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ANKARA: Identified Suspect Osman Hayal Not Detained

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  • ANKARA: Identified Suspect Osman Hayal Not Detained

    IDENTIFIED SUSPECT OSMAN HAYAL NOT DETAINED /minorities/121914-identified-suspect-osman-hayal- not-detained
    May 12 2010

    Two detained defendants of the murder case of Turkish-Armenian
    journalist Dink were released in the latest hearing. Osman Hayal
    was identified by a secret witness, though the court did not take
    the suspect into detention. Former head of the Police Intelligence
    Department will not be heard.

    Semra PELEK [email protected] Istanbul - BÄ°A News Center12 May
    2010, Wednesday HRANT DINK MURDER CASE: Secret Witness Incriminates
    Three Suspects as The Killers of Dink

    In the latest hearing of the trial concerned with the assassination
    of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink the Istanbul 14th High
    Criminal Court released two of the five detained defendants. Dink,
    then chief editor of the Armenian Agos newspaper, was shot in front
    of the office of the Armenian Agos newspaper on 19 January 2007.

    The court decided to keep defendants Erhan Tuncel, Ogun Samast and
    Yasin Hayal in detention, while Ersin Yolcu and Ahmet Ä°skender were
    released from detention pending trial.

    Request to hear former head of Intelligence Department dismissed In the
    hearing on 10 May, a secret witness stated that suspect Osman Hayal,
    brother of defendant Yasin Hayal, was at the scene of the crime as well
    when Dink was shot. Despite this statement and a request of the Dink
    family lawyers to detain Osman Hayal, the court decided to release him.

    Furthermore, the court decided not to hear former head of the Police
    Intelligence Department Sabri Uzun as it had been demanded by the
    joint lawyers of the Dink family. The court dismissed the claim,
    saying that Uzun's statement was not going to bring new insights for
    the cases file.

    The joint attorneys of the Dink family had previously requested the
    Public Prosecutor to file a lawsuit with the Istanbul Governor, Muammer
    Guler, the former Istanbul Regional Head of the National Intelligence
    Agency (MIT), Ozel Yılmaz, and the former Deputy Governor of Istanbul,
    Ergun Gungör. The court decreed that the criminal complaints should
    be filed by the lawyers instead.

    Unexpected witness - JÄ°TEM member As far as the unexpected statement
    of witness Erhan Ozen is concerned, the court decided to launch an
    investigation. Ozen was brought to the hearing from the Amasya Prison
    (northern Anatolia), where he is currently detained for another
    criminal offence. He said, "I was taking money from the Istanbul
    Gendarmerie Central Command and I was working for JÄ°TEM at the
    time". The Gendarmerie Intelligence and Counterterrorism Centre
    (JÄ°TEM) is an unofficial wing of the Turkish Gendarmerie. The court
    decided to contact the Istanbul Provincial Gendarmerie Central Command
    in order to confirm whether Ozen told the truth and whether he received
    any payments.

    Camera records will be investigated Moreover, the court decreed to send
    the hard disc with the camera records from the Akbank branch to the
    Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBÄ°TAK). The
    disc supposedly contains footage of the area around the office of
    Agos newspaper from the day of the murder and was confiscated by the
    police right after the incident. The court addresses TUBÄ°TAK to find
    out whether the footage was deleted and if yes with which program,
    how and when. And in case the records were erased, the court wants
    to know whether it is possible to restore the data. (SP/VK)