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20 Congressmen Urge U.S. Funding For Iraqi Armenians' Resettlement

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  • 20 Congressmen Urge U.S. Funding For Iraqi Armenians' Resettlement

    by Emil Sanamyan d=51B71C00-61D4-11DF-92720003FF3452C2
    Monday May 17, 2010

    Children of Iraqi Armenians who have settled in Darbnik,

    Washington - The United States should commit additional funds for
    resettlement of Iraqi Armenian refugees to Armenia, twenty members of
    Congress argued in May 14 letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

    The letter, made available to The Armenian Reporter, was initiated by
    Reps. Betty McCollum (D-Minn.) and Frank Pallone (D-N.J.), with Reps.

    Tim Walz (D-Minn.) and Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) as its original

    The letter proposed that as part of the Obama Administration's $150
    million commitment in response to the United Nations' 2010 Global
    Appeal for Iraq, U.S. should set aside specific funds to provide
    Iraqi Armenians, currently displaced to Syria and Jordan, with an
    opportunity of resettlement to Armenia.

    In 2008, the State Department allocated $1 million for to the UN
    High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) office in Yerevan, which since
    has worked with the Armenian government to help resettle about 1,000
    Iraqi Armenians in Armenia.

    The letter also noted that the Armenian government remains committed to
    "offer all Iraqi Armenian refugees a track to citizenship; formally
    participate in UNHCR's Iraqi resettlement program; and make land and
    facilities available for refugees from Iraq to rebuild their lives."

    Ross Vartian of the U.S.-Armenia Public Affairs Committee (USAPAC)
    praised the congressional letter.

    "We welcome this initiative by Reps. McCollum, Pallone, Walz and
    Schiff to make certain that Armenians displaced as a result of the
    war in Iraq have an opportunity to settle in Armenia to begin to
    rebuild their lives," Mr. Vartian told The Reporter. "We thank all
    members who have co-signed this important letter."

    Members of Congress who co-signed the letter include Gary Ackerman
    (D-N.Y.), Joe Baca (D-Calif.), Bruce Braley (D-Iowa), Michael Capuano
    (D-Mass.),  John Conyers (D-Mich.), Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.), Charles
    Gonzalez (D-Tex.), Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.), Mike Honda (D-Calif.).

    Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.), Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.), James McGovern
    (D-Mass.), Collin Peterson (D-Minn.), Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), Jan
    Schakowsky (D-Ill.), Jackie Speier (D-Calif.).

    Since its establishment in 2006, USAPAC has worked to address the needs
    of Armenians affected by the war in Iraq and resulting humanitarian

    Full text of the letter is below:

    May 14, 2010

    The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton

    Secretary of State

    U.S. Department of State

    2201 C Street NW

    Washington, DC 20520

    Dear Secretary Clinton:

    We are writing to urge the Obama Administration to make a commitment of
    funds to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to assist in
    the resettlement of Iraqi Armenian Christian refugees from Syria and
    Jordan to Armenia. It is our understanding that the State Department
    is in the process of formulating the Administration's response in
    support of UNHCR's 2010 Global Appeal for Iraq. We feel strongly that
    it is essential that an initial and specific U.S.

    commitment is made to meeting the needs of Iraqi Armenian Christian

    According to a March 30, 2010 UNHCR press release, conditions for Iraqi
    refugees both inside and outside of Iraq are becoming increasingly
    desperate at the very time that international concern appears to be
    fading. "The dwindling media interest in Iraqi refugees," the UNHCR
    says, "is not matched by a decline in the scale of the problem."

    With a planned U.S. troop withdrawal by the end of 2011, dwindling
    international support for Iraqi refugees, and the campaign of violence
    against Iraqi Christians continuing unabated, the U.S. must fulfill
    its obligation to this vulnerable population.

    As you know, the State Department's 2008 allocation of $1 million
    to UNHCR Armenia has enabled more than one thousand Iraqi refugees
    to begin to rebuild their lives via resettlement in Armenia. It has
    been a cost-effective and regional solution for a group that might
    otherwise seek resettlement in the United States.

    UNHCR's "Regional Response Plan for Iraqi Refugees" released in
    January 2010 identifies hundreds of Iraqi Armenian Christian refugees
    registered with UNHCR in Jordan. The number of refugees in Syria,
    the primary asylum destination for Armenian Christians fleeing Iraq,
    is known to be significantly larger. Of the more than two million
    refugees who have fled Iraq, only a small portion, less then 20
    percent, have been registered by UNHCR thus far. Since hopes for
    successful repatriation and reintegration in Iraq have failed to
    materialize it is certain that the need for resettlement of Iraqi
    Armenian refugees will persist for the foreseeable future.

    It is our understanding that the Government of Armenia has made a
    formal commitment to U.N. High Commissioner Antonio Guterres to:
    offer all Iraqi Armenian refugees a track to citizenship; formally
    participate in UNHCR's Iraqi resettlement program; and make land and
    facilities available for refugees from Iraq to rebuild their lives.

    Armenia has, in fact, delivered on these promises substantially over
    the last two years.

    The U.S. commitment of additional funds to UNHCR will allow UNHCR in
    Armenia to extend its assistance to Iraqi Armenian Christians while
    allowing for an accelerated resettlement of additional refugees from
    Syria and Jordan to Armenia.

    Again, we urge the Obama Administration to sustain the momentum of
    what UNHCR, the United States, and Armenia have already accomplished
    on behalf of Iraqi Armenian Christian refugees.


    Betty McCollum   Frank Pallone, Jr.

    Adam Schiff   Tim Walz

    Raúl M. Grijalva  Charles A. Gonzalez

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress