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Roundtable In Stepanakert: Karabakh Experts Urge Responsible Approac

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  • Roundtable In Stepanakert: Karabakh Experts Urge Responsible Approac

    By Naira Hayrumyan

    17.05.10 | 12:40

    Roundtable in Stepanakert: Karabakh experts urge responsible approach
    from international community Governance is talent/an art which requires
    skills. NONE of current authorities have these skills. They have
    just the skills to mislead the public and secure there privileges
    by very means! I admire all those who did fight for the foredoom
    of Arstakh but all these doesn't mean that Armenian people should
    tolerate all kind of corruption and injustice by these oligarchy and
    stupid authorities, wh...

    Karabakh experts are looking for ways out of the impasse in the region
    and new ideas were voiced during a roundtable discussion that was
    recently held in Stepanakert upon the initiative of the NKR Public
    Council on Foreign Policy and Security.

    The participants of the forum entitled "Artsakh Settlement. Legal and
    Political Aspects" first of all suggested calling on the international
    community to show responsibility.

    Manvel Sargsyan of the Armenian Center for National and International
    Studies (ACNIS) thinks Nagorno-Karabakh has every reason to present
    a claim to the international community concerning its recognition of
    Azerbaijan while it refuses to recognize Karabakh. "This had grave
    consequences, gave rise to aggression as a result of which 25,000
    people were killed, hundreds of thousands were rendered homeless,"
    said Sargsyan.

    Experts noted that the only way to resolve the conflict is the
    recognition of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

    "There are two ways of recognizing the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh
    - either by the authorities of Azerbaijan or by the international
    community," said lawyer Andrias Ghukasyan. "If the independence
    of one state must be permitted by the authorities of another state,
    then what compromise can we talk about? The political reality excludes
    mutual compromises. In fact, the goal of the negotiations is to make
    sure hostilities do not resume," said Ghukasyan.

    It was also suggested that the international community has no right
    to demand or expect from NKR unwarranted concessions either regarding
    territories or the status of an independent state.

    Based on the results of the roundtable a number of nongovernmental
    organizations, representatives of the expert political science
    community, mass media joined the appeal that the Public Council on
    Foreign Policy and Security had earlier addressed to the Diaspora to
    start the process of international recognition of NKR.

    The roundtable participants noted also a tendency towards changing
    the configuration of the conflict.

    "The war was halted when two world blocs collided. Now, Turkey has
    offered to start building relations with Armenia, open the border. So
    far, Turkey has kept the border closed, but never said that the
    Karabakh problem should be resolved in favor of Azerbaijan. Now it
    has become an international condition being advanced by Turkey. In
    other words, the international parameters of the Karabakh conflict
    are being breached," said ACNIS's Sargsyan.

    The expert added that Azerbaijan is trying to convince everybody that
    it has the right and possibility to resolve the Karabakh conflict
    by force.

    The Public Council also said that it intends to continue to express an
    active position and advance new ideas, because it deems that Karabakh's
    passive position was a factor that contributed to the aggravation of
    the conflict.