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BAKU: Azerbaijani Leaders Of World War Ll Equal To Stalin - Historia

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijani Leaders Of World War Ll Equal To Stalin - Historia

    Leyla Tagiyeva News.Az
    May 11 2010

    Eldar Ismaylov News.Az interviews Eldar Ismaylov, head of the Center
    "For civil public", professor of the Baku State University and famous

    How should Azerbaijan treat the ideas of reviewing results of the
    Second world war, as well as countries and organizations proposing
    such initiatives?

    Azerbaijan is a participant of war and as he is a participant of the
    anti-Hitler coalition, it can be considered that the war led with the
    countries of anti-Hitler coalition was fair and its results feature
    the people's efforts in the struggle for victory. In addition, the
    issue is about the degree the Patriotic war can be applied to the
    history of Azerbaijan. Can Azerbaijan consider this war patriotic?

    Undoubtedly, it can. Naturally, this war was patriotic for the people
    before my generation, for the people of my generation and for the
    people of the generation following mine. As the Azerbaijani population
    took the war as a struggle for justice, this influenced the position
    of the Azerbaijani government too.

    Meanwhile, how can the state and the society treat the Azerbaijani
    legion partaking in the war on the side of fascist Germany?

    This is an important issue for Azerbaijan. At the same time, it
    should be taken into account that the war was patriotic for the whole
    population of Azerbaijan. It is necessary to confess this for a part
    of the Azerbaijani population did not feel links to the history of the
    Soviet state, a part of the population was insulted and resented with
    the Soviet system. The population was seriously wounded, therefore,
    it could not perceive this war as its own, that is as the war of its
    people. In this connection, the war was perceived as a struggle for
    restoration of violated rights by a greater part of the Azerbaijani
    population, as well as Russians, Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Georgians,
    Armenians and other peoples. Therefore, the legion formation cannot
    be connected only with some subjective reasons. Its creation cannot
    be connected with objective reasons, as a struggle of a part of the
    population against Bolsheviks.

    The Azerbaijani legion created in 1943 and Azerbaijani battalions
    fighting before than in 1942 on the Caucasus front consisted of people
    mostly not accepting the Soviet power or socialistic system. They
    could not reconcile with the occupation of Azerbaijan by the Russian
    troops. At the same time, it should be taken into account that there
    was a polarization of opinion within the Azerbaijani society. But
    mostly, a greater part of the population sympathized to the socialistic

    Is there a need to assess and define the role of Azerbaijan in this
    war and how can be feature this war in Azerbaijani historiography?

    I think the war for Azerbaijan was Patriotic like for the whole
    Soviet Union. It can hardly be said that Azerbaijanis fighting for
    Germany were struggling for freedom and independence of Azerbaijan,
    since if Germany had won in that war, Azerbaijan would hardly gain
    independence. Nevertheless, most people considered like that and fought
    on the side of Germany. I knew most of those people, therefore, I would
    like to note that probably they were persuaded of the righteousness
    of their actions. But this does not mean they were right.

    How can the public treat war participants fighting on the side of
    the Soviet Union and Hitler Germany?

    The present generation does not know anything about this war. They
    have the only homeland-Azerbaijan. Naturally, in these conditions that
    war seems alien to the young people, that is the war of a different
    state. We should admit that. Therefore, Moscow is not closer to them
    than Washington or Berlin. I have been teaching at a high school for
    many years and I can say that the Soviet Union is not home for the
    present generation of young people who were mostly born after the
    90's. Therefore, Patriotic war cannot be patriotic for them. We were
    born in the Soviet Union and it was our homeland. But this does not
    mean that the next generation should also treat this issue like this,
    they have a right to think differently.

    Which can be the attitude to Stalin in the light of the recent demands
    to rehabilitate this historical personality including in Azerbaijan?

    My attitude to Stalin is clear. Before war, he committed genocide of
    the Soviet people, including Azerbaijanis. We cannot reject this. The
    soviet union was based on the principle of class struggle, that is
    provision of welfare of people envisioned termination of another
    part of the people. In this connection, I would like to repeat that
    Stalin committed genocide of his own people regardless of their
    ethnic belonging.

    As for Stalin's activity during war, he demonstrated himself as
    a real commander and a leader of the state. Speaking about it, we
    should adhere to the principle that history cannot be treated equally,
    it request objective analysis.

    And how can the Azerbaijani leaders of the period of war be assessed?

    The then leaders of Azerbaijan must be assessed the way Stalin war.

    They all followed Stalin's policy and thus promoted genocide. On
    the other hand, in definite periods of life they played a great
    role in consolidation of people. First of all, I imply Mirjafar
    Baguirov. He played his role in the development of Azerbaijani
    national self-identification. These processes were going on par,
    though contradicting to each other. But we cannot judge the dead,
    this is not real. Therefore, the events and behavior of people should
    be treated in terms of that period.

    Is it correct to raise the issue of granting the status of hero city
    to Baku today?

    Yes, the issue is legitimate. Undoubtedly, Baku and the overall
    Azerbaijan played a great role in resisting fascist aggression. But
    if this problem cannot be settled today, I think it is senseless to
    raise this issue.

    I would like to note that the status of a hero city was for the
    first time granted to four cities including Sevastopol, Stalingrad,
    Leningrad and Odessa. Then, considering political conjuncture it was
    granted to different cities, in particular, Minsk, Kiev, Moscow and so
    on. These were the subjective wishes of different leaders. However,
    after granting this status to the aforementioned four cities,
    addition granting of the same title to other citizens was senseless,
    especially, raising this issue after the USSR collapse in order to
    grant the status of a hero city to Baku is impossible, because it is
    unclear who will grant the status of the hero city, which stats will
    grant the status to the cities that are not part of a single state.