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Paul Berman and Islam 'A Bridge Too Far?'

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  • Paul Berman and Islam 'A Bridge Too Far?'
    May 15 2010

    Paul Berman and Islam ' A Bridge Too Far?

    By Andrew Bostom
    May 15, 2010

    Paul Berman's Investigative Project on Terrorism interview published
    May 5, 2010, promotes his new book, The Flight of the Intellectuals.
    Berman is to be lauded for drawing attention to the current plight of
    freethinkers of Muslim descent, such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Ibn
    Warraq, while decrying their rejection, and even vilification, by many
    of his fellow contemporary liberal intellectuals. Unfortunately, his
    attempt to elaborate upon the very real contrast between these former
    Muslims, and the pious, mainstream Muslim cultural jihadist, Tariq
    Ramadan, devolves into profoundly uninformed muddle, fraught with the
    same cultural relativism Berman's polemic excoriates in other

    Pathognomonic extracts, below, from the interview ' frank howlers '
    articulate the crux of Berman's thesis:
    ¦the Nazis needed to demonstrate `that European and Christian
    superstitions ought to be regarded as authentically Middle Eastern and
    Islamic'¦ What the Mufti [Hajj Amin el-Husseini] did was `the creating
    of something monstrous: an infernal blurring of Islam and Nazism,'
    Berman writes. `A victory of Himmler's Islam¦A victory for the Islam
    of fanaticism and hatred over its arch-rival, the Islam of generosity
    and civilization.'
    As I will demonstrate, these statements are the `conclusions' of a
    doctrinally bowdlerized, ahistorical narrative. Berman entirely
    ignores Islam's virulent, conspiratorial Antisemitic doctrine '
    present since the advent of the creed, melded permanently to jihad,
    and expressed continuously over nearly 14 centuries, through the
    present. He compounds this intellectually slothful `analysis' with a
    transparently selective, well-nigh dishonest 20th century
    historiography ' omitting critically relevant events that transpired a
    decade before Hitler's Mein Kampf first appeared in 1925/26, or the
    Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928, while ignoring the inspiration
    prominent Nazis, including Hitler, derived from normative Islam
    before, during, and after World War Two. Even Berman's righteous
    attack on the hypocritical liberal pseudo-academics Ian Buruma and
    Timothy Garton Ash ' exposing their intellectual and moral cretinism
    in praising Tariq Ramadan, while denouncing Ayaan Hirsi Ali ' is
    undermined by his own hagiographic assessment of Islam. This final
    bitter irony becomes readily apparent when one compares Berman's empty
    pontifications on Islam to the thoughtful, if brutally frank insights
    of the same Muslim `apostate' freethinkers Berman nobly supports.

    Berman is Oblivious to the Islam in Islamic Antisemitism, and its
    Ugly, Living Historical Legacy

    The late Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi was Sunni Islam's - moderate - Papal
    equivalent, Grand Imam of the Muslim Vatican, Al-Azhar University,
    from 1996, until his recent death on March 10, 2010. Lengthy extracts
    translated into English from Tantawi's 700 page magnum opus Banu
    Israil fi al-Quran wa-al-Sunnah (Jews in the Koran and the
    Traditions), his 1966 doctoral dissertation, first published in
    1968-69, and re-published in 1986 are provided in my compendium, The
    Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism. This brief excerpt summarizes, in
    Tantawi's own words, the salient features of the Koran's normative
    Muslim Jew hatred:
    [The] Koran describes the Jews with their own particular degenerate
    characteristics, i.e., killing the prophets of Allah [Koran 2:61 /
    3:112 ], corrupting His words by putting them in the wrong places,
    consuming the people's wealth frivolously, refusal to distance
    themselves from the evil they do, and other ugly characteristics
    caused by their deep-rooted lasciviousness¦only a minority of the Jews
    keep their word Koranic citations {text9|here ]¦[A]ll Jews are not the
    same. The good ones become Muslims {Koran {text10|3:113} ], the bad
    ones do not.
    These were the expressed, `carefully researched' views on Jews held by
    the Muslim Pope ' the former head of the most prestigious center of
    Muslim learning in Sunni Islam, which represents some 90% of the
    world's Muslims. And Sheikh Tantawi never mollified such hatemongering
    beliefs while serving as the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar as his statements
    on - dialogue - (January 1998) with Jews, the Jews as - enemies of
    Allah, descendants of apes and pigs - (April 2002), and the legitimacy
    of homicide bombing of Jews (April 2002) made clear.

    The statements on dialogue Tantawi issued shortly after he met with
    the Israel's Chief Rabbi, Israel Meir Lau, in Cairo, on December 15,
    1997, provided the late Grand Imam another opportunity to re-affirm
    his commitment to the views expressed about Jews in his Ph.D. thesis:
    ¦anyone who avoids meeting with the enemies in order to counter their
    dubious claims and stick fingers into their eyes, is a coward. My
    stance stems from Allah's book [the Koran], more than one-third of
    which deals with the Jews¦[I] wrote a dissertation dealing with them
    [the Jews], all their false claims and their punishment by Allah. I
    still believe in everything written in that dissertation. [i.e., Jews
    in the Koran and the Traditions, cited above]
    Contra Paul Berman's ludicrous thesis, Tantawi's antisemitic
    formulations merely reiterated (as meticulously documented in the
    latter's 700 pp. treatise, Jews in the Koran and the Traditions) over
    a millennium of classical, mainstream Islamic theology. The Koranic
    depiction of the Jews ' their traits as thus characterized being
    deemed both infallible and timeless ' highlights, in verse 2:61
    (repeated in verses 2:90 / 91, and 3:112 ), the centrality of the Jews
    `abasement and humiliation', and being `laden with God's anger,' as
    elaborated in the corpus of classical Muslim exegetic literature on
    Koran 2:61, including the hadith and Koranic commentaries. The
    terrifying rage decreed upon the Jews forever is connected in the
    hadith and exegeses to Koran 1:7, where Muslims ask Allah to guide
    them rightly, not in the path of those who provoke and must bear His
    wrath. This verse is in turn linked to Koranic verses 5:60, and 5:78,
    which describe the Jews transformation into apes and swine ( 5:60 ),
    or apes alone ( 2:65 / 7:166 ), having been `¦cursed by the tongue of
    David, and Jesus, Mary's son' ( 5:78 ). Muhammad himself repeats this
    Koranic curse in a canonical hadith (words and deeds of the Muslim
    prophet as recorded by his pious early Muslim companions; Sunan Abu
    Dawoud, Book 37, Number 4322), `He [Muhammad] then recited the verse
    [5:78]: `¦curses were pronounced on those among the children of Israel
    who rejected Faith, by the tongue of David and of Jesus the son of
    Mary' `. The related verse, 5:64, accuses the Jews of being `spreaders
    of war and corruption,' ' a sort of ancient Koranic antecedent of The
    Protocols of the Elders of Zion ' invoked, for example, by `moderate'
    Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas who cited Koran 5:64
    during a January 2007 speech urging Palestinian Muslims to end their
    internecine strife, and `aim their rifles at Israel.' Classical and
    modern Koranic commentators, when discussing Koran 5:82, which
    includes the statement (`Thou wilt surely find the most hostile of men
    to the believers are the Jews..', also concur on the unique animus of
    the Jews towards the Muslims, which is repeatedly linked to the curse
    of Koran 2:61/3:112. Moreover, forcing Jews, in particular, to pay the
    Koranic poll tax `tribute,' (as per verse 9:29 ) `readily,' while
    `being brought low,' is consistent with their overall humiliation and
    abasement in accord with Koran 2:61, and its directly related verses.

    An additional much larger array of anti-Jewish Koranic motifs build to
    a denouement (as if part of a theological indictment, conviction, and
    sentencing process) concluding with an elaboration of the `ultimate
    sin' committed by the Jews (they are among the devil's minions [Koran
    4:60 ], accursed by God [Koran 4:47 ]), and their appropriate
    punishment: If they do not accept the true faith (i.e., Islam), on the
    day of judgment, they will burn in the hellfire (Koran 4:55 ). As per,
    Koran 98:6: `The unbelievers among the People of the Book and the
    pagans shall burn forever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of
    all creatures'

    The Koranic curse upon the Jews for (primarily) rejecting, even
    slaying Allah's prophets (verses 2:61/3:112), including Isa/Jesus (or
    at least his `body double' 4:157-4:158), is updated with perfect
    archetypal logic in the canonical hadith: following the Muslims'
    initial conquest of the Jewish farming oasis of Khaybar, one of the
    vanquished Jewesses reportedly served Muhammad poisoned mutton (or
    goat), which resulted, ultimately, in his protracted, agonizing death.
    And Ibn Saad's sira account maintains that Muhammad's poisoning
    resulted from a well-coordinated Jewish conspiracy.

    It is worth recounting ' as depicted in the Muslim sources ' the
    events that antedated Muhammad's reputed poisoning at Khaybar.

    Muhammad's failures or incomplete successes were consistently
    recompensed by murderous attacks on the Jews. The Muslim
    prophet-warrior developed a penchant for assassinating individual
    Jews, and destroying Jewish communities ' by expropriation and
    expulsion (Banu Quaynuqa and B. Nadir), or massacring their men, and
    enslaving their women and children (Banu Qurayza). Just before
    subduing the Medinan Jewish tribe Banu Qurayza and orchestrating the
    mass execution of their adult males, Muhammad invoked perhaps the most
    striking Koranic motif for the Jews debasement ' he addressed these
    Jews, with hateful disparagement, as `You brothers of apes.'
    Subsequently, in the case of the Khaybar Jews, Muhammad had the male
    leadership killed, and plundered their riches. The terrorized Khaybar
    survivors ' industrious Jewish farmers ' became prototype subjugated
    dhimmis whose productivity was extracted by the Muslims as a form of
    permanent booty. (And according to the Muslim sources, even this
    tenuous vassalage was arbitrarily terminated within a decade of
    Muhammad's death when Caliph Umar expelled the Jews of Khaybar.)

