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Turkey-Azerbaijan Military Coop Deepens to the Tune of $200 Million

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  • Turkey-Azerbaijan Military Coop Deepens to the Tune of $200 Million

    Turkey-Azerbaijan Military Cooperation Deepens to the Tune of $200 Million
    Wednesday, May 12th, 2010
    by Asbarez

    AMMAN, Jordan (APA) - Turkish military assistance to Azerbaijan has
    exceeded $200 million, said Turkish Defense Minister Vecdi Gonul
    Wednesday. He added that Azerbaijan can take part in the lucrative
    ATAK reconnaissance helicopter project.

    `We have established cooperation [with Azerbaijan] in a number of
    defense sector realms since Azerbaijan declared independence and this
    process is continuing now,' said Gonul, who is attending the SOFEX
    2010 Special Forces Operations Exhibition in Amman.

    Gonul said that Azeri soldiers have been training in Turkish
    facilities and military schools for years.

    Military cooperation agreements have already been signed between the
    two countries and efforts are moving forward legally, he continued.

    `We are the sons of the same nation. We are ready to cooperate with
    Azerbaijan in all spheres,' emphasized the Turkish defense chief.

    Gonul said that Azerbaijan would be welcome to take part in the ATAK
    helicopter project, which is a joint Turkey-Italy venture. The defense
    chief added that the first phase of the project, which was the
    production of the engines in the US, has been completed and the
    project was on track.

    Gonul was joined by his Azeri counterpart Yaver Jamalov is signing an
    agreement for the joint production of nigh vision and thermal
    observation devices. A second agreement envisions the joint production
    of ammunition and other equipment.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress