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Dmitry Medvedev: Russian-Turkish Relations Advanced To The Level Of

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  • Dmitry Medvedev: Russian-Turkish Relations Advanced To The Level Of


    May 11, 2010 - 11:05 AMT 06:05 GMT

    Turkey and Russia will discuss plans to introduce a visa-free regime
    and ways to deepen cooperation in energy, economy, agriculture and
    security, in addition to political ties, during Russian President
    Dmitry Medvedev's visit to Turkey, which begins today, May 11.

    Turkish-Russian ties have predominantly expanded on an economic basis,
    with gigantic energy deals and projects constituting the backbone
    of the growing cooperation. But Medvedev's visit is likely to be a
    cornerstone in introducing a political and strategic dimension to the
    growing ties, with the two countries formally creating a high level
    cooperation council.

    "We can confidently say that Russian-Turkish relations have advanced
    to the level of a multidimensional strategic partnership," Medvedev
    wrote in an article he penned for Today's Zaman ahead of his visit. He
    described the council as a new mechanism for intergovernmental
    cooperation and said:

    "The purpose of this council is to develop a strategy on basic ways
    to develop Russian-Turkish relations, coordinate the implementation
    of critical projects and provide incentives for businessmen in both
    countries to cooperate with each other. Moreover, it aims to create
    synergy between foreign policies to ensure international peace,
    stability and safety."

    Medvedev also described Turkey as "one of our most important partners
    with respect to regional and international issues." Officials from
    the two countries are expected to discuss the situation in the South
    Caucasus, with a special focus on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict,
    during Medvedev's two-day visit.

    Most of the discussions, however, will still be focused on energy,
    which Medvedev says comprises the main axis of Russian-Turkish
    cooperation. The planned South Stream and Blue Stream-2 natural gas
    pipelines, the construction of the Samsun-Ceyhan oil pipeline and
    a nuclear power plant to be built by Russia on Turkish soil are the
    most critical items of the talks.

    The two countries will also discuss ways to boost the mutual trade
    volume. Russia is Turkey's single biggest trading partner and provides
    two-thirds of its gas. The two countries have bilateral trade ties
    totaling some $40 billion. Medvedev said they should aim to increase
    trade three to fivefold during the next five years, not only in raw
    materials but also through cooperation in hi-tech fields and mutual

    The Russian president is expected to kick off his meetings in Turkey
    on Tuesday after visiting the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. In
    Ankara, Medvedev is scheduled to meet with President Abdullah Gul
    and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Medvedev's wife, Svetlana
    Medvedeva, will also accompany the Russian president during the visit.

    According to Turkish diplomatic sources, during Medvedev's visit a
    deal initialed between the two countries envisaging the elimination
    of visa requirements may be signed without waiting for the domestic
    confirmation process. Nearly 3 million Russian tourists flock to
    Turkey every year and the visa-free regime would largely affect Russian
    tourists, for whom Turkey is highly attractive destination for tourism.

    Medvedev will be accompanied by a large number of businessmen
    and officials, and various agreements regarding energy, economy,
    agriculture and security are expected to be signed during the historic
    visit. The two countries are also expected to discuss regional and
    international issues and bilateral relations in particular, Today's
    Zaman reported.