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Russia Urges Active US Role In Mideast

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  • Russia Urges Active US Role In Mideast



    ANKARA, Turkey - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev urged the United
    States on Wednesday to actively work to achieve peace in the Mideast
    with the support of other nations, saying there is a human tragedy
    in Gaza.

    His comment appeared to indicate Moscow's willingness to become an
    active Middle East mediator. On Tuesday, during a visit to Syria,
    Medvedev said Israeli-Arab tensions threaten to draw the Middle East
    into a new catastrophe, adding Moscow's weight to a diplomatic push
    to ease antagonism between Israel and Syria.

    "The United States must be active and other nations must contribute,"
    Medvedev told a joint news conference in Ankara with Turkish President
    Abdullah Gul.

    Washington recently launched U.S.-mediated peace talks between Israel
    and the Palestinians, but signs of trouble already have emerged. On
    Monday, Israel said it doesn't intend to halt construction of
    Jewish housing in east Jerusalem. The Palestinians accused Israel of
    undermining trust and urged President Barack Obama to intervene.

    Obama supports establishing an independent Palestinian state alongside

    Medvedev said no one should be excluded from the Mideast peace
    process, a clear reference to Khaled Mashaal, the exiled leader of
    the Palestinian militant group Hamas, which is shunned as a terrorist
    organization by the U.S. and European Union nations.

    Medvedev met Mashaal in Damascus on Tuesday. Hamas rules in the
    Gaza Strip, one of the territories that would one day be part of a
    Palestinian state.

    "We have to include all conflicting parties and not exclude anyone
    from this process," Medvedev said.

    The Russian president said countries that are not close to the region
    also have "responsibilities" to work for peace in the entire Mideast.

    "We are facing a human tragedy in Gaza, so that there is need for
    more efforts, even though we can't solve all problems," Medvedev said.

    Gul said the Mideast conflict is the source of "unrest" in many parts
    of the world and must be stopped.

    Medvedev also said Iran must "adopt a constructive approach in some
    way," as the U.S. and its allies rally for new U.N. sanctions against
    Tehran regarding its nuclear program. Iran has denied charges that
    it is secretly building nuclear weapons.

    "The Mideast must be a region cleared from nuclear weapons," Medvedev
    said. "The use of nuclear weapons in the region would be a disaster."

    Medvedev said Russia would hold talks with Iran and Israel on the

    On Tuesday, Russia urged Israel to join the Nuclear Nonproliferation
    Treaty and open up its long-established but unannounced nuclear
    arsenal to the U.N. monitoring agency.

    Israel's officially unacknowledged arsenal of perhaps 80 nuclear
    weapons is the only such stockpile in the Mideast.

    Later Wednesday, Turkey and Russia were to sign a series of cooperation
    agreements in trade and tourism, including the lifting of entry visas
    in a bid to further bring the former Cold War era rivals closer.

    Medvedev and Gul vowed to triple the bilateral trade volume to around
    US$100 billion in the next five years.

    Turkey, a U.S. ally, served as NATO's foremost base during the Cold
    War but has seen its relations rapidly develop with Russia since the
    fall of the Soviet Union.

    Gul said several new energy projects are on the agenda, including a
    pipeline that could pump Russian oil from Turkey's Black Sea coast to
    the Mediterranean and construction of its first nuclear power plant
    with Russian help.

    Medvedev, meanwhile, supported reconciliation efforts between Turkey
    and Armenia while acknowledging that "it is a difficult issue."

    Turkey wants Armenian troops to be withdrawn from Nagorno-Karabakh,
    an Armenian-occupied enclave in Azerbaijan, to restore diplomatic
    relations with Armenia and open the joint border which Turkey shut
    down in 1993 to protest Armenia's war with neighboring Azerbaijan.

    Turks share ethnic and religious bonds with Azeris.

    Associated Press Writer Suzan Fraser in Ankara contributed to this