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$175,000 Raised For Juvenile Diabetes Project In Armenia At AAMSC 25

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  • $175,000 Raised For Juvenile Diabetes Project In Armenia At AAMSC 25


    Friday, May 14th, 2010

    On Saturday May 1st, 2010, the Armenian American Medical Society of
    California (AAMSC) hosted its 25th Anniversary Gala at the Glendale
    Hilton, with all proceeds benefiting its Juvenile Diabetes Project in
    Armenia. With over 600 guests in attendance, the AAMSC successfully
    raised $175,000. The AAMSC would like to take this opportunity to
    respectfully thank all of you who made this event and the AAMSC's
    vision possible through your tireless efforts, commitment and kind
    donations toward ensuring the preservation and sustainability of
    health services in Armenia.

    The evening's festivities began with hundreds of guests assembling
    for the cocktail reception in the halls outside the Glendale Hilton
    Ballroom, surrounding a beautiful Sejung White Upright Piano donated
    by Hollywood Piano Company. During this time, guests were able to
    network with fellow friends, colleagues and distinguished honorees.

    Guests had an opportunity to place bids in the silent auction that
    raised over $10,000 with all proceeds benefiting the Juvenile Diabetes
    Project in Armenia. A few of this year's auction items include:
    a personally autographed Duduk by both Jivan Gasparyan Sr., and Jr.,
    an Amethyst diamond pendant, ladies stainless steel diamond bezel Swiss
    Army Alliance Watch, Persian rug and many other items. In addition, hor
    d'oeuvres for the cocktail reception was donated by local restaurants
    (Far Niente, Fresco, Minx) and a cake by Raffi's Pastry.

    The evening's program commenced with an invocation presided by both
    Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America and the
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America. Then,
    the AAMSC's current president, Dr. Vicken Sepilian, was introduced. Dr.

    Sepilian began by first welcoming the AAMSC Dignitaries, Founders, Past
    Presidents, Members, Sponsors, Supporters and Guests. The Dignitaries
    present were State Senator Carol Liu, Congresswoman Judy Chu,
    Adam Schiff's Representative Mary Hovaguimian, Michael Antonovich's
    Representative Rita Hadjimanoukian, Sherriff of LA County Lee Baca,
    and four-time former Glendale Mayor Larry Zarian. In addition, the
    President of AAHPO, Dr. Lawrence Najarian flew in from New Jersey
    just for this event.

    Dr. Sepilian continued by expressing the notable accomplishments
    of each of the AAMSC's Founding Fathers, Drs. Misak Barsamian,
    Artin Sagherian(deceased) and Jean Momdjian, as well as AAMSC's
    Past Presidents, Drs. T. Gregory Kirianoff, Bedros H. Kojian, Silva
    Karchikian, Misak H. Abdulian, David G. Davtyan, Armen J. Cherik,
    Boris Bagdasarian and Varoosh Alaverdian. Dr. Sepilian emphasized
    the significance of this evening's proceeds toward the AAMSC Juvenile
    Diabetes Project in Armenia, which was created under the leadership
    of Dr. Silva Karchikian, sustained through Dr. Mark Nazarian and
    supported by Dr. Sam Malayan, as well as AAMSC Members and Supporters.

    Dr. Sepilian congratulated the honorees and their loved ones for
    their "monumental sacrifices and achievements" in their vision,
    leadership and dedicated service to improving healthcare in Armenia
    and the Diaspora. He went on to recognize and thank all the sponsors
    and supporters by saying: "I would like to thank all of you for your
    support. By attending as members, supporters, sponsors and guests,
    you have shown your true benevolence towards mankind."

    Commendations to the AAMSC were also given from notable State Leaders,
    expressed through formal letters of introduction. A California Senate
    Resolution was presented to AAMSC by Senator Joe Simitian and a
    California State Commendation was presented by Congresswoman Judy Chu.

    California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, stated that he is "proud
    of the AAMSC for their generosity and compassion to others"; and the
    AAMSC has his "gratitude for outstanding efforts." Congressman Adam
    Schiff of California's 29th District stated that AAMSC's "tireless
    efforts are admirable and offer a ray of hope to people in need of
    medical attention and support." Further congratulatory wishes toward
    AAMSC and its Founding Fathers & Past Presidents were given by L.A.