    Thus Maimonides (d. 1203), the renowned Talmudist, philosopher,
    astronomer, and physician, as noted by historian Salo Baron [from
    Baron's essay entitled, `The Historical Outlook of Maimonides,' in
    Proc of the Amer Acad for Jewish Res, vol. 6, 1934-35, p. 82],
    emphasizes the bellicose `madness' of Muhammad, and his quest for
    political control. Muhammad's mindset, and the actions it engendered,
    had immediate, and long term tragic consequences for Jews ' from his
    massacring up to 24,000 Jews, to their chronic oppression ' as
    described in the Islamic sources, by Muslims themselves:
    Following an apparently prevalent usage [Maimonides] calls the founder
    of Islam a `madman,' [meshugga] with both religious and political
    aspirations, who failed to formulate any new religious ideas, but
    merely re-stated well-known concepts. Nevertheless, he attracted a
    large following and inflicted many wrongs upon the Jews, being himself
    responsible for the massacre of 24,000. Following his example the
    Muslims of the subsequent generations oppressed the Jews and debased
    them even more harshly than any other nation.
    Muhammad's brutal conquest and subjugation of the Medinan and Khaybar
    Jews, and their subsequent expulsion by one of his companions, the
    (second) `Rightly Guided' Caliph Umar, epitomize permanent, archetypal
    behavior patterns Islamic Law deemed appropriate to Muslim
    interactions with Jews. George Vajda's seminal analysis of the
    anti-Jewish motifs in the hadith remains the definitive work on this
    subject. Vajda concluded that according to the hadith stubborn
    malevolence is the Jews defining worldly characteristic: rejecting
    Muhammad and refusing to convert to Islam out of jealousy, envy and
    even selfish personal interest, lead them to acts of treachery, in
    keeping with their inveterate nature: `¦sorcery, poisoning,
    assassination held no scruples for them.' These archetypes sanction
    Muslim hatred towards the Jews, and the admonition to at best,
    `subject [the Jews] to Muslim domination,' as dhimmis, treated `with
    contempt,' under certain `humiliating arrangements.'

    Annihilationist sentiments regarding Jews are rooted in Islamic
    eschatology, as also characterized in the canonical hadith. These
    motifs highlight the Jews' supreme hostility to Islam. Jews are
    described as adherents of the Dajjâl ' the Muslim equivalent of the
    Anti-Christ ' or according to another tradition, the Dajjâl is himself
    Jewish. At his appearance, other traditions maintain that the Dajjâl
    will be accompanied by 70,000 Jews from Isfahan wrapped in their
    robes, and armed with polished sabers, their heads covered with a sort
    of veil. When the Dajjâl is defeated, his Jewish companions will be
    slaughtered ' everything will deliver them up except for the so-called
    gharkad tree, as per the canonical hadith included in both Sahih
    Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 177, and Sahih Muslim (Book 041,
    Number 6985):
    Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as
    saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight
    against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would
    hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would
    say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come
    and kill him; but the tree Gharkad would not say, for it is the tree
    of the Jews.
    Another hadith variant, which takes place in Jerusalem, has Isa (the
    Muslim Jesus) leading the Arabs in a rout of the Dajjâl and his
    company of 70,000 armed Jews. And the notion of jihad `ransom' extends
    even into Islamic eschatology ' on the day of resurrection the
    vanquished Jews will be consigned to Hellfire, and this will expiate
    Muslims who have sinned, sparing them from this fate.

    Two particularly humiliating `vocations' that were imposed upon Jews
    by their Muslim overlords in Yemen, and Morocco ' where Jews formed
    the only substantive non-Muslim dhimmi populations ' merit
    elaboration, as they represent the apotheosis of Islam's theological
    Jew hatred.

    Moroccan Jews were confined to ghettos in the major cities, such as
    Fez (since the 13th century) called mellah(s) (salty earth) which
    derives from the fact it was here that they were forced to salt the
    decapitated heads of executed rebels for public exposition. This
    brutally imposed humiliating practice ' which could be enforced even
    on the Jewish Sabbath ' persisted through the late 19th century, as
    described by Eliezer Bashan:
    In the 1870's, Jews were forced to salt the decapitated heads of
    rebels on the Sabbath. For example, Berber tribes frequently revolted
    against Sultan Muhammad XVIII. In order to force them to accept his
    authority, he would engage in punitive military campaigns. Among the
    tribes were the Musa, located south of Marrakesh. In 1872, the Sultan
    succeeded in quelling their revolt and forty-eight of their captives
    were condemned to death. In October 1872, on the order of the Sultan,
    they were dispatched to Rabat for beheading. Their decapitated heads
    were to be exposed on the gates of the town for three days. Since the
    heads were to be sent to Fez, Jewish ritual slaughterers [of
    livestock] were forced to salt them and hang them for exposure on the
    Sabbath. Despite threats by the governor of Rabat, the Jews refused to
    do so. He then ordered soldiers to enter the homes of those who
    refused and drag them outside. After they were flogged, the Jews
    complied and performed the task and the heads of the rebels were
    exposed in public.
    Yemenite Jews had to remove human feces and other waste matter (urine
    which failed to evaporate, etc.) from Muslim areas, initially in
    Sanaa, and later in other communities such as Shibam, Yarim, and
    Dhamar. Decrees requiring this obligation were issued in the late 18th
    or early 19th century, and re-introduced in 1913. Yehuda Nini
    reproduces an 1874 letter written by a Yemenite Jew to the Alliance
    Israelite in Paris, lamenting the practice:
    ¦it is 86 years since our forefathers suffered the cruel decree and
    great shame to the nation of Israel from the east to sundown¦for in
    the days of our fathers, 86 years ago, there arose a judge known as
    Qadi, and said unto the king and his ministers who lived in that time
    that the Lord, Blessed be He, had only created the Jews out of love of
    the other nations, to do their work and be enslaved by them at their
    will, and to do the most contemptible and lowly of tasks. And of them
    all¦the greatest contamination of all, to clear their privies and
    streets and pathways of the filthy dung and the great filth in that
    place and to collect all that is left of the dung, may your Honor
    pardon the expression.
    And when the Jews were perceived as having exceeded the rightful
    bounds of this subjected relationship, as in mythically `tolerant'
    Muslim Spain, the results were predictably tragic. The Granadan Jewish
    viziers Samuel Ibn Naghrela, and his son Joseph, who protected the
    Jewish community, were both assassinated between 1056 to 1066, and in
    the aftermath, the Jewish population was annihilated by the local
    Muslims. It is estimated that up to four thousand Jews perished in the
    pogrom by Muslims that accompanied the 1066 assassination. This figure
    equals or exceeds the number of Jews reportedly killed by the
    Crusaders during their pillage of the Rhineland, some thirty years
    later, at the outset of the First Crusade. The inciting `rationale'
    for this Granadan pogrom is made clear in the bitter anti-Jewish ode
    of Abu Ishaq, a well-known Muslim jurist and poet of the times, who
    Bring them down to their place and return them to the most abject
    station. They used to roam around us in tatters covered with contempt,
    humiliation, and scorn. They used to rummage amongst the dung heaps
    for a bit of a filthy rag to serve as a shroud for a man to be buried
    in¦Do not consider that killing them is treachery. Nay, it would be
    treachery to leave them scoffing.
    Abu Ishaq's rhetorical incitement to violence also included the line,

    Many a pious Muslim is in awe of the vilest infidel ape
    Moshe Perlmann, in his analysis of the Muslim anti-Jewish polemic of
    11th century Granada, notes,
    [Abu Ishaq] Elbiri used the epithet `ape' (qird) profusely when
    referring to Jews. Such indeed was the parlance.
    The Moroccan cleric al-Maghili (d. 1505), referring to the Jews as
    `brothers of apes' (just as Muhammad, the sacralized prototype, had
    addressed the Banu Qurayza), who repeatedly blasphemed the Muslim
    prophet, and whose overall conduct reflected their hatred of Muslims,
    fomented, and then personally lead, a Muslim pogrom (in ~ 1490)
    against the Jews of the southern Moroccan oasis of Touat, plundering
    and killing them en masse, and destroying their synagogue in
    neighboring Tamantit. An important Muslim theologian whose writings
    influenced Moroccan religious attitudes towards Jews into the 20th
    century, al-Maghili also declared in verse, `Love of the Prophet,
    requires hatred of the Jews.'

    Anti-Jewish riots and massacres by Muslims accompanied the 1291 death
    of Jewish physician-vizier Sa'd ad-Daula in Baghdad, the plundering
    and killing of Jews extending throughout Iraq (and possibly into
    Persia). These events marked the collapse of a transient Jewish
    ascendancy (afforded by the ruling pagan Mongols abrogation of the
    Muslim system of dhimmitude), and were fomented by classical Islamic
    motifs of conspiratorial Jew hatred ' nearly 650 years before the
    advent of Nazism.

    Despite being a successful and responsible administrator (which even
    the Muslim sources confirm), the appointment of a Jew as the Vizier of
    a heathen ruler over a predominantly Muslim region, aroused the wrath,
    predictably, of the Muslim masses. This reaction was expressed through
    and exacerbated by `¦all kinds of [Muslim] diatribes, satirical poems,
    and libels.' Ibn al-Fuwati (d. 1323), a contemporary Muslim historian
    from Baghdad, recorded this particularly revealing example which
    emphasized traditional anti-Jewish motifs from the Qur'an:
    In the year 689/1291 a document was prepared which contained libels
    against Sa'd ad-Daula, together with verses from the Qur'an and the
    history of the prophets, that stated the Jews to be a people whom
    Allah hath debased¦
    Another contemporary Muslim source, the chronicler and poet Wassaf,
    according to historian Walter Fischel, `¦empties the vials of hatred
    on the Jew Sa'd ad-Daula and brings the most implausible accusations
    against him.' These accusations included the claims that Sa'd had
    advised Arghun to cut down trees in Baghdad (dating from the days of
    the conquered Muslim Abbasid dynasty), and build a fleet to attack
    Mecca and convert the cuboidal Ka'ba (i.e., the holiest place and
    structure in Islam) to a heathen temple. Wassaf's account also quotes
    satirical verses to demonstrate the extent of public dissatisfaction
    with what he terms `Jewish Domination', adding to the existing line,
    `Turn Jews, for heaven itself hath turned a Jew', his own, `Yet wait
    and ye shall hear their torments cry/And see them fall and perish

    When Arghun took ill, influential Mongol dukes inimical to Sa'd
    ad-Daula for purely political reasons, shifted the `blame' for
    Arghun's terminal illness to the Jewish physician-Vizier. Sa'd and his
    supporters were arrested and a large number of them executed

    (1291). Sa'd ad-Daula's murder precipitated a broad attack on Jewry
    throughout the Il-Khan Empire, beginning in the Baghdad Jewish ghetto,
    where according to the Bar Hebraeus and Wassaf, despite Jewish
    ¦when the report of the murder of the Jew was heard, the Arabs armed
    themselves and went to the quarter of the Jews, because the Jews were
    all living together in quarter¦in Baghdad more than a hundred of the
    noble and wealthy Jews were slain, and their property plundered
    Wassaf and Ibn al-Fuwati further reveal that such attacks spread well
    beyond Baghdad:
    Throughout the lands of Islam, the Jewish people were oppressed and
    their goods plundered¦there was no town left in Iraq in which the Jews
    were not served with that which had happened to them in Baghdad, until
    a part of them embraced Islam, although they later turned back again
    Bar Hebraeus (a contemporary 13th century Christian chronicler) was
    moved to depict the calamity for the Jews in these poignant words:
    The trials and wrath which were stirred up against the Jews at this
    time neither tongue can utter nor the pen write down
    Walter Fischel concludes that `a tremendous wave of suffering and
    persecution must have overwhelmed the entire Jewry of Iraq and
    Persia', while noting `The Muslims, however, gave expression to their
    joy at the end of Jewish domination in many verses filled with enmity
    against the Jews'. One such celebratory verse by the poet Zaynu'd-Din
    Ali b. Sa'id reiterated a range of antisemitic Qur'anic motifs,
    including a debasing reference to the Jews as apes (`apish Jews'),
    `wretched dupes of error and despair', `foulest race', `hatefulest',
    dispatched to `hell' in `molten torments', doomed `without reprieve',
    and leaving behind `How many did they leave!' ' gardens and fountains.
    (Qur'an 44:25)

    Walter Fischel has also described the severe hardships imposed upon
    the Jews of 17th century Shi'ite Muslim Iran because of their image as
    sorcerers and practitioners of black magic, which was `as deeply
    embedded in the minds of the [Muslim] masses as it had been in
    medieval Europe.' The consequences of these bigoted superstitions were
    It was therefore easy to arouse their [the Muslim masses] fears and
    suspicions at the slightest provocation, and to accuse them [the Jews]
    of possessing cabalistic Hebrew writings, amulets, talismans, segulot,
    goralot, and refu'ot, which they [the Jews] were using against the
    Islamic authorities. Encouraged by another Jewish renegade, Siman Tob
    Mumin from Isfahan, who denounced his co-religionists to the
    authorities, the Grand Vizier was quick in ordering the confiscation
    of all Hebrew cabalistic writings and having them thrown into the
    Paul Berman is oblivious to this entire doctrinal and historical
    context. Instead, Berman ascribes `Islamic' Antisemitism, en bloc, to
    a collaborative `perversion of Islam' by Hajj Amin el-Husseini, the
    ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, and Nazi ideologues. Worse still, Berman
    completely ignores el-Husseini's direct connection to the Antisemitic
    legacy of mainstream Islam, including Islamic eschatology, as espoused
    in the Mufti's own writings and speeches.

    Hajj Amin el-Husseini, was a Muslim jihadist, who became,
    additionally, a full-fledged Nazi collaborator in his genocidal
    endeavors to abort the aspirations of Zionist ' a Jewish State
    liberated from the Shari'a, and welcoming Jews to return to a portion
    of their ancestral homeland. He composed a 1943 recruitment pamphlet
    (see the full translation in Jennie Lebel's 2007 biography of the
    Mufti, pp. 311-319) for Balkan Muslims entitled, - Islam and the
    Jews.' This incendiary document hinged upon antisemitic motifs from
    the Koran (for example, 5:82), and the hadith (including Muhammad's
    alleged poisoning by a Khaybar Jewess), and concluded with the
    apocalyptic canonical hadith describing the Jews' annihilation. And
    during a speech before the Imams of the Bosnian SS division, on
    October 4, 1944 (translated from `Mufti Papers: Amin al-Husaini's
    Letters, Memoranda, Speeches, and Appeals from the Exile Period,
    1940-45' No. 104), el-Husseini declared:
    Nearly one-third of the Koran concerns the Jews. The Koran calls upon
    all Muslims to protect themselves against the Jews and to fight them
    wherever they may meet them. The Jews in Khaybar attempted to poison
    Muhammad, the messenger of God; they also carried out themselves or
    supported various attacks on the person of the Prophet, all of which
    failed. Muhammad's many attempts to bring the Jews to their senses
    were unsuccessful, with the result that he saw himself as simply
    forced to dispose of the Jews and to run them out of Arabia.
    Berman Ignores Relevant History From the World War One Era, and Its Aftermath

    Modern genocide historians who have been wont to re-examine the
    disintegrating Ottoman Empire's World War I jihad genocide against its
    Armenian minority through the prism of The Holocaust, often cite a
    comment by Hitler that the mass killings of the Armenians served the
    Nazi leaders as an `inspirational' precedent for predictable impunity.
    During August of 1939, Hitler gave speeches in preparation for the
    looming invasion of Poland which admonished his military commanders to
    wage a brutal, merciless campaign, and assure rapid victory. Hitler
    portrayed the impending invasion as the initial step of a vision to
    `secure the living space we need,' and ultimately, `redistribute the
    world.' In an explicit reference to the Armenians, `Who after all is
    today speaking of the destruction of the Armenians?,' Hitler justified
    their annihilation (and the world's consignment of this genocide to
    oblivion) as an accepted new world order because, `The world believes
    only in success.'

    Grigoris Balakian's eyewitness account of events from 1915-1918 '
    recorded in his diaries during World War I, and already published by
    1922 ' provide a unique, independent confirmation of this ideological,
    and genocidal nexus, and antedate The Holocaust by two decades.
    Specifically, Balakian's striking observations (on pp. 280-281) from a
    chapter entitled, `The Treatment of the Armenians by the German
    Soldiers' captures attitudes of German military officers towards the
    Armenians that foreshadow, chillingly, the genocidal depredations they
    would inflict upon European Jewry during World War II.
    The German officers on their way to Palestine and the Mesopotamian
    front had no choice but to pass before the Bagche [Asia Minor] station
    [train]. All of them used offensive language with regard to the
    Armenians. They considered us to be engaging in intrigue, ready to
    strike the Turkish army from the rear, and thus traitors to the
    fatherland¦deserving of all manner of punishment.

    Although most of the Armenians living in Turkey had been deported,
    scattered, and martyred in the spring of 1915, a few hundred thousand
    survivors still perishing in the deserts to the south ' wasting away
    to nothing. Nevertheless the German officers' Armenophobic fury
    continued, and not a word of compassion was heard from their lips. On
    the contrary, they justified the Ittihad government, saying, `You
    Armenians deserve your punishment. Any state would have punished
    rebellious subjects who took up arms to realize national hopes by the
    destruction of the country.'

    When we objected, asking if other states would dare to massacre women
    and children, along with men, and annihilate an entire race on account
    of a few guilty people, they replied: `Yes, it's true that the
    punishment was a bit severe, but you must realize that during such
    chaotic and frightful days of war as these, it was difficult to find
    the time and means to separate the guilty from the innocent.' This was
    also the merciless answer of the chief executioners ' Talaat, Enver,
    Behaeddin Shakir, Nazim ' and their Ittihad camarilla.

    The German officers pretended ignorance of the widespread slaughter of
    more than a million innocent Armenians, irrespective of sex and age,
    and referred only to deaths by starvation and the adversities of
    travel during the deportations. Thus they exonerated the Turkish
    government, saying that its inability to provide for hundreds of
    thousands of deportees in a disorganized land like Asia Minor was not
    surprising. Meanwhile Turkish government officials prevented the
    starving refugees from receiving bread distributed by the Austrians
    and Swiss, stating, `Orders have come from Constantinople not to give
    any assistance. We cannot allow either bread or medicine to be given.
    The supreme order is to annihilate this evil race. How dare you rescue
    them from death?' The German officers would often speak of us as
    Christian Jews and as blood sucking usurers of the Turkish people.

    What a falsification of the wretched realities prevailing in Asia
    Minor, and what a reversal of roles! Yes indeed, there was an
    oppressor. Either the Germans were consciously distorting the facts
    and roles, or the Turks had really convinced them that the Turks were
    the victims and the Armenians were criminals. How appropriate it is to
    recall here this pair of Turkish sayings: `The clever thief has the
    master of the house hanged' and `The one who steals the minaret
    prepares its sheath in advance, of course.'

