May 20, 2010 - 19:35 AMT 14:35 GMT
The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is a platform where
Azerbaijan can best use the ideology of Islamic solidarity to enlist
support on Karabakh, an Armenian expert said.
"Arab countries which maintain friendly relations with Armenia
unanimously vote against our country during OIC sessions, demonstrating
Islamic solidarity," orientalist Araks Pashinyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net
reporter when commenting on adoption of resolutions on the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict during the 37th OIC meeting.
"Armenia should spread propaganda in Islamic countries to neutralize
Azeri accusations. We can prove that cultural and historical
monuments are not destructed but, on the contrary, protected in
Nagorno Karabakh," she said.
May 20, 2010 - 19:35 AMT 14:35 GMT
The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is a platform where
Azerbaijan can best use the ideology of Islamic solidarity to enlist
support on Karabakh, an Armenian expert said.
"Arab countries which maintain friendly relations with Armenia
unanimously vote against our country during OIC sessions, demonstrating
Islamic solidarity," orientalist Araks Pashinyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net
reporter when commenting on adoption of resolutions on the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict during the 37th OIC meeting.
"Armenia should spread propaganda in Islamic countries to neutralize
Azeri accusations. We can prove that cultural and historical
monuments are not destructed but, on the contrary, protected in
Nagorno Karabakh," she said.