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BAKU: We have always extended hand of friendship to Armenians-consul

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  • BAKU: We have always extended hand of friendship to Armenians-consul, Azerbaijan
    May 15 2010

    We have always extended hand of friendship to Armenians-consul
    Sat 15 May 2010 | 08:39 GMT Text size:

    The newly appointed Consul General of Azerbaijan in Istanbul spoke of
    the conditions under which Turkey will open borders with Armenia.

    "Azerbaijan supports peaceful solution to the Karabakh problem, but
    this does not mean that we will reconcile with the occupation of our
    lands. We must not forget Karabakh, we must get it back ", said
    Azerbaijani consul general in Istanbul Hasan Zeynalov.

    According to Turkishny, he made the statement at a press conference in

    According to him, Azerbaijan will be able to achieve this goal only
    with Turkey.

    "We have always extended a hand of friendship to Armenians, but in
    response to our kind steps they committed the Khojaly genocide. We
    must inform the world of the truth about the Khojaly genocide. We,
    Turks, have been always good to all nations, it comes from our
    humanity, but our evil-wishers have always abused our kindness', he

    "At the moment Turkey accounts for 100,000 Armenian citizens residing
    there illegally, they in turn support another 500,000 of their
    impoverished countrymen in Armenia with their earnings," he said.

    According to him, b y insisting on opening the borders with Turkey,
    the Armenians put the purpose to cast shadow on the fraternal
    relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey.

    "Of course, in the future I do not rule the opening of tje
    Armenian-Turkish and the Azerbaijani-Armenian border. But this will
    happen only when Armenia ceases to make territorial claims to Turkey
    and withdraws from the occupied lands of Azerbaijan. In the current
    situation, the opening of borders does not meet the interests of
    either Azerbaijan or Turkey. By insisting on opening the borders with
    Turkey, Armenians aim to cast a shadow on the fraternal relations
    between Azerbaijan and Turkey. But the Turkish leaders have repeatedly
    stated that the borders will not open without the resolution of the
    Karabakh conflict", said the Azerbaijani diplomat.