    Many German officers had no qualms about turning over to the Turkish
    authorities Armenian youths who had sought refuge with them; they knew
    full well that they were delivering them to their executioners. If an
    Armenian merely spoke negatively about a German ' be he the emperor or
    [Baron] von der Goltz Pasha [a German military aide to the Ottoman
    Empire], or the average German ' or dared to criticize German
    indifference toward the Armenian massacres, he was immediately
    arrested and turned over to the nearest Turkish military or police
    authority. And if the Germans found a certain Armenian particularly
    irritating, they pinned the label of spy on him.

    Mistaking me for an Austrian, a few German officers boasted of having
    turned over several Armenians to the Turkish police, adding with a
    laugh, `Only the Turks know how to talk to the Armenians.'
    Historian Bat Ye'or places the continuum of Armenian massacres from
    the 1890s through the end of World War I, in the appropriate context
    of more than a millennium of jihad:
    The genocide of the Armenians was the natural outcome of a policy
    inherent in the politico ' religious structure of dhimmitude. This
    process of physically eliminating a rebel nation had already been used
    against the rebel Slav and Greek Christians, rescued from collective
    extermination by European intervention, although sometimes

    The genocide of the Armenians was a jihad. No rayas took part in it.
    Despite the disapproval of many Muslim Turks and Arabs, and their
    refusal to collaborate in the crime, these massacres were perpetrated
    solely by Muslims and they alone profited from the booty: the victims'
    property, houses, and lands granted to the muhajirun, and the
    allocation to them of women and child slaves. The elimination of male
    children over the age of twelve was in accordance with the
    commandments of the jihad and conformed to the age fixed for the
    payment of the jizya. The four stages of the liquidation '
    deportation, enslavement, forced conversion, and massacre ' reproduced
    the historic conditions of the jihad carried out in the dar-al-harb
    from the seventh century on. Chronicles from a variety of sources, by
    Muslim authors in particular, give detailed descriptions of the
    organized massacres or deportation of captives, whose sufferings in
    forced marches behind the armies paralleled the Armenian experience in
    the twentieth century.
    Balakian's eyewitness narrative in Armenian Golgotha confirms her
    assessment in theory and genocidal practice (Armenian Golgotha, pp.
    79-80: 144-146) Sukri Bey, captain of the Yozgat [a province in
    central Turkey, whose town of the same name is 100 miles east of
    Ankara] police soldiers, candidly admitted to Grigoris Balakian about
    participating in massacres, while confirming the jihad imperative
    which sanctioned and motivated these mass killings by local Muslims.
    [Balakian]¦the jihad [the Ottoman Sheikh-ul-Islam had] declared
    against the Entente powers was carried out only against the unarmed
    and defenseless Armenian population by the most savage of means¦Thus
    Talaat [of the ruling Ittihad (Young Turk) ruling triumvirate], after
    having Behaeddin Shakir's Armenian extermination plan approved by the
    Ottoman Parliament, had the Sheikh-ul-Islam issue a fatwa declaring
    the Armenians to be enemies of Islam and of the fatherland. Then the
    Sultan as well [officially] ordered the execution of the plan to
    exterminate the Armenians.

    [Sukri Bey] During the time we were searching the women, the
    government officials of Yozgat sent police soldiers to all the
    surrounding Turkish villages and in the name of holy jihad invited the
    Muslim population to participate in this sacred religious
    obligation¦Thus, when we arrived at the designated site, this mass of
    people was waiting. The government order was clear: all were to be
    massacred, and nobody was to be spared. Therefore, in order to prevent
    any escape attempt, and to thwart any secret attempts of sympathizers
    intent on freeing them, I had the eighty police soldiers encircle the
    hill, and I stationed guards at every probable site of escape or
    hiding. Then I had the police soldiers announce to the people that
    whoever wished to select a virgin girl or young bride could do so
    immediately, on the condition of taking them as wives and not with
    attention of rescuing them. Making a selection during the massacre was
    forbidden. Thus about two hundred-fifty girls and young brides were
    selected by the people and the police officers.
    Balakian then completes the grisly narrative, interspersed with
    queries and responses from Sukri Bey:
    `Did you shoot them dead or bayonet them to death?' I [Balakian]
    asked. [Sukri Bey responded] `It's wartime, and bullets are expensive.
    So people grabbed whatever they could from their villages ' axes,
    hatchets, scythes, sickles, clubs, hoes, pickaxes, shovels ' and they
    did the killing accordingly.' It is impossible for me [Balakian] to
    convey what happened to those 6,400 defenseless women, virgins, and
    brides, as well as children and suckling infants. Their heartrending
    cries and doleful pleas brought down the deaf canopies of heaven. The
    police soldiers in Yozgat and Boghazliyan who accompanied us would
    even boast to some of us about how they had committed tortures and
    decapitations, cut off and chopped up body parts with axes, and how
    they dismembered suckling infants and children by pulling apart their
    legs, or dashing them on rocks.

    As we rode our horses side by side, our conversation about the
    deportations and massacres finally reached a point where I was no
    longer able to restrain myself. Stiffened by this unfathomable and
    crushing story, I turned to Shukri, who was relating all this as if it
    were a children's fairy tale, and said, `But bey, you are an elderly
    Muslim. How did you have this many thousands of innocent women, girls,
    and children massacred without feeling any remorse or guilt, when they
    were neither conspirators nor rebels? Wont you remain accountable for
    this innocent blood spilled, before God, the Prophet [Muhammad], and
    your conscience?'

    `Not al all,' he replied. `On the contrary, I carried out my sacred
    and holy obligation before God, my Prophet, and my caliph¦A jihad was
    proclaimed¦The Sheikh-ul-Islam had issued a fatwa to annihilate the
    Armenians as traitors to our state, and the caliph, in turn, ratifying
    this fatwa, had ordered its execution¦'
    The career trajectory and personal attitudes of Wilhelm Hintersatz (
    born 1886; died 1963 ) epitomize these genocidal connections.
    Hintersatz achieved the rank of colonel serving the Kaiser's Austrian
    armed forces in Turkey, during World War I, where he became an
    assistant to Enver Pasha ' one of the ruling Ittihad (Young Turk)
    triumvirate architects of the Armenian Genocide ' and converted to
    Islam, assuming the name Harun-el-Raschid Bey. During World War II, he
    joined the Waffen SS as Standartenfuhrer (Colonel) of a unit that
    merged Waffen groups operating in the Ural Mountains, and Central
    Asia, from 1944-1945. As described by Professor Kurt Tauber in his
    meticulously documented two volume tome (published in 1967) on the
    post World War II era phenomenon of residual anti-democratic German
    nationalism, Beyond Eagle and Swastika, Wilhelm Harun-el-Raschid Bey
    wrote Aus Orient und Occident; ein Mosaik aus buntem Erleben [From the
    Orient and the Occident: A Mosaic of Varicolored Experiences],
    ostensibly `¦about his personal experiences and travels, interlarded
    with his reflections,' which was published in 1954. However, as Tauber
    observes, cleverly avoiding strict German laws against the publication
    of overtly Antisemitic writings which were stringently applied during
    the early post World War II period, Harun-el-Raschid Bey concealed his
    Jew-hatred behind a `folkish' façade.
    Yet, in doing so he presented a clear and penetrant racist
    orientation, masquerading as lighthearted story telling and simple
    good fun. Some of the descriptions of people and events have an almost
    Stürmer-like quality, including even the attempted seduction by a
    Russian Jewess!
    Wilhelm Harun-el-Raschid Bey represents the apotheosis of two
    conjoined genocidal 20th century ideologies ' jihadism, and
    ethno-nationalism. And as a true believer in both, he remained
    seemingly unrepentant even in the aftermath of the genocidal killings
    these hatemongering ideologies provoked.

    The tragic mass killings for `breaching' the dhimma which afflicted
    the Christian minorities of the Ottoman Empire (Serbs, Greeks,
    Bulgarians, and Armenians) throughout the 19th century, culminating in
    the jihad genocide of the Armenians during World War I (and
    documented, by historian Vahakn Dadrian [pp. 403ff] to have inspired
    Hitler to express the notion of predictable impunity with regard to
    future genocides), were nearly replicated in historical Palestine, but
    for the advance of the British army.

    During World War I in Palestine, between 1915 and 1917, the New York
    Times published a series of reports on Ottoman-inspired and local Arab
    Muslim assisted antisemitic persecution which affected Jerusalem, and
    the other major Jewish population centers. For example, by the end of
    January, 1915, 7000 Palestinian Jewish refugees ' men, women, and
    children ' had fled to British-controlled Alexandria, Egypt. Three New
    York Times accounts from January/ February, 1915 provide details of
    the earlier period. By April of 1917, conditions deteriorated further
    for Palestinian Jewry, which faced threats of annihilation from the
    Ottoman government. Many Jews were in fact deported, expropriated, and
    starved, in an ominous parallel to the genocidal deportations of the
    Armenian dhimmi communities throughout Anatolia. Indeed, as related by
    historian Yair Auron,
    Fear of the Turkish actions was bound up with alarm that the Turks
    might do to the Jewish community in Palestine, or at least to the
    Zionist elements within it, what they had done to the Armenians. This
    concern was expressed in additional evidence from the early days of
    the war, from which we can conclude that the Armenian tragedy was
    known in the Yishuv [Jewish community in Palestine]
    A mass expulsion of the Jews of Jerusalem, although ordered twice by
    Djemal Pasha, was averted only through the efforts of [the Ottoman
    Turks World War I allies] the German government which sought to avoid
    international condemnation. The 8000 Jews of Jaffa, however, were
    expelled quite brutally, a cruel fate the Arab Muslims and the
    Christians of the city did not share. Moreover, these deportations
    took place months before the small pro-British Nili spy ring of
    Zionist Jews was discovered by the Turks in October, 1917, and its
    leading figures killed. A report by United States Consul Garrels (in
    Alexandria, Egypt) describing the Jaffa deportation of early April
    1917 (published in the June 3, 1917 New York Times ), included details
    of the Jews plight, and noted:
    The same fate awaits all Jews in Palestine. Djemal Pasha is too
    cunning to order cold-blooded massacres. His method is to drive the
    population to starvation and to death by thirst, epidemics, etc, which
    according to himself, are merely calamities sent by God.
    Auron cites a very tenable hypothesis put forth at that time in a
    journal of the British Zionist movement as to why the looming
    slaughter of the Jews of Palestine did not occur ' the advance of the
    British army (from immediately adjacent Egypt) and its potential
    willingness ` hold the military and Turkish authorities directly
    responsible for a policy of slaughter and destruction of the Jews' '
    may have averted this disaster.

