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BAKU: US Azerbaijanis Should Unite To Compete With Armenian Diaspora

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  • BAKU: US Azerbaijanis Should Unite To Compete With Armenian Diaspora

    May 17 2010

    Ali Nasibov News.Az interviews Ali Nasibov, chairman of the Association
    of New York Azerbaijanis (ANA).

    Do the Azerbaijani diaspora organizations maintain relations in the
    United States and what is done to inform more people in this country
    about Azerbaijan?

    There are natural obstacles for a closer cooperation between our
    diaspora organizations. This obstacle is the geographic distance
    between us. Therefore, I have always proposed creation of a federation
    or confederation of the diaspora organizations of Azerbaijanis
    in Washington near the Azerbaijani embassy. The need for such a
    federation has been caused by the need of our unification, as each
    of the diaspora organizations is functioning in separate. Therefore,
    this requires coordination and regulation of our diaspora organizations
    in the United States to be of use to Azerbaijan. When each of these
    organizations is working in separate, then there are no contacts
    between us which impedes the implantation of the lobbyist activity. I
    expect the State Committee for Diaspora to provide support to the
    settlement of these issues. The State Committee should initiate
    creation of a federation or association in order to unite the diaspora
    organizations of Azerbaijanis in the United States. In this case,
    the diaspora organizations of Azerbaijanis in the United States will
    be able to get a single setting for the activity in Baku.

    Why did some diaspora organizations of Azerbaijanis in the United
    States refuse to unite in a single structure?

    I think all our diaspora organizations in the United States want to
    unite. As I have already mentioned, the distance between our hampers
    our unification. For example, the time gap between New York and
    California is 7-8 hours which makes our ties difficult. Therefore, a
    single structure would unite our organization. For example, we organize
    an action outside the Armenian office in UN on February 26 every year,
    but our diaspora organizations in California are not aware of this
    year because the time gap between us is that when it is morning here,
    it is night there. Meanwhile, the single structure will help coordinate
    our actions and ensure joint participation in the conducted events.

    Do the Azerbaijani and Turkish diaspora organizations maintain

    The organization I head is closely cooperating with the Turkish
    diaspora organizations. There is a federation in New York which united
    38 Turkish diaspora associations. We are taking an active part in
    their annual Turkish marches. Along with this, our organizations
    are taking a joint part in the annual actions against fictional
    "Armenian genocide" they held every year in the center of New York
    in Time square. These events show that the joint activity of the
    organizations brings much effect.

    Are the accusations of some Turkish mass media regarding Azerbaijanis
    which say they are passive in discussions of the resolutions on
    "Armenian genocide" in the US congress founded?

    False information is spread in a number of cases in Turkey, because
    we in New York are working together with the Turkish diaspora
    organizations. These organizations have declared that the number of
    Azerbaijanis partaking in the last year action against "genocide"
    exceeded the number of those who come from Turkey. They said there
    were 21 Azerbaijani and 17 Turkish flags in that action. However,
    the reports about the absence of Azerbaijanis in that action spread
    in Turkey.

    How do Turks residing in the United States treat the possible opening
    of the Turkish-Armenian border?

    I would like to note that Turks residing in the United States agree
    that the opening of borders must follow the liberation of occupied
    Azerbaijani lands. Turks also agree that Turkey must provide every
    assistance to Azerbaijan in the Karabakh conflict settlement which
    is proven by discussions organized in the said topics on the internet
    radio we have opened in the United States.

    Do you think the activity of the Azerbaijani diaspora is satisfactory?

    I would like to note that the Azerbaijani diaspora in the United States
    has 20-year history, while the Armenian diaspora in the United States
    has a history of over 200 years.

    The history of the Azerbaijani diaspora in the United States should
    not include the part that was organized from among those who left
    from Germany to Turkey and then to New Jersey upon completion of
    the World War Second. They have a small community in which they have
    recently marked their 50th anniversary. I would like to repeat that
    the coordinated activity demands participation of the Azerbaijani
    state. I mean that the program of the united Azerbaijani organization
    in case of its creation must be coordinated with Azerbaijan. Issues
    envisioning united activity which will be useful for the Azerbaijani
    state must also be coordinated with Baku.

    Might Baku interference in the affairs of the Azerbaijani diaspora
    in US cause a split?

    Even members of a family have different views on some issues. This
    may happen. Everything depends on the level and outlook of the people
    represented in these organizations. For example, a Shusha native
    wants to conduct the Day of Shusha, while another stresses the need
    to raise the Karabakh problem. Therefore, the availability of the
    single program will have a wider effect.

    Which work do the Azerbaijani diaspora organizations hold to intensify
    their activity in the sociopolitical life of the United States, for
    the purpose of nominating candidates from among diaspora organizations
    for elections or support to any candidate?

    Under the US laws, every organization or a person can transfer funds
    to the account of a candidate for the Congress members in period of
    the election campaign. In this regard, our diaspora organizations
    could ensure this support for the candidates to further have an
    opportunity to ask them to support Azerbaijan. This is what Jews and
    Armenians are doing. In conditions of unity among the Azerbaijani
    diaspora organizations, it is possible to gain success in bringing
    use to Azerbaijan. However, the small number of our organizations on
    the one hand and the absence of unity among them, on the other hand,
    hamper the achievement of greater results in Azerbaijan's favor.

    In addition, there have already been the examples of nomination of
    Azerbaijani candidacies for elections. For example, Azerbaijani by
    ethnic, business Paul Murad has nominated his candidacy for the
    post of Nevada governor. By nominating his candidacy, he expects
    our support. Our organization was among those who provided material
    assistance to him. All these processes are just on the start. At the
    same time, we should take into account that people who have recently
    moved from Azerbaijan to the United States have language barriers
    and problems of adaptation in a new society.

    Meanwhile, there will naturally be the candidates for Congress and the
    Senate from among those next generations who study in the United States
    and are integrated in the society. In these conditions, the diaspora
    organizations will have to provide their assistance. For example,
    if there was unity among our diaspora organizations, they would have
    united to support Paul Murad. In turn, in case elected, Murad could
    have provided assistance to other Azerbaijanis. The creation of this
    system is our aim to ensure representation of Azerbaijanis in the US
    executive and legislative powers.

    I would also like to note that Azerbaijan has recently been conducting
    a very serious work in involving US Congressmen to the US-Azerbaijani
    group. The number of congressmen represented in this group is growing
    and they will further provide assistance to promote Azerbaijan's

    How active is the Armenian diaspora in the United States and what is
    being done to resist their activity?

    I cannot say that the Armenian diaspora is too strong. Certainly, it
    is stronger than ours but weaker than the Jewish diaspora. There are
    many wealthy people among the representatives of the Armenian diaspora
    and they have an opportunity to hold a marathon to collect funds for
    Karabakh separatists by means of the US TV channel within a day.

    Certainly, people watching it will consider that the Armenian diaspora
    is active, but in fact, they are not so strong.