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BAKU: Russian, Turkish Positions On Karabakh 'Similar'

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  • BAKU: Russian, Turkish Positions On Karabakh 'Similar'

    May 12 2010

    Alexey Vlasov Russian analyst has commented on the Russian President's
    visit to Turkey.

    Relations between Turkey and Russia have been developing very rapidly
    in the past two years, despite the fact that, following on from the
    Cold War era, Turkey has usually been put in the Western camp in terms
    of military and political affiliation, the director of Moscow State
    University's analytical centre on post-Soviet states, Alexey Vlasov,
    told website today.

    Vlasov said that Moscow and Ankara were gradually moving to a deeper
    level of strategic partnership in all spheres of the economy, energy
    and security.

    'Moscow and Ankara can play a very important role in solving the
    problem of Nagorno-Karabakh, since the positions of Russia and Turkey
    are quite similar,' Vlasov said.

    'Both sides are interested in getting out of the vicious circle of
    the conflict, which clearly retards the development of the entire
    South Caucasus region. I think some agreements will be reached
    on encouraging the actions of Russia and Turkey as moderators and
    facilitators of the negotiation process, something that Ankara and
    Moscow have sought since August 2008,' he continued.

    'The effect of these agreements on the actual course of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement depends not only on Ankara and
    Moscow, but also on other participants in the negotiating process. And
    yet it seems to me that the strengthening ties between Moscow and
    Ankara are a positive signal to those who are interested in peace
    and stability in the South Caucasus.'