    On June 30, 1922, a joint resolution of both Houses of Congress of the
    United States unanimously endorsed the `Mandate for Palestine,'
    confirming the irrevocable right of Jews to settle in the area of
    Palestine ' anywhere between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean
    Sea. The Congressional Record contains a statement of support from New
    York Rep. Walter Chandler which includes an observation, about
    `Turkish and Arab agitators¦ preaching a kind of holy war [jihad]
    against¦the Jews' of Palestine. Earlier, in 1921, leaders of the
    Indian Khilafat (Caliphate) movement made clear at conferences held in
    India that Islamic suzerainty must prevail over all of historical
    Palestine. And in 1920, at the local level, within British controlled
    Palestine, Musa Kazem el-Husseini, former governor of Jaffa during the
    final years of Ottoman rule, and president of the Arab (primarily
    Muslim) Palestinian Congress, in a letter to the British High
    Commissioner, Herbert Samuels, demanded restoration of the Shari'a '
    which had only been fully abrogated two years earlier when Britain
    ended four centuries of Ottoman Muslim rule of Palestine ' stating
    that this Religious Law, was `¦ engraved in the very hearts of the
    Arabs and has been assimilated in their customs and that has been
    applied ¦in the modern [Arab] states¦' During this same era within
    Palestine, a strong Arab Muslim irredentist current 'epitomized by
    Hajj Amin el-Husseini ' promulgated the forcible restoration of
    Shari'a-mandated dhimmitude via jihad. Indeed, two years before he
    orchestrated the murderous anti-Jewish riots of 1920, i.e., in 1918,
    el-Husseini stated plainly to a Jewish co-worker (at the Jerusalem
    Governorate), I.A. Abbady, `This was and will remain an Arab land¦the
    Zionists will be massacred to the last man¦Nothing but the sword will
    decide the future of this country.'

    Thus Berman and his ilk must be compelled to answer the following
    simple query: `What would have happened, say in late 1922 ' the Muslim
    Brothers were not formed until 1928; the Nazis do not come to power
    until 1933 ' with regard to Islamic jihad and Islamic Jew hatred,
    specifically, if the British had created some rump state Jewish
    homeland, actually governed by Jews, and rapidly departed, bearing in
    mind both the fate of other dhimmi nationalisms in the 19th and early
    20th centuries (Serb, Greek, Bulgarian, Armenian), and the special
    place occupied by dhimmi Jews in Islamic eschatology?'). Indeed, even
    an historian sympathetic to their Nazi-centric views provided this
    honest answer: `[Yes.] They would have been slaughtered, possibly to
    the last man, woman and child.'

    Berman Ignores the Inspiration Prominent Nazis, Including Hitler,
    Derived from Normative Islam Before, During, and After World War Two

    Concordance between Nazism and Islamic jihadism reflects an historical
    continuum evident since the advent of the Nazi movement. This nexus
    was already apparent in Hitler's own observations from 1926,
    elaborated upon over the following decades by both the Nazi leader,
    and other key Nazi officials, and ideologues. Not surprisingly, there
    are two predominant, recurring themes in this discourse: jihad as
    total war, and the annihilationist jihad against the Jews.

    Perhaps the earliest recorded evidence of Hitler's serious interest in
    the jihad was provided by Muhammad `Inayat Allah Khan [who adopted the
    pen name `al-Mashriqi' ' `the Orientalist' or `the Sage of the East'].
    Born in the Punjab in 1888, al-Mashriqi was a Muslim polymath who
    attended Cambridge on a government scholarship, and excelled in the
    study of oriental languages, mathematics, engineering, and the

    Not only did Mashriqi translate the standard abridged version of Mein
    Kampf (then commonly available) from English into Urdu, during one of
    his sojourns in Europe, which included time spent in Berlin, he met
    Hitler in the early years of the Fuehrer's leadership of the National
    Socialist [Nazi] Party. Their meeting took place in 1926 at the
    National Library. Here is the gist of Mashriqi's report on his
    interaction with Hitler as described in a letter to the renowned
    scholar of Indian Islam, J.M.S. Baljon:
    I was astounded when he [Hitler] told me that he knew about my
    Tazkirah. The news flabbergasted me¦ I found him very congenial and
    piercing. He discussed Islamic Jihad with me in details. In 1930 I
    sent him my Isharat concerning the Khaksar movement with a picture of
    a spade-bearer Khaksar at the end of that book. In 1933 he started his
    Spade Movement.
    Mashriqi also wrote this independent summary of his 1926 encounter
    with Hitler on May 31, 1935:
    If I had known that this was the very man who was to become Germany's
    savior I would have fallen around Hitler's neck, but on the occasion I
    was engaged in small talk and tried to find out what he understood
    about Germany's weakness at the time. Professor [Weil, the host] said,
    introducing Hitler to me: `This is also a very important man, an
    activist from the Worker's Party.' We shook hands and Hitler said,
    pointing to a book that was lying on the table: `I had a chance to
    read your al-Tazkirah.' Little did I understand at that time, what
    should have been clear to me when he said these words!

    The astonishing similarities ' or shall we say the unintentional
    similarity between two great minds ' between Hitler's great book and
    the teachings of my Tazkirah and Isharat embolden me, because the
    fifteen years of `struggle' of the author [Hitler] of `My Struggle'
    [Mein Kampf] have now actually led his nation back to success. But
    only after leading his nation to the intended goal, has he disclosed
    his movement's rules and obligations to the world; only after fifteen
    years has he made the means of success widely known. It is possible
    that he has arrived at those means and doctrines by trial and error,
    but it should be absolutely clear that Mashriqi [referring to himself
    in the third person] has identified those means and doctrines in
    al-Tazkirah a full nine years and in the Isharat a full three years
    before the success of the Nazi movement, simply by following the
    shining guidance of the Holy Koran.
    Mashriqi founded the Khaksar Movement, an Indian Muslim separatist
    (i.e., promoting the Pakistan `idea'), and global jihad supremacist
    organization. Its ethos is revealed in Mashriqi's writings (for
    example, his Qaul-i-Faysel): `¦we [Muslims] have again to dominate the
    whole world. We have to become its conqueror and its rulers.' His
    widely circulated pamphlet Islam ki Askari Zindagi further declared:
    `The Koran has proclaimed in unequivocal words to the world that the
    Prophet was sent with the true religion and definite instruction that
    he should make all other religions subservient to this religion

    Mashriqi emphasized repeatedly in his pamphlets and published articles
    that the verity of Islam could be gauged by the rate of the earliest
    Muslim conquests in the glorious first decades after the Muslim
    prophet Muhammad's death (Mashriqi's estimate is `36,000 castles in 9
    years, or 12 per day'). He asserted `Nearly three-quarters' of the
    Koran concerns conquest, jihad (holy war), and related themes. And
    Mashriqi reminded that the Koran promises hellfire to all those who do
    not participate in Jihad bi-l-saif (`jihad with the sword'), or object
    to it. Mashriqi also believed the Koran's jihad verses confirmed that
    if a Muslim fought for the cause of Islam, this action alone was
    sufficient for his salvation, requiring no other good deeds. According
    to Mashriqi, Islam's `five pillars' ' the confession of the oneness of
    Allah and Muhammad's prophetic mission, the ritual prayer five times
    daily, the pilgrimage (haj) to Mecca, the giving of alms, and the fast
    in the month of Ramadan ' were all aspects of military exercise: the
    confession of faith actually meant that the true Muslim had to forsake
    all worldly gains in the interest of military revival, prayer (to be
    performed in uniform and in a regimented way) was a kind of military
    drill, the haj was something like a grand counsel of Muslim soldiers
    where plans against enemies could be formulated, the fast was a
    preparation for the deprivations of siege warfare, the giving of alms,
    lastly, was a means of raising funds for Muslim re-armament. In short,
    he stated, `To leave the martial way of life is tantamount to leaving

    But it was the `Ten Principles' Mashriqi elucidated in the Tazkirah '
    the work Hitler discussed with him in 1926 ' which produced a
    quintessential message of Islam enshrining the ideals of militaristic
    nation-building. This vision sounded almost identical to sections of
    Hitler's Mein Kampf (compare to Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, pp. 169-179,
    Reynal and Hitchcock trans, 1941) ' certainly in the following
    paraphrase from al-Tazkirah prepared by some of Mashriqi's colleagues
    for foreign consumption:
    A persistent application of, and action on these Ten Principles is the
    true significance of' fitness' in the Darwinian [sic] principle of
    `Survival of the Fittest', and a community of people which carries
    action on these lines to the very extremist limits has every right to
    remain a predominant race on this Earth forever, has claim to be the
    ruler of the world for all time. As soon as any or all of these
    qualities deteriorate in a nation, she begins to lose her right to
    remain and Fitter people may take her place automatically under the
    Law of Natural Selection.
    Albert Speer, who was Hitler's Minister of Armaments and War
    Production, wrote a contrite memoir of his World War II experiences
    while serving a 20-year prison sentence imposed by the Nuremberg
    tribunal. Speer's narrative includes a discussion which captures
    Hitler's effusive praise for Islam, `¦a religion that believed in
    spreading the faith by the sword and subjugating all nations to that
    faith. Such a creed was perfectly suited to the Germanic temperament.'
    Hitler, according to Speer's account, repeatedly expressed the
    conviction that, `The Mohammedan religion¦would have been much more
    compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity
    with its meekness and flabbiness?' These sentiments were also
    expressed by Hitler to Dr. Herman Neubacher, the first Nazi Mayor of
    Vienna, and subsequently, a special delegate of the Nazi regime in
    southeastern Europe. Neubacher wrote that Hitler had told him Islam
    was a `male religion,' and reiterated the belief that the Germans
    would have been far more successful conquerors had they adopted Islam
    in the Middle Ages. Additional confirmation of Hitler's very favorable
    inclination towards Islam is provided by General Alexander Loehr, a
    Luftwaffe commander (executed in 1947 for the mass-murders of Yugoslav
    civilians). Loehr maintained a smiling Hitler had told him that Islam
    was such a desirable creed the Fuehrer longed for it to become the
    official SS religion.