    County District Attorney, Steve Cooley; L.A. County Supervisor Michael
    D. Antonovich; and City of L.A. Councilmember, Paul Krekorian.

    The program was followed by announcing the establishment of the Norick
    Bogossian Scholarship Fund, in memory of Dr. Norick Bogossian-renowned
    plastic and reconstructive surgeon who believed that "Education
    pioneers a prosperous future." Dr. Bogossian's wife, Mrs. Hilda
    Bogossian & three children, Lara, Alec and Armand, thanked the AAMSC
    for helping establish this Fund which will help other students reach
    their lifelong academic goals.

    The program continued with dinner and special performances by Ara
    Martirosyan and Jivan Gasparyan Jr. Shortly thereafter, a Tribute to
    the Founding Fathers and Past Presidents was presented by Dr. Vicken
    Sepilian. The honorees' speeches all consistently praised the
    achievements and progression of the AAMSC over the past 25 years,
    through their growth in membership, initiatives and continued
    commitment to improve the lives in Armenia and the Diaspora. Dr.

    Momdjian stated that he is "proud to see how the AAMSC has been a
    driving force toward advancing humanitarian initiatives." Dr.

    Barsamian states that "AAMSC has achieved and grown in leaps and
    bounds." Dr. Alaverdian was notably "proud of the continued success
    of the Juvenile Diabetes Project." Dr. Bagdasarian commends AAMSC's
    "exponential growth". Dr. Abdulian believes "AAMSC's camaraderie
    is exceptionally admirable." Dr. Cherik believes that "the Armenian
    community will continue to play a critical role in the health care
    system." Jonathan Sagherian, son of Dr. Artin Sagherian (deceased),
    thanked the AAMSC for this recognition on his father's behalf, stating
    that his father "served with devotion for his medical practice and
    for his Armenian ancestry". Dr. Kojian thanks the Founders for "their
    foresight in seeing the importance of establishing AAMSC and Dr.

    Vicken Sepilian for his commitment to uphold AAMSC's mission. Dr.

    Karchikian gives her "heartfelt gratitude" for AAMSC's vision and
    believes that through "vision, passion, integrity and dedication, we
    can grow and adapt to meet the challenges of the 21st century...she
    hopes we all do well while doing good to humanity." Dr. Davtyan is
    pleased that many bright and young professionals joining and eager
    to see the amazing projects for the next 25 years.

    Commendations were presented to AAMSC Supporters by Dr. Vicken Sepilian
    & Dr. Serineh Voskanian Melidonian. This year's Patron Sponsor was
    Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center. The Platinum Sponsors:
    AAMSC Ladies Auxiliary, Dr. & Mrs. Boris & Karine Bagdasarian,
    Glendale Adventist Medical Center, Glendale MRI Institute, CHA
    Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, Dr. Jean & Mrs.

    Sona Momdjian, and Drs. Raffi & Jenia Papazian. Our Bronze Sponsors
    include, Dr. & Mrs. Peter & Tamara Ashjian, Mr. & Dr. Hrag & Serineh
    Melidonian, and, Wells Fargo Bank. Media sponsors were USArmenia and
    Yerevan Magazine.

    Dr. Armen Cherik, on a special note, made a toast for "a prosperous
    Armenia, continued success for the AAMSC, and for Dr. Vicken Sepilian
    for respecting the AAMSC Founders and Past Presidents just as a
    son/grandson respects his father/grandfather."

    The evening culminated with the presentation of a grandiose tiered
    cake illuminated with bright fire candles donated by Raffi's Pastry.

    With closing remarks by Ms. Tatevik Ekezian, the evening culminated
    with a night full of dancing with entertainment provided by Patrick
    and his band.

    The AAMSC would like to again thank all who participated to make this
    event possible. As Dr. Sepilian emphasized, "the AAMSC will continue
    to work in a collaborative manner toward all accomplishments, with
    an acknowledged respect for history, and a renewed and energized hope
    for the future."

    This year's AAMSC Gala Committee included: Dr. Vicken Sepilian, Dr.

    Mireille Hamparian, Hasmik Keyribarian, Raffi Kendirjian, Angela
    Parseghian, Sandy Bedrosian, Naz Atikian, Arpi Kestenian, Gerard V.

    Kassabian, Tatevik Ekezian, Vany Cherik and Ramella Markarian.