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Topics of the week: Karabakh and visits of European and US officials

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  • Topics of the week: Karabakh and visits of European and US officials

    Topics of the week: Karabakh and visits of European and U.S.
    high-ranking officials to Armenia
    Review of May 10-14 political events.

    The political week in Armenia started with debates on the Nagorno
    Karabakh problem.

    May 15, 2010
    PanARMENIAN.Net -

    According to Aram Safaryan, secretary of Prosperous Armenia
    parliamentary group, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev's refusal to
    attend the informal summit of CIS leaders in Moscow as well as
    unwillingness of Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov to meet with the
    OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs appeared as an attempt to screen
    unreadiness to resolve the Karabakh problem peacefully. `Turkish and
    Azeri propaganda machines have united to work out a large-scale
    anti-Armenian policy. As a matter of fact, this policy aims to
    frustrate the ongoing Karabakh talks. The current stage of
    negotiations requires de jure recognition of Nagorno Karabakh, a move
    Azerbaijan is not ready to make. Armenia should be prepared for more
    violent propaganda attacks,' Mr. Safaryan said.

    Meanwhile political scientist Sergei Minasyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net
    reporter said that the resumption of hostilities in Karabakh will be
    fatal for British Petroleum (BP). `The catastrophe in Gulf of Mexico
    has resulted in huge losses. And if Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline's
    operation is terminated, BP will be on the verge of bankruptcy. AIOC
    (Azerbaijani International Operating Company) shareholders, including
    BP, are the main lobbyists aiming to prevent hostilities in Karabakh.
    Baku is well aware of this situation, thus, Ilham Aliyev's statements
    are mere words,' Minasyan said.

    Former national security advisor to the first President of Armenia,
    Ashot Manucharyan, said a new war in Karabakh is possible
    theoretically but impossible in practice. `In response to proclamation
    of Nagorno Karabakh Republic, Azeri authorities launched a racist war
    against the Armenian population in NKR and Azerbaijan. So, Baku should
    hold talks on territorial concessions not with Armenia but with
    Armenians expelled from Azerbaijan,' he said. `Both in Armenia and
    Azerbaijan the power is in the hands of several people. Such governing
    philosophy produced the following result: Baku threatens while Yerevan
    ignores the threats.'

    ARF Dashnaktsutyun parliamentary group refrained from participation in
    the meeting between RA parliamentary groups and PACE President Mevlut
    Cavusoglu, citing the latter's refusal to visit the Armenian Genocide

    Heritage Party and its parliamentary group also issued a statement
    labeling Cavusoglu's decision to not visit the Armenian Genocide
    Memorial as `a behavior that is unbecoming of the head of this
    prestigious European organization.'

    The delegation led by the PACE President was received by Armenian
    leader Serzh Sargsyanm who said that this visit `will promote
    strengthening of PACE-RA NA relations.'

    Armenian Ombudsman Armen Harutyunyan also met with the delegation to
    discuss challenges faced by Armenia and the region in human rights
    protection field.

    RPA parliamentary group secretary Eduard Sharmazanov stated that
    reasons behind President Medvedev's visit to Turkey are
    understandable, with Russia pursuing certain interests in the region.
    Armenia should not have concerns over Russian President's visit to
    Turkey. With both countries vying for regional influence, Russia will
    not allow for Turkey's increased influence in South Caucasus,
    according to him.

    Member of Heritage parliamentary group Larisa Alaverdyan said that
    signing the first document on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, Armenia
    accepted that NKR is a part of Azerbaijan. `Due to this blunder, NKR
    was mentioned a part of Azerbaijan in all other documents, including
    the Bishkek ceasefire agreement, though it records Arstakh as a party
    to conflict. Armenia provoked exclusion of NKR from talks,' Mrs.
    Alaverdyan told reporters on May 12.

    Leader of the Democratic Party of Armenia Aram Sargsyan is confident
    that the region is witnessing processes which will inevitably affect
    both Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. He also emphasized that Armenia
    should renounce Madrid Principles, which envisage surrender of
    territories and conduction of a referendum. `The Madrid Document is
    the worst of all those offered before,' he said.

    Armenian National Congress coordinator Levon Zurabyan told journalists
    that the ANC representatives slammed the work of PACE monitoring
    committee and that of Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
    during a meeting with PACE President Mevlut Cavusoglu.

    Armenian President met with U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State
    for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Tina S. Kaidanow, who
    arrived in Yerevan on May 14. The Armenian President thanked the U.S.
    administration for the efforts aimed at establishment of peace and
    stability in the South Caucasus.

    Arshaluys Mghdesyan / PanARMENIAN News