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A Cooperation Contract Signed Between Armenian And Belarusian Nation

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  • A Cooperation Contract Signed Between Armenian And Belarusian Nation


    MAY 17, 2010

    YEREVAN, MAY 17, ARMENPRESS: A cooperation contract was signed today
    between the Armenian and Belarusian National Academies of Sciences.

    The document was signed by Chairman of the Armenian National Academy
    of Sciences Radik Martirosyan and Michael Myasnikovitch, chairman of
    the Belarusian NAS.

    R. Martirosyan noted that the cooperation between the two countries
    has a tradition of many years; the cooperation between the two
    academies has started still in the 1980s, when the Armenian scientific
    delegation signed a contract with the Belarusian scientific center
    in Minsk. "Though that cooperation was frozen later, but separate
    scientific-research centers continue to implement joint projects.

    Currently the cooperation requires a new status and approaches,"
    he said.

    The Belarusian party is more interested in the Armenian scientific
    activity in the spheres of archeology, atomic energy and materialism,
    and the Armenian scientific society will have an opportunity
    of getting acquainted with Belarusian information technologies,
    astronomic researches.

    The chairman of the National Academy of Sciences said that Armenia
    is greatly interested in the process of trading the results of the
    science, and organization of science.

    "The Belarusian party has quite a great experience in this area in
    regard to involving new ideas in the economy and registering a result.

    One of our primary goals is to get acquainted with that process,
    especially that we face certain difficulties in that sphere," he added.

    M. Myasnikovitch, chairman of the Belarusian National Academy of
    Sciences, underscored that they have many achievements in the spheres
    of information, biotechnologies and astronomic researches. "The
    Belarusian NAS has a high reputation in the European scientific
    environment, and we have managed to register such results thanks to
    the direct attention of the head of our country. Our academy, too,
    has experiences crisis in the 1990s, but afterward we registered
    achievements in the sphere thanks to that support," he said.

    M. Myasnikovitch thoroughly presented the structure of their academy,
    the quantity and general budget of the scientific employees. It was
    noted that the scientific center which is comprised of 7 departments
    has 3 scientific-research centers, but over 10 scientific-research
    centers are operating in the country. A number of the projects of
    the Belarusian Academy are implemented by the NATO, US Fund for Civil
    Researches and a number of other structures. He expressed hope that
    the cooperation with Armenia will lay a platform for implementation
    of joint projects.

    After the signing ceremony, the chairmen of the two academies gave
    medals and souvenirs to each other.