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New Geopolitics Of The South Caucasus

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  • New Geopolitics Of The South Caucasus

    Eurasia Review
    May 15 2010

    New Geopolitics Of The South Caucasus

    Saturday, May 15, 2010
    By Fareed Shafee for CRIA

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the South Caucasus region was
    opened up for the global market as well as competition among global
    powers. The dominance of Russia which had lasted for 200 years was
    questioned by new actors, primarily the United States, Turkey and
    Iran. The South Caucasus, with its vital links to the Black Sea,
    Central Asia and Middle East, and its rich natural resources
    (primarily oil and gas in the Caspian Sea) became a complex
    battleground aggravated by internal problems such as the war between
    Armenia and Azerbaijan due to territorial claims of the former with
    regard to the latter's Nagorno-Karabakh region.

    While the geopolitical conditions of the 1990s were defined internally
    by ethnic conflicts, the creation of statehood, and the transition
    from communism to a market economy, external factors were connected
    with the arrival of the new powers ` the US, EU, Turkey, Iran on one
    side, and efforts by Russia to maintain control on the other. A wave
    of `colour revolutions' in 2003-2005 further changed the political
    landscape of the regional states and increased the possibility of
    ending Russian influence in post-Soviet space. However, despite losing
    its influence in the 1990s, Russia, due largely to enormous profits
    from oil, gained the momentum to strengthen its position by 2008.

    New Geopolitical Factors

    The last three years have brought forth a new set of conditions which
    is likely to affect the states of the region and their foreign policy
    agenda. Domestically the states of the region continued to suffer from
    ethnic conflicts, but they managed to build viable statehood, and make
    progress on market reforms with

    Azerbaijan as the leading economic power. However, internationally,
    five major developments have been reshaping the region:

    -Georgian-Russian War, 2008
    -US-Russian Reset, 2009
    -Global Financial Crisis, 2009
    -Decolourization of Colour Revolutions, 2010
    -Armenian-Turkish Rapprochement and its impact on Azerbaijan-Turkey
    and Azerbaijan-US relations, 2009-2010

    The Georgian-Russian War had adverse effects on the image of the West
    in the region. The verbal support from the US, EU and NATO was not
    enough to counter the Russian offensive. Russia showed assertively
    that it would resort to force rather than yield its influence in the
    South Caucasus. Accordingly, attempting to secure NATO membership by
    regional countries has posed a direct threat to their sovereignty and
    territorial integrity. Post-Soviet countries realized that Russia is
    still a mighty power, and the West is not willing to confront her for
    the sake of small post-Soviet states.

    Further, the US-Russian `reset' declared by the Obama administration
    sent a clear message that relations with Russia are much more
    significant for the American administration and its Western allies
    than relations with other former communist states. However, many
    experts might not agree with that conclusion as they point out that
    the West continues to boost its relations with post-Soviet countries
    through the EU's new Eastern Partnership initiative, NATO's
    Partnership for Peace program and other political and economic
    channels, the treatment of US allies like Azerbaijan and Georgia in
    regards to the April 2010 Washington Nuclear Security Summit speaks
    for itself.

    On the other side, Russia's bold foreign policy in its so-called `near
    abroad', in various political and economic manifestations, was
    seriously damaged by the global financial crisis. The Russian economy
    endured great losses which affected its ability to sponsor its allies
    or show its influence as an economic power. Thus, the former Soviet
    countries appreciated the importance of economic relations with the
    West and the need for reform of their economies. Exclusive reliance on
    Moscow proved to be shaky. Even the new president of Ukraine Viktor
    Yanukovich, a staunch Russian ally, paid his first foreign visit to
    Brussels, exhibiting the desire of the new Ukrainian leadership to
    move closer to the West in terms of its economic preferences.

    The victory of Yanukovich in the latest elections in Ukraine changed
    the colour of the 2004 `Orange Revolution' which brought his
    predecessor, Viktor Yushchenko, to power. A similar development took
    place in Kyrgyzstan, which has recently seen the overthrow of the
    victor of the `Tulip Revolution', Kurmanbek_Bakiyev. Though it would
    be an overstatement to assert the failure of the `colour revolutions'
    - since the elections in Ukraine manifested the democratic changes in
    the country - nevertheless, we can speak about, at least, the
    decolourization or change of colour of past revolutions. The latest
    trend shows that post-Soviet countries cannot be reformed quickly, and
    a change is not simply about the removal of one leader for the sake of
    another. The process of democracy requires a profound transformation
    of all layers of society, the gradual modification of political and
    social institutions, and comes with generational shifts.

    Last, but not least, the South Caucasus is knotted in a web of
    territorial, ethnic and identity conflicts, which have to be dealt in
    a complex manner. These problems have a new buzz word - protocols. The
    desire of the Obama administration to disconnect the Turkish-Armenian
    rapprochement from the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict has already
    damaged the relations between Azerbaijan and the US and affected
    Azerbaijani-Turkish relations, and might have an effect on energy
    projects between Azerbaijan and the West. The disappointment in
    Azerbaijan regarding the US policy on the Turkish-Armenian protocol is
    not only about the prospect of the resolution of the conflict with
    Armenia ` it is also about disillusionment with Western democracy
    where powerful lobbies like the Armenian Diaspora seriously affect the
    countries' decision making.

    Moreover, it is about a widening gap between Christians and Muslims,
    as almost every Western news agency in its description of the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani-Turkish conflicts emphasizes the religious
    affiliation of the relevant ethnic groups. However, these conflicts
    have no religious connotations.

    For two decades Azerbaijan has been conducting a pro-Western foreign
    policy both politically and economically. Though subjected to
    criticism on human rights, the country's leadership declares that it
    envisions a better future but through gradual reformation and
    improving economic well being, rejecting foreign recipes and

    Over the last decade the country has manifested more balancing acts by
    promoting better relations with its immediate neighbours, first of
    all, with Russia and Iran. Azerbaijan has concluded important security
    and energy agreements with these countries. However, both countries `
    Russia and Iran - have close links with Armenia which outweigh their
    relations with Azerbaijan. It is no accident that during a trip to the
    occupied Azerbaijani territories in April 2010, the new Russian
    mediator for the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict Igor Popov discussed with
    Armenian separatists the possibility of constructing of a new airport
    in Nagorno-Karabakh. The historical Russian-Armenian alliance will not
    be affected by Russia's renewed interest in Azerbaijan.


    A number of the above-mentioned factors and developments make a
    balanced foreign policy a viable choice for regional states. The
    experience of post-Soviet countries proved that blatant pro-Western or
    anti-Russian stances or vice versa (as the Serbian experience taught
    us) does not produce positive results. This is a new reality of the
    geopolitics of the South Caucasus.

    Fareed Shafee holds master's degrees from the School of History, and
    the School of Law of Baku State University, Azerbaijan, and Kennedy
    School of Government of the Harvard University, USA. His research
    interests include conflict resolution and ethnic studies.

    This article first appeared in the Caucasian Review of International
    Affairs, Vol. 4(2) - Spring 2010 edition, pp. 184-186
    ( The Caucasian Review of
    International Affairs is a German-based, quarterly peer-reviewed free,
    not-for-profit and online academic journal. The article is reprinted
    with permission.