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Ashot Manucharyan Requires Satisfaction Of Ankara And Baku.

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  • Ashot Manucharyan Requires Satisfaction Of Ankara And Baku.


    AllVoices ted-news/5798920-ashot-manucharyan-requires-satisf action-of-ankara-and-baku
    May 11 2010

    "The Armenian authorities did not conduct a proactive policy, and
    most likely involved in her real initiators of the directions of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and Armenian-Turkish relations, said
    today in Yerevan, former adviser to Armenian President for National
    Security Affairs Ashot Manucharyan.

    In his words, unequivocally, that the Armenian side is not the lead
    in these matters, and it led into the process. Ashot Manucharyan
    stated that the activities of the OSCE Minsk Group in reality is not
    aimed at resolving the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. "Ever since
    the founding of MG is used by the U.S. as a tool to influence the
    processes occurring in the region," said a former adviser to the head
    of the Armenian state.

    Ashot Manucharyan believed in the need to review approaches to
    the Nagorno-Karabakh problem. "In fact, in response to the right of
    self-determination of the Armenian population of Baku made racist war
    for the destruction of Armenians living in Azerbaijan, just because
    they are Armenians. In this regard, the liberated territories should
    be seen as satisfaction to hundreds of thousands of Armenians who fled
    from the Azerbaijani cities as a result of pogroms in the late 80's
    and early 90-ies, "he said. However, he expressed his firm belief that
    in the late 90-ies on the negotiating table on the Nagorno-Karabakh
    problem really figured so-called "Meghri option.

    Turning to the issue of normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations,
    the former advisor to President of Armenia said that "negotiations
    with Turkey should not lead the Republic of Armenia, and Armenia,
    having in view the authorities of Armenia and the Diaspora."

    Manucharyan remarked that the Armenian people, unlike the other
    received no satisfaction from the horrors inflicted in Turkey in the
    genocide. He also said that in the early 90-ies of the last century,
    Turkey has made several attempts to start a war in Armenia, but its
    attempts have been kept by Russia and the U.S.. "Today there are no
    preconditions for Turkey's intention to invade Armenia and solve all
    problems through military means," said Manucharyan.

    Ex-adviser has expressed concern over the outlined his view of the
    deterioration of Armenian-Russian relations as a result of mistakes
    made Moscow. Among them Manucharyan, inter alia, noted that the area
    of Yerevan, where tragic events took place March 1, 2008, in the
    presence of the Russian president a year later was named Russia.