    Hitler appears to have viewed the uniquely Islamic institution of
    jihad as an appropriate model for waging genocidal, total war. During
    the mid to late 19th century, jihad total war campaigns - adapted to
    the conditions of modern warfare - were waged by the Ottoman Empire
    against its Bulgarian and Armenian Christian minorities. The Ottoman
    tactics included innumerable atrocities, mass slaughter, and
    extensive, murderous deportations. Official Ottoman jihad declarations
    during World War I assured that the genocidal aspects of Islamic
    doctrine were `updated' by the application of modern total war
    offensive doctrines, and directed at the Armenians, in particular.
    This jihad-inspired policy begot razzias (raids), massacres of
    villagers, massacres of Armenian conscripts in work battalions, and
    mass deportations - all representative of an overall total-war
    strategy implemented by the Ottoman state, and military high command.

    And, as noted earlier, the disintegrating Ottoman Empire's World War I
    jihad genocide against its Armenian minority, specifically, served as
    an `inspirational' precedent to Hitler.

    Vahakn Dadrian - the foremost scholar of the Armenian genocide '
    observes that although Hitler's motives in seeking to destroy the Jews
    were not identical with those of the Ottoman Turks' in their attempts
    to eliminate the Armenians, `¦the two victim nations share one common
    element in Hitler's scheme of things: their extreme vulnerability.'
    Moreover, Hitler emphasized the urgent task, `¦of protecting the
    German blood from contamination, not only of the Jewish but also of
    the Armenian blood.' Predictable impunity - the ease with which the
    Armenian genocide was committed and how the perpetrators escaped
    retributive justice - clearly impressed Hitler and his henchmen,
    considering a similar action against the Jews. Indeed, the German Jew,
    Richard Lictheim who as a young Zionist leader had negotiated with
    Ottoman leaders in Turkey during World War I, characterized the
    `¦cold-bloodedly planned extermination of over one million
    Armenians¦[as] akin to Hitler's crusade of destruction against the
    Jews¦' And as historian Abram Sachar noted, `¦the genocide was cited
    approvingly twenty-five years later by the Fuehrer¦who found the
    Armenian `solution' an attractive precedent.'

    Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS (Nazi Secret Service), and eventually
    all German police forces, was another champion of Islam's singular
    bellicosity. Accordingly, Himmler foresaw that within the framework of
    the Waffen-SS, several Muslim divisions would be created to wage jihad
    `shoulder to shoulder' with Nazi and Axis power soldiers. Himmler was
    the guiding force behind the establishment of a Waffen-SS 13th (later
    dubbed Handzar) Division - comprised exclusively of Muslims from
    Bosnia and Herzegovina. He argued in support of the creation of this
    Muslim division that the global Islamic community (umma) was very
    sympathetic to Nazism, and that the targeted Balkan Muslims had a
    special consciousness of their Muslim Bosnian-Herzegovinian identity.
    Indeed, Himmler and his collaborators believed that these Balkan
    Muslims were ideally suited to forge a nexus between the Nazi Germanic
    `racial north,' and the Islamic east. SS General Gottlob Berger
    described how Himmler's creation of the Handzar division was the
    apotheosis of this vision:
    For the first time a connection is being established between Islam and
    National Socialism on an open, honest base, since it will be ruled
    from the North where blood and race are concerned, and from the East
    ideologically and spiritually.
    As the ultimate fulfillment of his vision, Himmler also strove to
    re-create a contemporary version of the Ottoman Muslim devshirme levy,
    and form a modern janissary corps, not only in Bosnia-Herzegovina, but
    the Sanjak (regions in Serbia and Montenegro), most of Croatia, and
    the major part of Srem (which includes provinces in Serbia and Croatia
    between the Danube and Sava rivers). Historian Jennie Lebel describes
    this effort:
    In order to supply the Reich on time with a `loyal population' for
    this planned SS border area [i.e., as outlined above in
    Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia], Himmler gave orders to
    collect children, male and female, who had been left without one or
    both parents and send them to Germany in order `to create a kind of
    Janissaries' and the `future soldiers and soldiers' women of the old
    military border of the Reich.' The collection of the children was to
    be taken care of by the commanders of the Waffen-SS divisions. They
    had to report once monthly to Himmler personally on the number of
    children collected. This was stated in two letters by Himmler, one
    addressed to General Arthur Phleps on May 20, 1944, and the other to
    General Gottlob Berger on July 14 of the same year. Copies were sent
    to General Kammerhofer, SS representative for the NDH [Croatia], to
    General Erwin Rosener in Slovenia, General Hermann Behrends in Serbia
    and General Herman Foegellein, liason officer of the Waffen-SS with
    Hajj Amin el-Husseini - the pre-eminent Arab Muslim leader of the
    World War II era - was viewed by Hitler (and also the Waffen-SS) - as
    a `Muslim Pope.' For example, the Nazi regime promoted this former
    Mufti of Jerusalem in an illustrated biographical booklet (printed in
    Berlin in 1943) which declared him Muhammad's direct descendant, an
    Arab national hero, and the `incarnation of all ideals and hopes of
    the Arab nation.'

    Despite his role in fomenting the1920 pogroms against Palestinian
    Jews, el-Husseini was pardoned, and subsequently appointed Mufti of
    Jerusalem by the British High Commissioner, in May 1921, a title he
    retained, following the Ottoman practice, for the remainder of his
    life. Throughout his public career, the Mufti relied upon traditional
    Koranic anti-Jewish motifs to arouse the Arab street. For example,
    during the incitement which led to the 1929 Arab revolt in Palestine,
    he called for combating and slaughtering `the Jews', not merely
    Zionists. In fact, most of the Jewish victims of the 1929 Arab revolt
    were Jews from the centuries old dhimmi communities (for eg., in
    Hebron), as opposed to recent settlers identified with the Zionist
    movement. With the ascent of Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, the
    Mufti and his coterie intensified their anti-Semitic activities to
    secure support from Hitler's Germany (and later Bosnian Muslims, as
    well as the overall Arab Muslim world), for a jihad to annihilate the
    Jews of Palestine. Following his expulsion from Palestine by the
    British, the Mufti fomented a brutal anti-Jewish pogrom in Baghdad
    (1941), concurrent with his failed effort to install a pro-Nazi Iraqi
    government. Escaping to Europe after this unsuccessful coup attempt,
    the Mufti spent the remainder of World War II in Germany and Italy.
    >From this sanctuary, he provided active support for the Germans by
    recruiting Bosnian Muslims, in addition to Muslim minorities from the
    Caucasus, for dedicated Nazi SS units. The Mufti's objectives for
    these recruits, and Muslims in general, were made explicit during his
    multiple wartime radio broadcasts from Berlin, heard throughout the
    Arab world: an international campaign of genocide against the Jews.
    For example, during his March 1, 1944 broadcast he stated: `Kill the
    Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history, and religion.'

    Hajj Amin made an especially important contribution to the German war
    effort in Yugoslovia where the Bosnian Muslim SS units he recruited
    (in particular the Handzar Division) brutally suppressed local Nazi
    resistance movements. The Mufti's pamphlet entitled, - Islam and the
    Jews `, as described earlier, was published by the Nazis in Croatian
    and German for distribution during the war to these Bosnian Muslim SS
    units. This incendiary document hinged upon antisemitic motifs from
    the Koran (for example, 5:82), and the hadith (including Muhammad's
    alleged poisoning by a Khaybar Jewess), and concluded with the
    apocalyptic canonical hadith describing the Jews' annihilation. And
    historian Jan Wanner has observed that,
    His [the Mufti's] appeals¦addressed to the Bosnian Muslims were¦close
    in many respects to the argumentation used by contemporary Islamic
    fundamentalists¦the Mufti viewed only as a new interpretation of the
    traditional concept of the Islamic community (umma), sharing with
    Nazism common enemies.
    Wanner further characterized The Mufti's nefarious wartime campaign to
    prevent Jewish emigration from Europe to Palestine, and its horrific
    ¦the darkest aspect of the Mufti's activities in the final stage of
    the war was undoubtedly his personal share in the extermination of
    Europe's Jewish population. On May 17, 1943, he wrote a personal
    letter to Ribbentrop, asking him to prevent the transfer of 4500
    Bulgarian Jews, 4000 of them children, to Palestine. In May and June
    of the same year, he sent a number of letters to the governments of
    Bulgaria, Italy, Rumania, and Hungary, with the request not to permit
    even individual Jewish emigration and to allow the transfer of Jews to
    Poland where, he claimed they would be `under active supervision'. The
    trials of Eichmann's henchmen, including Dieter Wislicency who was
    executed in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, confirmed that this was not an
    isolated act by the Mufti.
    Invoking the personal support of such prominent Nazis as Himmler and
    Eichmann, the Mufti's relentless hectoring of German, Rumanian, and
    Hungarian government officials caused the cancellation of an estimated
    480,000 exit visas which had been granted to Jews (80,000 from
    Rumania, and 400,000 from Hungary). As a result, these hapless
    individuals were deported to Polish concentration camps. A United
    Nations Assembly document presented in 1947 which contained the
    Mufti's June 28, 1943 letter to the Hungarian Foreign Minister
    requesting the deportation of Hungarian Jews to Poland, includes this
    stark, telling annotation: `As a Sequel to This Request 400,000 Jews
    Were Subsequently Killed.' Moreover, in the Mufti's memoirs (Memoirs
    of the Grand Mufti, edited by Abd al-Karim al-Umar, Damascus, 1999) he
    describes what Himmler revealed to him during the summer of 1943
    regarding the genocide of the Jews. Following pro forma tirades on
    `Jewish war guilt,' Himmler told the Mufti that `up to now we have
    liquidated [abadna] around three million of them.'

