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Turkey Linked Protocols to Karabakh to Gain Favorable Gas Price

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  • Turkey Linked Protocols to Karabakh to Gain Favorable Gas Price

    Turkey Linked Ratification of Protocols to Progress in Karabakh to
    Gain Favorable Gas Price Offer from Azerbaijan

    11:43 - 15.05.10

    "On May 16 Turkey and Azerbaijan will sign the much negotiated natural
    gas deal. It sells Azeri natural gas to Turkey at a favorable and
    discounted price. One political observer from Azerbaijan says Turkey
    linked the protocols to normalize relations with Armenia to progress
    in Nagorno Karabakh to make the gas deal easier," reads an article by
    Armenian national Armen Hareyan in

    According to the author the "gas price dispute between Turkey and
    Azerbaijan took nearly two years. The protocol negotiations with
    Armenia took about the same period of time. They were announced one
    year ago and signed on October 10 in 2009. Assuming it took some
    silent diplomacy before they were announced a year ago, it roughly
    equals the same time Turkish-Azeri gas dispute was going on."

    Further Hareyan writes that Turkey and Azerbaijan are now "very close
    to conclude their deal" as on Mary 16 the prime minister of Turkey Mr.
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be in the capital of Azerbaijan Baku to
    conclude the two years old gas dispute and sign the deal.

    "This was a dispute that to a serious degree strained the relations of
    Turkey and Azerbaijan, two close allies. Yet, Turkey kept dragging the
    protocols to normalize relations with Armenia and artificially linking
    it to progress on Nagorno Karabakh," writes the author.

    Hareyan further mentiones that Turkey will now pay $250 per 1,000
    cubic meters to Azerbaijan. Baku had earlier sought 300 dollars per
    1,000 cubic meters of natural gas.

    "Turkey paid the price burying the protocols with Armenia and made it
    easier to get a favorable natural gas deal from Azerbaijan. What will
    Azerbaijan offer in return after the deal is signed? Will Azerbaijan
    offer a political dividend to Turkey by taking a more realistic and
    constructive position on Nagorno Karabakh, remains to be seen in the
    upcoming months," writes Hareyan.