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BAKU: Turkish MP: It Will Be Disastrous For Armenia If Russia Refuse

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  • BAKU: Turkish MP: It Will Be Disastrous For Armenia If Russia Refuse


    May 19 2010

    Interview with chairman of the Constitutional Commission of the Grand
    National Assembly of Turkey (Parliament) Burhan Kuzu.

    According to Armenian media, Russian president's recent visit to
    Ankara was not welcomed warmly in Armenia. Armenia claims that the
    Russian-Turkish rapprochement pushed the process of normalization
    of Armenian-Turkish relations to the background. Do you agree with
    these arguments?

    Medvedev's visit is very important in terms of opening a new
    page in Turkish-Russian relations and laying foundation for closer
    cooperation in the years to come. The two countries signed agreements
    to cooperate in energy sphere, including in nuclear energy and to lift
    visa requirements. Turkish-Russian rapprochement will pave a way for
    peace and cooperation in the region. We believe that this cooperation
    will benefit Azerbaijan, too. The Turkish authorities are confident
    that relations with Russia can do no harm to Azerbaijan's interests.

    In fact, Russian has a serious influence in Caucasus. Russia never
    intended to leave the Caucasus. Today it tries to preserve its
    influence in the region. Attempts by regional countries to avoid
    cooperation with Russia promise nothing good for them. Russia is a
    strong state, it has a strong army. One needs to build cooperation
    with this country, but not to irritate it.

    Building relationships with any of the post-Soviet countries, Turkey
    tries to learn how it will impact Azerbaijan. If this cooperation
    contradicts Azerbaijan's interest, Turkey gives up doing so. Turkey
    and Azerbaijan consistently coordinate their foreign policies. I think
    that Medvedev's remarks about the Karabakh issue voiced in Turkey are
    friendly, and they will play a role in resolving the conflict. Yerevan
    has a cause for concern because Armenia stands on its feet thanks to
    Russia. If at some point Russia refuses to help Armenia, it will be
    disastrous for the country.

    In fact, Armenia suspended realization of the Zurich protocols on
    Turkish-Armenian normalization by the Constitutional Court decision. I
    think that Turkey and Azerbaijan should continue the path started
    together and solve regional problems in their favour in agreement
    with Russia.

    What are your predictions about the future of Turkish-Armenian

    >From the beginning we said that if the negotiations and attempts to
    cooperate with Armenia are a cause of concern for Azerbaijan, Turkey
    will immediately abandon it. In addition, Turkish president and prime
    minister have reiterated that the Turkish-Armenian cooperation is
    impossible until Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict is settled.

    The Zurich protocols have left the agenda long time ago.

    Responsibility for this lies with Armenia, because the country
    demonstrated its insincerity by the decision issued by the
    Constitutional Court. Armenia signed them for the sake of "a show" for
    the international community. On the other hand, Armenia first refused
    to accept these protocols as they are and later refused to ratify
    them and the protocol process became frozen as a result. Turkey cannot
    simply implement these protocols unilaterally. As for predictions, I
    do not believe that the process will revive in the near future. Turkey
    has neither patience nor time to listen to whims of Armenians.

    Proposals have been made lately for Turkey to become one of co-chairs
    of the OSCE Minsk Group. Is it real?

    If the activities of the OSCE Minsk Group have been fruitless, the
    co-chairs are also responsible for this. The power of the Unite States
    in the world, Russia's influence in the region, specific weight of
    France in international politics suggest that once these countries
    want, they can easily solve this problem.

    As to Turkey's co-chairmanship, it can make much greater contribution
    to the process, because as an influential regional power, Turkey is
    important both for Azerbaijan and Armenia. It can achieve results.

    Turkey's co-chairmanship can at least help remove injustice towards
    this problem. The purpose of the Minsk Group should be no division of
    territory, but a search for truth about the conflict and to restore

    As a lawyer, I believe that the only way to resolve such conflicts
    derives from international law. The international convention which
    reflects the principle of inviolability of territorial integrity of
    states, known UN resolutions, as well as evidence that history can
    not be reversed are key to resolving the Karabakh problem. Minsk
    Group should solve the problem by using these keys.

    Parliaments of two of the three co-chairs countries have once debated
    recognition of the s-called "Armenian genocide" and have adopted
    relevant resolutions. The 3rd co-chair country is on the same path.

    This only supports the statement that the Minsk Group is not able to
    be impartial in matters relating to Armenia. Can Azerbaijan, guided
    by these facts, refuse the mission of the Minsk Group?

    Of course, the above facts call into question objectivity of the
    Minsk Group mission. They cannot simultaneously dance to the tune of
    Armenia and take an impartial stance in the Karabakh issue. The Minsk
    Group was guided by double standards in dealing with conflict from
    the outset. To address this imbalance, Azerbaijan should insist on
    Turkey's co-chairmanship and at the same time to look for countries in
    the OSCE that will support this idea. The Minsk group has existed for
    nearly 20 years. This is a long term for solution of local conflicts.

    You can cope with global disasters for 20 years. It is clear that the
    Minsk Group cannot continue to operate in this way. It must either
    increase its peacekeeping efforts or dissolve.

    Some Turkish media outlets claim that Azerbaijan does not actively
    support Turkey in the campaign against the recognition of "Armenian
    genocide". Is it true?

    I think this is a wrong view. Turkey and Azerbaijan are fraternal
    countries, and we need to solve any problem together and help each
    other. Many can envy our current relationship. We felt Azerbaijan's
    support at a time when the U.S. House of Representatives Committee
    on Foreign Affairs adopted the "Armenian genocide" resolution and
    when this issue was discussed in the Knesset of Israel. More than 20
    countries have already recognized the "genocide". The Armenian lobby
    in the U.S. is working to achieve this, too.

    However, recognition of "genocide" cannot change reality. If a
    proponent of the "genocide" resolution in the U.S. is shown the map,
    he/she will not find Turkey on it or he/she will not be able to
    explain what "Armenian genocide" is. While speaking of "genocide",
    they must be guided by official documents and evidence. There is no
    evidence to prove "genocide" because it did not happen, in fact.