    According to historian Howard M. Sachar, meetings the Mufti held with
    Hitler in 1941 and 1942 lead to an understanding whereby Hitler's
    forces would invade Palestine with the goal being `..not the
    occupation of the Arab lands, but solely the destruction of
    Palestin(ian) Jewry¦' And in April, 2006, the director of the Nazi
    research center in Ludwigsburg, Klaus-Michael Mallman, and Berlin
    historian Martin Cueppers, revealed that a murderous Einsatzgruppe
    Egypt, connected to Rommel's Africa Korps, was stationed in Athens
    awaiting British expulsion from the Levant, prior to beginning their
    planned slaughter of the roughly 500,000 Jews in Palestine. This plan
    was only aborted after Rommel's defeat by Montgomery at El Alamein,
    Egypt, in October/November 1942.

    The Mufti remained unrelenting in his espousal of a virulent
    Judeophobic hatred as the focal tenet of his ideology in the aftermath
    of World War II, and the creation of the State of Israel. And the
    Mufti was also a committed supporter of global jihad movements, urging
    a `full struggle' against the Hindus of India (as well as the Jews of
    Israel) before delegates at the February 1951 World Muslim Congress:
    `We shall meet next with sword in hand on the soil of either Kashmir
    or Palestine.' Declassified intelligence documents from 1942, 1947,
    1952, and 1954 confirm the Mufti's own Caliphate desires in repeated
    references from contexts as diverse as Turkey, Egypt, Jerusalem, and
    Pakistan, and also include discussions of major Islamic Conferences
    dominated by the Mufti, which were attended by a broad spectrum of
    Muslim leaders literally representing the entire Islamic world
    (including Shia leaders from Iran), i, e., in Karachi from February
    16-19, 1952, and Jordanian occupied Jerusalem, December 3-9, 1953.
    Finally during a 1962 `Great Muslim Congress' held in Mecca
    el-Husseini harshly criticized the `Arab nationalism' of Egyptian
    despot Gamal Abd el-Nasser. According to Jennie Lebel, the ex-Mufti
    openly rejected both Communism and Socialism, and `¦urged all the
    [Muslim] faithful to unite against the bitterest enemies of the Arabs,
    those who disavow Islam and distort its call under the guise of
    nationalism Viewed in their totality these data do not support the
    current standard assessment of the Mufti as merely a `Palestinian Arab
    nationalist, rife with Jew hatred.'

    During an interview conducted in the late 1930s (published in 1939),
    Karl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical
    psychiatry, was asked `¦had he any views on what was likely to be the
    next step in religious development?' Jung replied, in reference to the
    Nazi fervor that had gripped Germany,
    We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. He is
    already on the way; he is like Muhammad. The emotion in Germany is
    Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with wild god. That
    can be the historic future.
    Paul Berman also ignored in their entirety, writings produced for 100
    years between the mid-19th through mid-20th centuries, by important
    scholars and intellectuals, in addition to Carl Jung - for example,
    the historians Jacob Burckhardt and Waldemar Gurian, Protestant
    theologian Karl Barth, and most notably, the renowned 20th century
    scholar of Islamic Law, G.H. Bousquet - referred to Islam as a
    despotic, or in 20th century parlance, totalitarian ideology.

    Being imbued with fanaticism was the ultimate source of Muhammad's
    great strength, and lead to his triumph as a despot, according to the
    19th century Swiss historian Burckhardt:
    Muhammad is personally very fanatical; that is his basic strength. His
    fanaticism is that of a radical simplifier and to that extent is quite
    genuine. It is of the toughest variety, namely doctrinaire passion,
    and his victory is one of the greatest victories of fanaticism and
    triviality. All idolatry, everything mythical, everything free in
    religion, all the multifarious ramifications of the hitherto existing
    faith, transport him into a real rage, and he hits upon a moment when
    large strata of his nation were highly receptive to an extreme
    simplification of the religious.
    The Arabs, Burckhardt emphasizes, Muhammad's henchmen, were not
    barbarians and had their own ingenuities, and spiritual traditions.
    Muhammad's successful preaching among them capitalized upon an
    apparent longing for supra-tribal unification, `an extreme
    simplification.' Muhammad's genius, `lies in divining this.' Utilizing
    portions of the most varied existing traditions, and taking advantage
    of the fact that `the peoples who were now attacked may also have been
    somewhat tired of their existing theology and mythology,' Muhammad
    ¦with the aid of at least ten people, looks over the faiths of the
    Jews, Christians, and Parsis [Zoroastrians], and steals from them any
    scraps that he can use, shaping these elements according to his
    imagination. Thus everyone found in Muhammad's sermons some echo of
    his accustomed faith. The very extraordinary thing is that with all
    this Muhammad achieved not merely lifetime success, the homage of
    Arabia, but founded a world religion that is viable to this day and
    has a tremendously high opinion of itself.
    Burckhardt concludes that despite this achievement, Muhammad was not a
    great man, although he accepts the understandable inclination,
    ¦to deduce great causes from great effects, thus, from Muhammad's
    achievement, greatness of the originator. At the very least, one wants
    to concede in Muhammad's case that he was no fraud, was serious about
    things, etc. However, it is possible to be in error sometime with this
    deduction regarding greatness and to mistake mere might for greatness.
    In this instance it is rather the low qualities of human nature that
    have received a powerful presentation. Islam is a triumph of
    triviality, and the great majority of mankind is trivial¦But
    triviality likes to be tyrannical and is fond of imposing its yoke
    upon nobler spirits. Islam wanted to deprive distinguished old nations
    of their myths, the Persians of their Book of Kings, and for 1200
    years it has actually prohibited sculpture and painting to
    tremendously large populations.
    University of Notre Dame historian Waldemar Gurian, a refugee, who
    witnessed first hand the Communist and Fascist totalitarian movements
    in Europe, concluded (circa 1945) that Hitler, in a manner analogous
    to the 7th century precedent of Muhammad, had been the simplifier of
    German nationalism.
    A fanatical simplifier who appeared as the unifier of various German
    traditions in the service of simple national aims and who was seen by
    many differing German groups - even by some people outside Germany '
    as the fulfiller of their wishes and sharer of their beliefs, with
    some distortions and exaggerations - such, as long as he had success,
    was Adolf Hitler.
    Based upon the same clear understandings, and devoid of our era's
    dulling, politically correct constraints, Karl Barth, like Carl Jung
    (cited earlier), offered this warning, also published in 1939:
    [Karl Barth] Participation in this life, according to it the only
    worthy and blessed life, is what National Socialism, as a political
    experiment, promises to those who will of their own accord share in
    this experiment. And now it becomes understandable why, at the point
    where it meets with resistance, it can only crush and kill - with the
    might and right which belongs to Divinity! Islam of old as we know
    proceeded in this way. It is impossible to understand National
    Socialism unless we see it in fact as a new Islam [emphasis in
    original], its myth as a new Allah, and Hitler as this new Allah's
    Investigative journalist John Roy Carlson's 1948-1950 interviews of
    Arab Muslim religious and political leaders provide consummate
    independent validation of these Western assessments. Perhaps most
    revealing were the candid observations of Aboul Saud, whom Carlson
    described as a `pleasant English-speaking member of the Arab League
    Office.' Aboul Saud explained to Carlson that Islam was an
    authoritarian religio-political creed which encompassed all of a
    Muslim's spiritual and temporal existence. He stated plainly,
    You might describe Mohammedanism as a religious form of State
    Socialism¦The Koran give the State the right to nationalize industry,
    distribute land, or expropriate the right to nationalize industry,
    distribute land, or expropriate property. It grants the ruler of the
    State unlimited powers, so long as he does not go against the Koran.
    The Koran is our personal as well as our political constitution.
    And after interviewing Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna
    himself, who `preached the doctrine of the Koran in one hand and the
    sword in the other,' Carlson observed:
    It became clear to me why the average Egyptian worshipped the use of
    force. Terror was synonymous with power! This was one reason why most
    Egyptians, regardless of class or calling had admired Nazi Germany. It
    helped explain the sensational growth of the Ikhwan el Muslimin
    [Muslim Brotherhood]
    Thirty-fours years ago (1973/74) Bat Ye'or published a remarkably
    foresighted analysis of the Islamic antisemitism and resurgent
    jihadism in her native Egypt, being packaged for dissemination
    throughout the Muslim world. The primary, core Antisemitic and
    jihadist motifs were Islamic, derived from Islam's foundational texts,
    on to which European, especially Nazi elements were grafted. Nazi
    academic and propagandist of extermination Johannes von Leers'
    writings and personal career trajectory - as a favored contributor in
    Goebbels' propaganda ministry, to his eventual adoption of Islam (as
    Omar Amin von Leers) while working as an anti-Western, and
    antisemitic/anti-Zionist propagandist under Nasser's regime from the
    mid-1950s, until his death in 1965 - epitomizes this convergence of
    jihad, Islamic antisemitism, and racist, Nazi antisemitism, as
    described by Bat Ye'or. Upon his arrival in Egypt in 1956, it was Hajj
    Amin el-Husseini who welcomed von Leers, stating, `We are grateful to
    you for having come here to resume the struggle against the powers of
    darkness incarnated by international Judaism.' The ex-Mufti oversaw
    von Leers' formal conversion to Islam, and remained one of his
    confidants. And von Leers described the origins of the Muslim
    `forename,' Omar Amin, that he adopted as part of his conversion to
    Islam in a November, 1957 letter to American Nazi H. Keith Thompson,
    I myself have embraced Islam and accepted the new forename Omar Amin,
    Omar according to the great Caliph Omar who was a grim enemy of the
    Jews, Amin in honor of my friend Hajj Amin el Husseini, the Grand
    Already in essays published during 1938 and 1942, the first dating
    back almost two decades before his conversion to Islam while in Egypt,
    von Leers produced analyses focused primarily on Muhammad's
    interactions with the Jews of Medina. These essays reveal his pious
    reverence for Islam and its prophet, and a thorough understanding of
    the sacralized Islamic sources for this narrative, i.e., the Koran,
    hadith, and sira. which is entirely consistent with standard Muslim

