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NKR Votes 2010: Candidates For Parliament Seats United In Uncompromi

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  • NKR Votes 2010: Candidates For Parliament Seats United In Uncompromi

    Naira Hayrumyan

    ArmeniaNow correspondent

    This coming weekend Karabakh will see its fifth parliamentary elections
    since gaining de-facto independence from Azerbaijan. Judging by
    the opinion polls, nothing will change in Karabakh's foreign policy
    positions after the May 23 vote.

    Experts say that in conditions of the unresolved conflict with
    Azerbaijan and a 'besieged fortress' status Karabakh Armenians have
    formed a single uncompromising position on the Karabakh settlement
    and decided not to wage tough election campaigns on this aspect. As
    a result, the elections are of purely 'personified' nature and their
    results are of interest to their immediate participants. For ordinary
    people in Karabakh nothing will change after the elections as only
    a slight realignment of political forces is likely to take place.

    The Sociometer center conducted a survey in Nagorno-Karabakh in April
    to try to gauge voter preferences ahead of the legislative polls.

    According to the survey, the Free Homeland party is likely to get 13
    seats in the 33-seat parliament of Karabakh, the Democratic Party of
    Artsakh -

    11 seats, ARF Dashnaktsutyun - five seats, the remaining four seats
    are likely to be won by candidates with no party affiliations.

    Since these same parties now already hold parliamentary seats, it can
    be concluded that nothing will change in the shape of Karabakh politics
    - probably there will be fewer Democrats, a few more supporters of
    Free Homeland and Dashnaks. All of them supported the candidature of
    the incumbent president Bako Sahakyan during the 2007 presidential
    election campaign.

    This suggests that the positions of Karabakh after the elections will
    not change, especially regarding the Karabakh settlement. As many
    as 85 percent of the Sociometer survey respondents said they did not
    intend to make concessions to Azerbaijan, and only 2.9 percent said
    they would agree to cede some territories in exchange for a status. As
    many as 93 percent of the respondents said they categorically opposed
    the return of Azerbaijanis. Moreover, more than half of the people of
    Karabakh trust a solution to the Karabakh problem to Armenian President
    Serzh Sargsyan and Karabakh President Bako Sahakyan. (6.8 percent
    trust Armenia's and Karabakh's former president Robert Kocharyan on
    that account.)

    A total of 82 candidates on the lists of four parties, including Free
    Homeland, the Democratic Party of Artsakh, the Communist Party and
    the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, are vying for 17 parliamentary
    seats according to the proportional system of representations. Another
    44 candidates seek 16 MP positions in single-mandate constituencies.

    The Free Homeland party ticket led by Karabakh Prime Minister Ara
    Harutyunyan includes 35 candidates. The list of the Democratic Party
    of Artsakh led by current Parliament Speaker Ashot Ghulyan includes
    32 candidates. The two other parties, ARF Dashnaktsutyun and the
    Communist Party have submitted slates consisting of ten and five
    candidates, respectively.

    A total of 273 district election commissions have been formed, of
    which one in Yerevan, at the permanent mission of Nagorno-Karabakh
    in Armenia. The list of voters in Karabakh includes 94,900 eligible
    voters, or about 66 percent of the official total population of the
    republic. The election will be considered valid with a secured 25
    percent turnout. The hurdle for political parties to get into the
    legislative body has been lowered from 10 to 6 percent.

    Meanwhile, international observers are arriving in Karabakh. The former
    special envoy of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
    Europe (OSCE) to the Caucasus, representative of the Paris office of
    the Institute for Democracy and Cooperation Maurice Bonneau arrived
    on Wednesday. Chairman of the NKR Central Election Commission of
    NKR Sergey Nasibyan reported that between 60 and 70 international
    observers are expected to arrive, in particular from Russia, the
    United States, Germany, Italy, Greece, Great Britain, France, Ireland,
    the Czech Republic, Denmark, Kyrgyzstan, Argentina. Journalists from
    17 international and 15 local media have already been accredited,
    but it is expected that the number of journalists who will arrive to
    cover the Karabakh elections will reach 50-60. A delegation from the
    Central Election Commission of Armenia is also due to be in Karabakh.

    During his visit to Yerevan last week the Turkish president of the
    Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) Mevlut Cavusoglu said
    that in response to the application by the Speaker of the Karabakh
    Parliament, the PACE Bureau decided not to send observers to the
    parliamentary elections in Karabakh.