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The Principle Of The `Responsibility To Protect (R2P)'

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  • The Principle Of The `Responsibility To Protect (R2P)'

    Sunday Leader , SriLanka
    May 15 2010

    The Principle Of The `Responsibility To Protect (R2P)' ` Time To Stop
    The Obfuscation

    There has been a fresh outburst of invective led by that master of
    obfuscation and pet poodle of the Rajapaksa regime, Rajiva Wijesinha,
    relative to the now famous (or notorious) concept of the
    Responsibility to Protect (R2P).

    To try to deal with the vapid outpourings of Mr. Wijesinha in this
    context would be a task akin to trying to knot eels with one's bare
    hands and similarly senseless to boot. I will, therefore, make no
    further reference to him.
    Those who have sought to demonize Gareth Evans, Radhika Coomaraswamy,
    Rama Mani et al have consistently stayed away from the central
    principle of R2P which is amply stated in its very title.

    That this has been a humanistic and logical response to the bestial
    behaviour of regimes that have visited unbelievable cruelties on their
    own people, is deliberately avoided by those seeking to consign R2P to
    the dust bin in the corner of contemporary discussion.

    What is consistently invoked in efforts to counter the moral
    imperative to intervene in circumstances where populations are
    subjected to unspeakable behaviour by their rulers are the alleged
    rights to 'self-determination', `national integrity' etc. which, in
    point of fact, do little more than suggest that those in power can do
    anything to all or some of those, over whom they rule without any risk
    of intervention from `outsiders'.

    I will not mince my words. I think this is beyond the worst of
    mediaeval practice and seeks to turn back whatever advances have been
    made in the matter of humane governance over many centuries past. The
    concept is simply barbaric.

    This is the kind of thinking that would have made the Nuremberg Trials
    unthinkable and, going even further back in European history, the
    first human rights protests against the genocide visited upon central
    Africans by Leopold II of Belgium, late in the 19th century,
    In short, the R2P advances a principle that is nothing short of
    essential, practical and, let's bite the bullet and say it, noble.

    Invoking the now-famous defence of certain Sri Lankan political
    commentators of `But they did it first,' does not cut the mustard. If,
    as has happened, more times than one would care to remember, those
    exercising power within the boundaries of a country choose to ride
    rough-shod over the human rights of their 'subjects,' there is no way
    that a world claiming to be civilised should stand by and watch it
    happen. Even if those acting to deal with such injustice could be
    considered hypocritical because they did not act similarly in
    circumstances that involved them more directly, the necessity to
    maintain civilised conduct in the international arena requires that
    they intervene.

    What other option is there to prevent or curtail massive abuses of
    human rights inclusive of the primary one, the right to life?
    People of compassion who believed in the human rights of the weak and
    those conquered by force of arms began the first human rights movement
    in Europe in the late 19th century as a response to the unspeakable
    cruelty visited upon central Africans by the king of the Belgians.
    That was one of the very early, if not the first, mass mobilisations
    of humanistic impulses to counter genocide. That what happened in
    Rwanda about a century later, did not see anything like an appropriate
    response is one of the great tragedies of the last century. But
    history has already acknowledged the magnitude of that terrible
    failure to act by the Western nations (and the rest of the world) and
    condemned those who stood by and watched it happen.

    Incidentally, General Romeo Dallaire's Shake Hands With The Devil as
    well as King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild should be required
    reading for anyone presuming to express `expert' opinions on matters
    of genocide and the suppression of human rights in the 20th and 21st
    centuries. Given the central African genocide of the late 19th
    century, what Turkey visited upon the Armenians in the early 20th
    century, the Holocaust and the Rwandan tragedy, I am truly astounded
    that allegedly educated and humane people could raise such a ruckus
    about the principle of R2P.

    What is consistently being suggested as the alternative to the
    exercise of this concept is that the rulers of countries in which
    massacres and the wholesale destruction of human rights is being
    practiced, are applying some principle of 'sovereignty' or
    'self-determination' left to `reform,' This is akin to the world,
    doing little other than appealing to Hitler to stop sending the Jews
    to the gas chambers; the Turks being asked, `pretty please,' not to
    send millions of Armenians to an assortment of graves; the Hutus to
    desist from chopping up, literally, hundreds of thousands of Tutsis;
    the Bosnian Serbs not to murder thousands of their Muslim fellow
    citizens and going on bended knee to the Sudanese government in
    efforts to stop its ethnic cleansing of non-Arab tribes in the Darfur
    Where does one begin the process of `wimping out'?

    Expecting countries who are acting in blatant contravention of
    internationally accepted human rights to suddenly, on the polite
    request of some outside agency or country, stop their depredations and
    return their citizenry to a mode of civilised governance is nothing
    short of absurdly unrealistic. Has the Myanmarese government done this
    over many years of appeals from the democratic world? No! Aung San Suu
    Kyi is still imprisoned and not even permitted to run in the
    forthcoming election which will be graced by a whole slew of generals
    who are divesting themselves of their uniforms in order to run for
    election as `civilians'. Has China so much as permitted an
    examination of what occurred in Tiananmen Square lo this many years

    I could go on and on

    On the other hand, we have South Africa where, thanks to sanctions,
    embargoes, and other interventions, the Apartheid was dismantled,
    Mandela released from decades of imprisonment and a truly remarkable
    transformation into the new democratic South Africa became a reality.
    We have Bosnia and Herzegovina where Karadzic and, we hope before much
    longer, Ratko Mladic will be brought to trial for the murders
    committed in that Balkan state.

    There are situations where the responsibility to protect can and must
    be invoked and appropriate steps taken to apply its provisions to
    protect otherwise helpless people from the depredations of their
    rulers. Exactly when and how those principles are to be applied must
    be determined, internationally-accepted benchmarks established and
    adhered to so that the `Dubya-cowboys' of the Western world and others
    of their ilk don't run hog wild. But the principle of the R2P must be
    accepted as a cornerstone of civilised international conduct and
    applied accordingly. 5/16/the-principle-of-the-%E2%80%9Cresponsibility- to-protect-r2p%E2%80%9D-time-to-stop-the-obfuscati on/comment-page-1/