    Von Leers' 1942 essay, for example, concludes by simultaneously
    extolling the `model' of oppression the Jews experienced under Islamic
    suzerainty, and the nobility of Muhammad, Islam, and the contemporary
    Muslims of the World War II era, foreshadowing his own conversion to
    Islam just over a decade later. And even earlier, in a 1938 essay, von
    Leers further sympathized with, `the leading role of the Grand Mufti
    of Jerusalem in the Arabians' battles against the Jewish invasion in
    Palestine.' Von Leers observes that to the pious Muslim, `¦the Jew is
    an enemy, not simply an `unbeliever' who might perhaps be converted
    or, despite the fact that he does not belong to Islam, might still be
    a person of some estimation. Rather, the Jew is the predestined
    opponent of the Muslim, one who desired to bring down the work of the

    Until his death in 1965, von Leers remained unrepentant about the
    annihilationist policies towards the Jews he helped advance serving
    Hitler's Reich. Indeed he was convinced of the righteousness of the
    Nazi war against the Jews, and as a pious Muslim convert, von Leers
    viewed the Middle East as the succeeding battleground to seal the fate
    of world Jewry. His public evolution over the course of three decades
    illustrates starkly the shared centrality to these totalitarianisms '
    both modern and ancient - of the Jews as `first and last enemy' motif.
    Finally, an October 1957 US intelligence report on von Leers' writings
    and activities for Egypt and the Arab League confirmed his complete
    adoption of the triumphalist Muslim worldview, desirous of nothing
    less than the destruction of Judeo-Christian civilization by jihad:
    He [Dr. Omar Amin von Leers] is becoming more and more a religious
    zealot, even to the extent of advocating an expansion of Islam in
    Europe in order to bring about stronger unity through a common
    religion. This expansion he believes can come not only from contact
    with the Arabs in the Near East and Africa but with Islamic elements
    in the USSR. The results he envisions as the formation of a political
    bloc against which neither East nor West could prevail.
    Fifty years later ignorance, denial, and delusion have engendered the
    sorry state of public understanding of this most ominous conversion of
    hatreds, by all its potential victims, not only Jews. This lack of
    understanding is little advanced by the current spate of analyses '
    such as Paul Berman's - which seek `Nazi roots' of the cataclysmic
    September 11, 2001 acts of jihad terrorism, and see Nazism as having
    `introduced' antisemitism to an otherwise `tolerant', even
    philosemitic Islamic world beginning in the 1930s. Awkwardly forced,
    and ahistorical, these analyses realign the Nazi cart in front of the
    Islamic steed which has driven both jihad and Islamic antisemitism,
    since the 7th century advent of the Muslim creed, particularly during
    the last decade of Muhammad's life.

    Berman's Islamic Apologetics Are Debunked by the Brutally Frank
    Insights of the Very Same Muslim `Apostate' Freethinkers Berman Nobly

    In a brilliant, dispassionate contemporary analysis, Ibn Warraq
    described 14 characteristics of `Ur Fascism' as enumerated by Umberto
    Eco, analyzing their potential relationship to the major determinants
    of Islamic governance and aspirations, through the present. He adduces
    salient examples which reflect the key attributes discussed by Eco:
    the unique institution of jihad war; the establishment of a Caliphate
    under `Allah's vicegerent on earth,' the Caliph - ruled by Islamic
    Law, i.e., Shari'a, a rigid system of subservience and sacralized
    discrimination against non-Muslims and Muslim women, devoid of basic
    freedoms of conscience, and expression. Warraq's assessment confirms
    what G.H. Bousquet concluded (in 1950) from his career studying the
    historical development and implementation of Islamic Law:
    Islam first came before the world as a doubly totalitarian system. It
    claimed to impose itself on the whole world and it claimed also, by
    the divinely appointed Muhammadan law, by the principles of fiqh
    [jurisprudence], to regulate down to the smallest details the whole
    life of the Islamic community and of every individual believer¦ the
    study of Muhammadan Law (dry and forbidding though it may appear)¦ is
    of great importance to the world of today.
    Hirsi Ali's response to the standard non-sequitur apologetic about the
    putative existence of `different Islams,' is unequivocal:
    No that is an erroneous idea. If one defines Islam as the religion
    founded by Muhammad and explained by the Koran and later by hadiths,
    there is only one Islam that dictates the moral framework.
    She concludes that true reform of Islam, to render it compatible with
    modern human rights standards, must include criticism of both its core
    sacred text, and founder:
    You cannot liberalize Islam without criticizing the Prophet and the
    Koran¦You cannot redecorate a house without entering inside.
    Hirsi Ali's conceptions mirror the ideas outlined by Ibn Warraq in a
    thoughtful essay about reform (somewhat ironically) of Middle Eastern
    Muslim societies. She clearly shares the unapologetic views about the
    obstacles to such reform presented by Islam itself, which Warraq
    characterized as follows:
    There are some (I believe, misguided) liberal Muslims who deny any
    such transformation is necessary, that Islam need not be marginalized
    for liberty to flourish. These liberals often argue that the real
    Islam is compatible with liberal democracy, that the real Islam is
    feminist, that the real Islam is egalitarian, that the real Islam
    tolerates other religions and beliefs, and so on. They then proceed to
    some truly creative re - interpretation of the embarrassing,
    intolerant and misogynist verses of the Koran. But intellectual
    honesty demands that we reject just such dishonest tinkering with the
    Koran's text, which, while it may be open to some re - interpretation,
    is not infinitely elastic. The truth is there is no real difference
    between Islam and Islamic fundamentalism - at most there is a
    difference of degree, but not of kind. There are moderate Muslims, but
    Islam itself is not moderate. All the tenets of so - called Islamic
    fundamentalism are derived from the Koran, the Sunna, and the Hadith '
    the defining texts of Islam - and elaborated in intimate detail by the
    classical Muslim jurists from all four schools of Sunni Islamic
    jurisprudence, as well as by Shi'ite jurists. The only solution is to
    bring the questions of human rights out of the religious sphere and
    into the sphere of the civil state, in other words to separate
    religion from the state and promote a secular state where Islam is
    relegated to the personal.
    And these pellucid, experience-based assessments by the same former
    Muslims Berman wishes to champion, explode his sham castle narrative
    of a `monstrous,' Nazified Islam, somehow transmogrified from Berman's
    `Islam of generosity' - a purely fanciful, dangerously delusional

    The rise of Jewish nationalism - Zionism - posed a predictable, if
    completely unacceptable challenge to the Islamic order - jihad-imposed
    chronic dhimmitude for Jews - of apocalyptic magnitude. As Bat Ye'or
    has explained,
    ¦because divine will dooms Jews to wandering and misery, the Jewish
    state appears to Muslims as an unbearable affront and a sin against
    Allah. Therefore it must be destroyed by Jihad.
    Historian Saul S. Friedman, also citing the emergence of Zionism (as
    an ideology anathema to the Islamic system of dhimmitude for Jews),
    concluded that this modern movement, and the creation of the Jewish
    State of Israel has, not surprisingly, unleashed a torrent of
    annihilationist Islamic antisemitism, `the brew of thirteen centuries
    of intolerance':
    Since 1896, the development of modern, political Zionism has placed
    new tension on, and even destroyed, the traditional master-serf
    relationship that existed between Arab and Jew in the Middle East. An
    Arab world that could not tolerate the presence of a single,
    `arrogant' Jewish vizier in its history was now confronted by a modern
    state staffed with self-confident Jewish ministers.
    Contra Paul Berman, even if all vestiges of Nazi militarism and racist
    antisemitism were to disappear miraculously overnight from the Islamic
    world, the living legacy of jihad war against non-Muslim infidels, and
    anti-Jewish hatred and violence rooted in Islam's sacred texts '
    Koran, hadith, and sira - would remain intact. The assessment and
    understanding of the uniquely Muslim institution of jihad, and Islamic
    antisemitism, begins with an unapologetic exposure of both the
    injunctions sanctioning jihad war, and the anti-Jewish motifs
    contained in these foundational texts of Islam. Yet while the West has
    engaged in self-critical mea culpa, acknowledging its own
    imperialistic past, shameful role in the slave trade, and antisemitic
    persecution - taking steps to make amends where possible - the Islamic
    nations remain in perpetual denial. Until Muslims acknowledge the ugly
    realities of jihad imperialism, and anti-Jewish persecution in their
    history, the past will continue to poison the present, and there will
    be no hope of combating resurgent jihadism, and Islam's unreformed
    theological hatred of Jews in modern times, from Morocco to Indonesia,
    and within Muslim communities living in Western, and other non-Muslim
    societies across the globe. dislam.htm