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Armenia Raps EU Parliament Over Karabakh Resolution

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  • Armenia Raps EU Parliament Over Karabakh Resolution

    Karine Kalantarian, Ruzanna Stepanian rticle/2049399.html

    Armenia -- Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian at a news conference
    on March 2, 2010.

    Armenia criticized the European Parliament on Friday for demanding
    the "withdrawal of Armenian forces from all occupied territories of
    Azerbaijan" in its latest resolution on the South Caucasus.

    Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said the demand contradicts
    international mediators' existing plan to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh
    which has been endorsed by the European Union.

    The non-binding resolution adopted by the EU legislature on Thursday
    does not specify whether the Armenian side should pull out of only
    Azerbaijani districts surrounding Karabakh or the disputed region as
    well. It only rejects the notion that "Nagorno-Karabakh includes all
    occupied Azerbaijani lands surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh."

    Nor does the resolution, drafted by Bulgarian Socialist lawmaker
    Evgeni Kirilov, explain whether the Armenian troop pullout should start
    immediately and unconditionally or after the signing of a comprehensive
    Armenian-Azerbaijani agreement. The latter condition is a key element
    of the so-called Madrid Principles of settling conflict that have
    been proposed the U.S., Russian and French mediators co-chairing the
    OSCE Minsk Group.

    Nalbandian said that the resolution demand is at odds with both those
    principles and a joint statement on Karabakh that was made by the
    presidents of the three mediating powers in July. "There is an obvious
    confusion in the formulations, and I think one of the reasons for that
    is that the author of the resolution has never been in Karabakh and the
    [broader] region, and did not consult with representatives of France,
    an EU member state and OSCE Minsk Group co-chair, when drawing up
    his report," he told a news conference.

    "That is the reason why some of the [resolution] provisions also
    contradict the EU's position, which has been repeatedly articulated,"
    Nalbandian said.

    The European Parliament did make clear that it supports the Madrid
    document and the mediators' efforts to have it accepted by the
    conflicting parties. The proposed framework accord calls for the
    liberation of virtually all Armenian-controlled territories around
    Karabakh in return for a future referendum on self-determination in
    the disputed territory itself.

    In what appears to be a message primarily addressed to Azerbaijan,
    the resolution also says the EU legislature "condemns the idea of
    a military solution" to the dispute. It further stresses that "the
    Armenia-Turkey rapprochement and the OSCE Minsk Group negotiations
    are separate processes that should move forward along their own

    Nalbandian's criticism was echoed by parliamentary representatives
    of the three political parties making up in Armenia's coalition
    government. "Drawing up incomplete and unprofessional reports on such
    crucial and sensitive issues is unacceptable," said Eduard Sharmazanov
    of the Republican Party of Armenia led by President Serzh Sarkisian.

    Opposition leaders also described the European Parliament resolution
    as pro-Azerbaijani, blaming the Sarkisian administration for it. Levon
    Zurabian, a leader of the opposition Armenian National Congress (HAK),
    charged that the document's passage was a "disgraceful defeat" for
    Armenian diplomacy.

    Another opposition force, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation
    (Dashnaktsutyun), was more cautious in criticizing the document. One
    of its parliament deputies, Artsvik Minasian, called it "unbalanced"
    but said the initial version of the resolution was even less favorable
    for the Armenian side. He said it was amended under pressure from
    Armenian diplomats and Dashnaktsutyun's lobbying structures in Europe.

    Meanwhile, European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA), a Brussels-based
    non-governmental group, took issue with the highly negative reaction to
    the resolution from Yerevan. While agreeing that its Karabakh-related
    wording is "confusing," the EuFoA insisted that the European Parliament
    endorsed all of the Madrid principles.

    "This means concretely that the withdrawal of troops can only take
    place, if there are sufficient security guarantees for the population
    of Karabakh, a corridor to Armenia, an agreement to the final status
    of Karabakh through a legally binding expression of will and the
    right of all internally displaced persons and refugees to return to
    their former homes," EuFoA said in a statement. "No EU institution has
    ever demanded the withdrawal of troops without such a comprehensive
    solution - this EP resolution has not changed that."

    "The same report for the first time calls for extending EU programs
    to Karabakh, ending the de-facto blockade for EU officials to travel
    to Karabakh. This would have a very positive effect of stabilization
    and progress for Karabakh and would no longer submit such actions to a
    veto from Azerbaijan," said the statement. It added that the European
    Parliament also endorsed Yerevan's insistence on a normalization of
    Turkish-Armenian relations regardless of a Karabakh settlement.