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Russia deal puts Turkey on path to become nuclear energy nation

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  • Russia deal puts Turkey on path to become nuclear energy nation

    Russia deal puts Turkey on path to become nuclear energy nation
    Turkey moved closer to becoming a nuclear energy nation after inking a
    deal with visiting Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to build a
    nuclear power plant on the Mediterranean coast.

    Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev (l.) and his Turkish counterpart
    Abdullah Gul applaud as they watch the signing of agreements at the
    Cankaya Palace in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday. Medvedev is in Turkish
    capital for a two-day state visit. /0512/Russia-deal-puts-Turkey-on-path-to-become-nu clear-energy-nation
    By Scott Peterson, Staff Writer / May 12, 2010

    Istanbul, Turkey
    Turkey has taken a big step toward being a nuclear energy nation by
    signing a deal with Russia on Wednesday to build its first nuclear
    power plant on the Mediterranean coast.

    Will Nabucco pipeline deal free Europe from Russian gas? Turkey moves
    to engage more deeply in Mideast ` and with neighbors All Turkey news
    coverage The project ` along with a pipeline plan to bring Russian oil
    overland from the Black Sea to a refinery on Turkey's southern coast
    for export to Europe, and a host of other measures ` was signed during
    a visit here from Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

    `By taking these steps, Turkey is taking its position as an energy hub
    to a much different level,' said Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    ErdoÄ?an. `The solidarity with Russia on this issue is of utmost

    Mr. Medvedev was also effusive: `This agreement opens a new page in
    our cooperation¦. Our talks today showed that Turkey and Russia are
    strategic partners not only in words but in deeds,' he said.

    Turkey expands influence
    The energy deals are part of NATO-ally Turkey's broader strategy to
    expand its influence in the region and become an energy corridor
    between East and West, while also serving as an increasingly important
    diplomatic player seeking to help resolve Iran's nuclear standoff with
    the West and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    For Russia, the Turkey visit is part of a regional swing that saw the
    Russian leader in Syria earlier this week in a bid to raise Moscow's
    profile in the Middle East. In Damascus, Medvedev sought to rejuvenate
    some of Syria's historic ties with the former Soviet Union ` even
    while the United States has signaled a partial thaw with Syria by
    appointing the first US ambassador since 2005, though the US Senate
    has held up his nomination and on May 3 President Obama extended
    economic sanctions for one year.

    Medvedev followed up in Turkey, where the 20 or so agreements made on
    Wednesday will generate some $25 billion in investment, a figure that
    he said `really looks rather impressive.'

    Turkey's President Abdullah Gul said the two nations aimed to triple
    annual bilateral trade to $100 billion in the next half decade.

    Sergei Kiriyenko, the chief of the Russian nuclear corporation
    Rosatom, said nuclear deal alone was `a very big contract' that could
    be worth $18 billion to $20 billion, according to Agence
    France-Presse. Russia would hold a controlling stake in the plant and
    operate it.

    `Russia has never owned a nuclear power station outside its
    territory,' Mr. Kiriyenko said.

    The nuclear power plant is to start in 2014 and take seven years to
    build in the coastal town of Akkuyu. It is not unlike the one Russia
    is building for Iran at Bushehr, which has taken more than a decade
    and faced repeated delays ` some of them, Iran suspects, for political

    Pipeline plans
    The pipeline proposal, reported to be worth $3 billion, would bring
    Russian oil from Turkey's Black Sea port of Samsun to a joint refinery
    on the Mediterranean at Ceyhan, which already links oil flows from
    Azerbaijan and Iraq. The deal would bypass the narrow Bosphorus at
    Istanbul, which is congested with tanker traffic, and would provide
    for both Turkey's domestic and European markets.

    Erdogan also spoke of Russia's South Stream gas pipeline project,
    which aims to provide Russian natural gas to Europe while bypassing
    Ukraine, though it is a rival to the European Union Nabucco pipeline,
    which Turkey also supports.

    In the past year, Russia has become one of Turkey's primary trading
    partners, at a volume worth $40 billion in 2008 and dipping ` because
    of the global recession ` to $22.9 billion in 2009. Russia already
    provides some 60 percent of Turkey's natural gas.

    One of the first orders of business during the Russian leader's visit
    was an agreement to lift tourist visa restrictions between the two
    nations. More than 2 million Russians flock to Turkish resorts and
    beaches each year, often on package tours flying direct from Moscow
    and other Russian cities to Turkey's sunny southern coast.

    `It's a historical agreement that will before anything else ease the
    life of millions of people,' Medvedev said.