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ANCA: Colorado Legislators Join Community in Commemorating Genocide

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  • ANCA: Colorado Legislators Join Community in Commemorating Genocide

    Armenian National Committee of America
    1711 N Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel. (202) 775-1918
    Fax. (202) 775-5648
    [email protected]


    May 13, 2010

    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    -- Local Activists Make U.S. Affirmation of Armenian Genocide a
    Key Issue in 2010 Congressional Elections

    DENVER, CO - In what has become an annual tradition, initiated by
    the Armenians of Colorado, gubernatorial and local proclamations
    and a unanimously adopted General Assembly resolution marked the
    95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the Centennial State,
    reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

    Noting the murder of 1.5 million Armenians from 1915 -1923 and the
    Turkish Government's continued efforts to "deny and distort the
    facts of the genocide, honor the perpetrators of that crime against
    humanity as national heroes, and persecute its citizens who
    acknowledge or even allude to the Armenian Genocide," Senate Joint
    Resolution 10-038 designated April 24th 2010 and every April 24th
    thereafter as "Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide." To
    read the complete text of the resolution, visit: /csl.nsf/fsbillcont/BEB6B9096A65FC03872576F8005DAE D2?Open&file=3DSJR038_enr.pdf

    Governor Bill Ritter's proclamation cites the importance of
    commemorating past tragedies to teach tolerance in today's society,
    stating "the State of Colorado joins the Armenian-American
    community in its annual observance of the Armenian Genocide of 1915
    - 1923 to raise awareness of this unconscionable tragedy so that we
    may better understand the importance of eliminating hatred in our
    own communities." Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper's proclamation
    stresses that "all the world's people should commemorate the
    Armenian Genocide and condemn any attempt to deny its historical
    truth or mischaracterize the episode as anything less than

    "We commend Governor Ritter, Mayor Hickenlooper, and the Colorado
    General Assembly for their vigilance in joining with Colorado's
    Armenian community - for over 20 years - in honoring the victims
    and survivors of the Armenian Genocide and recommitting our
    collective efforts to end the cycle of genocide," said ANCA
    Colorado activist Jirair Christianian. "We look to our
    Congressional leaders - particularly those who have remained silent
    on this key human rights issue, to immediately cosponsor the
    Armenian Genocide Resolutions and work actively for their Senate
    and House passage."

    Colorado Armenians gathered at the Armenian Genocide memorial at
    the State Capitol on April 24th to mark the occasion and attended
    commemorative programs, including an April 17th Arapahoe Community
    College event featuring remarks by noted attorney Mark Geragos.

    Aspen's Armenian community placed ads in the local "Aspen Daily
    News" and "The Aspen Times" urging Congress to end Turkey's gag
    rule on U.S. affirmation of the Armenian Genocide through passage
    of the Armenian Genocide resolution (H.Res.252 / S.Res.316). The
    ads led to a news story in the "Aspen Daily News," focusing on
    local activist Stephan Isberian and community efforts to secure
    U.S. affirmation of this crime. The Aspen Daily News story can be
    viewed at: m/eebrowser/frame/che< flash/loadPage.php?token=3D0MfVyNzF19LNubDG6dWUoJe ghJWXoJWlysWuoZXRlJnNmJ%252BzmJKejqaWlXJ4jqaWng%25 3D%253D>
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    WuoZXRlJnNmJ%252Bz mJKejqaWlXJ4jqaWng%253D%253D

    Colorado Senate and House Candidates Go on the Record on Armenian
    Genocide Affirmation

    Colorado Armenian Americans have made U.S. affirmation of the
    Armenian Genocide a key factor in their support for Congressional
    candidates, with Rocky Mountain Hye Advocates (RMHA) lead activists
    Pamela Barsam Brown and Vi Bashian Cooper leading the charge in
    circulating candidate questionnaires in the 2008 and 2010 election
    seasons. An unprecedented 100% of 2008 Congressional candidates
    elected to office had responded to the state questionnaires - all
    citing their support for passage of Armenian Genocide legislation.
    To date, Representatives Diane DeGette (D), Jared Polis (D) and
    John Salazar (D) have honored their campaign pledge through co-
    sponsorship of the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res. 252).
    Senator Michael Bennett (D-CO) cosponsored the Senate Armenian
    Genocide Resolution (S.Res.316) in February 2010.

    Beginning in November 2009, RMHA initiated its candidate outreach
    to secure 2010 campaign pledges, with focus on districts where
    Representatives have not honored their pledge to cosponsor Armenian
    Genocide legislation. In Districts 4 and 6, where freshmen
    Representatives Betsy Markey (D) and Michael Coffman (R) have
    remained silent on Armenian Genocide affirmation efforts,
    challengers - both Republican (Cory Gardner and Tom Lucero) and
    Democrat (John Flerlage) - have already pledged to a concrete
    action of co-sponsorship upon election to Congress.

    Special focus has been placed on the 7th Congressional district,
    where Rep. Ed Perlmutter - after a nine-year record of support for
    Armenian Genocide legislation - has not yet cosponsored H.Res.252.
    RMHA investigations have uncovered campaign contributions in excess
    of $28,000 by American military contractors, identified by the
    Associated Press and Reuters, as working to undermine congressional
    support for an Armenian Genocide resolution. Rep. Perlmutter's
    Republican challenger, Ryan Frazier, has provided RMHA with his
    campaign pledge to co-sponsor an Armenian Genocide resolution upon

    Turning to the Senate, Armenian Genocide Resolution cosponsor
    Michael Bennett's Republican and Democratic party challengers -
    including Andrew Romanoff (D), Jane Norton (R), Tom Weins (R) and
    Ken Buck (R) - have each pledged support for Armenian Genocide
    affirmation, highlighting the broad bipartisan support this effort
    has garnered.

    Sen. Mark Udall (D) has broken with Colorado Senate tradition, and
    despite his longstanding House co-sponsorship record on Armenian
    Genocide legislation and repeated outreach by Armenian American and
    anti-genocide advocates, refrained from cosponsoring S.Res.316. In
    an effort to cover-up his broken Genocide affirmation pledge, Sen.
    Udall issued a statement on April 24, 2010, stating "After the
    events of 1915, we said 'never again.' We haven't kept faith with
    those words in the years since -- but we must keep faith with them
    now," - all the while refraining to properly characterize this
    crime against humanity as genocide.

    To read complete coverage of the Armenians of Colorado and RMHA
    activities 95th anniversary commemorative activities, check out the
    RMHA Newsletter:

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