboration of the
    organization and Armenia?

    FAO will continue its cooperation with the Government of Armenia
    within the framework of the FAO-Government of Armenia strategy that
    is being formulated. (National Medium Term Priority Framework - NMTPF).

    The strategy is based on Government priorities and FAO strategic
    objectives. The Conference in Yerevan will provide further guidance
    to the Organization on main areas to focus its assistance. This will
    reflect on the formulation and agreement of the future FAO-Armenia
    country programme.