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Orinats Yerkir Parliamentary Group Labels European Parliament's Reso

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  • Orinats Yerkir Parliamentary Group Labels European Parliament's Reso


    May 21, 2010 - 17:38 AMT 12:38 GMT

    Head of Orinats Yerkir parliamentary group Heghine Bisharyan said that
    there are positive provisions for Armenia in the Resolution on the
    South Caucasus, which was adopted on May 20 by the European Parliament.

    "It says that the Karabakh conflict should be solved peacefully, while
    the Turkish-Armenian process should proceed without preconditions,"
    Bisharyan said during a joint briefing with another OY member Hovhannes

    According to Bisharyan, the resolution contains also an absurd
    provision, which is based on the report of Bulgarian Socialist MEP
    Evgeny Kirilov, who presented his biased opinion.

    "This provision suggests that the Bulgarian MEP is unaware of
    the Karabakh conflict. And his personal opinion cannot have any
    consequences for Armenia," she said.

    Asked whether this resolution is a result of inefficient work of the
    Armenian parliamentary delegation, Hovhannes Margaryan said that the
    RA NA delegation actively works with the.

    "Last year we managed to involve a representative of NKR in all
    meetings of this format, but without the right to vote," he said.

    On May 20, the European Parliament debated issues concerning EU's
    relations with Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. The Resolution on the
    South Caucasus was proposed by Evgeni Kirilov, MEP, a Member of the
    Socialist group in the European Parliament. The document reads that the
    increase in military expenses in the region raises concern; besides,
    under the document the European parliament "demands the withdrawal
    of Armenian forces from all occupied territories of Azerbaijan."

    The resolution also reads that the European Parliament "calls on
    the parties to intensify their peace talk efforts for the purpose
    of a settlement in the coming months, to show a more constructive
    attitude and to abandon preferences to perpetuate the status quo
    created by force and with no international legitimacy, creating in
    this way instability and prolonging the suffering of the war-affected
    populations; condemns the idea of a military solution and the heavy
    consequences of military force already used, and calls on both parties
    to avoid any further breaches of the 1994 ceasefire."

    The Resolution goes on saying that the European Parliament "is
    seriously concerned that hundreds of thousands of refugees and IDPs
    who fled their homes during or in connection with the Nagorno-Karabakh
    war remain displaced and denied their rights, including the right
    to return, property rights and the right to personal security; calls
    on all parties to unambiguously and unconditionally recognize these
    rights, the need for their prompt realization and for a prompt solution
    to this problem that respects the principles of international law."