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Four Winners Of "Hello Oslo" SMS Quiz Will Fly To Oslo

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  • Four Winners Of "Hello Oslo" SMS Quiz Will Fly To Oslo


    May 17 2010

    The representative of Armenia at Eurovision 2010 Eva Rivas met on
    May 16th the four winners of the "Hello Oslo" SMS quiz and the best
    authors of the SMS campaign "Supporting Armenia". Four winners of the
    SMS-quiz received from Eva the vouchers for trips to Oslo, for the
    semi-final and final of Eurovision. The first stage of the SMS quiz
    is over, but the contest is still in process. Those participants,
    who have not won the first stage, will continue playing till May
    25th. The best 125 participants of the second stage will receive many
    presents from Orange.

    Â" We are happy to be the partner of such a popular European music
    contest, and especially give our customers the possibility to become
    the direct participants of this big event. I am sure these young people
    will make unforgettable trip, and I am very glad to know that this
    prize is the reward for their knowledge in the sphere of music. I am
    also sure that with our joint efforts Armenia will get high scores",
    said Bruno Duthoit, Orange Armenia CEO.

    Â" We will do everything to make this Eurovision event a real feast
    for Armenia. The SMS-quiz gave the possibility to four winners to fly
    to Oslo, but for those who will stay in Armenia Eurovision will also
    become a big event", said Aram Lazarian, Orange Armenia Marketing

    On Orange initiative, Yerevan will also implement Eurovision's
    FlashMob dance like 10 other cities which will host the largest
    FlashMob event in the Europe. Already a special Eurovision 2010
    FlashMob Dance (Armenia) group has been created on Facebook where
    the tutorial videos of the dance are posted. The place and time of
    Yerevan FlashMob are for the moment kept in secrecy, in order to make
    the event as spontaneous as possible.

    Moreover, very soon in addition to the official video of "Apricot
    Stone" TV will also broadcast a non-official video of the song,
    where habitants of different cities and villages of Armenia have been
    lip-dubbing. The lip-dub video, in line with "together we can do more"
    signature of Orange, calls to support Armenia all together.

    "It's not all. First time in the two biggest cities of Armenia Orange
    has initiated a public screening of the Eurovision, which will allow
    to support Armenia together", said Aram Lazarian, Orange Armenia
    Marketing Director. Orange promises that the days of Eurovision
    semi-final and final will become unforgettable for the habitants of
    Yerevan and Gumri due to colorful and various activities. More, Yerevan
    will host an unprecedented "Eurovision" concert with the participation
    of previous Eurovision participants from different countries.